Chapter 20- One Black Letter

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"3...2...1..." Ms. Nova same and the class began to play.

Innana was really struggling to keep up. Her mind and heart were in different places. So much so that she missed a note.

"Stop!" Ms. Nova yelled.

The students stopped mid-play perplexed and looked around. Innana groaned putting her head down on the desk.

"Tomorrow we'll revise simple duple time. Your exams are only two weeks away to study hard. I can't promise that everything you will see would have been taught." She said. "Class dismissed..."

Everyone murmured and packed up their books and instruments. Input her head up and combed her hand through her hair. It was almost back to its original length. She packed up her books and instruments.

"Innana wait behind." Ms. Nova said.

The young girl sat back down and waited for everyone to leave. She received a few sorry's and condolences for her loss and 'can we do anything to help?'

Once the last person left and closed the door, Innana made her way down to Ms. Nova's table.

"Drag a seat."she said.

"I'm good."

"Ok. Innana you're a great student but-"

"I know I've been falling behind and what happened is no excuse but I'm doing my best to get my life back on track-" Innana said in one go.

Innana was cut short when Ms. Nova gave a chuckle and shook her head. The young teacher took Innana's hand in hers and smiled.

"I imagine what you're going through."

"No you can't. No one can." Innana whispered.

"So young and so full of light only for life to put out such a bright flame."

Innana cleared her throat and pulled her hand away. "Can you just get to the point. I'm going to be ate to work."

Ms. Nova sighed and opened a desk drawer rummaging for something. "The term is almost over and you need to get your head in the game."

"I'm in the process of doing that."

"Good. Because this was sent to me on Sunday." She said and dropped a black envelope face down on her table.

It was sealed with a silver seal bearing the name 'Innana'.

Innana looked at the envelope and back at her teacher.

"Open it "

Innana picked the envelope and turned it over with a gasp.

"They finally sent the formal invite." Ms. Nova said.

Innana's hands shook as she opened the envelop and pulled out a silver card. She cleared her throat and began to read aloud.

Dear Innana,
It is with great pleasure and honour that we invite you to our ball and night of laughter, music and dance.
You are very much adored by the locals and your teacher who sent us a video of your assignment as an audition and out hundreds you were picked along with 4 others.
The requirements for the evening are stated below:
✖Formal dressing.
✖Show up before the night begins for reversals at 4:30 pm.
✖You may bring two guests apart from your teacher.
✖Invite must be brought for entry.

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