Chapter 44- Bull crap.

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Present time in the demon zone.

Bea paced the room. She couldn't sleep; too agitated. Ever since her breakfast with Cirun it was like he was everywhere. In the court yard, in the library, by the pond, in the market. Everywhere! And she was losing her mind. Her plan to go to Queen Iris' room never took place and now Liliya and her mother were back.

She had spent above a month in the demon zone and yet she didn't have any loophole for Savinna. Not to mention the news that Innana was gone. At least now she knew what 'business' Liliya had to attend to in the human world.

She wanted to leave and be with Von and Savvina but it was too risky. Iris would only put two and two together and kill her. The woman hasn't been in the best of moods since they arrived.

"I don't care what you do! Just find those traitors and bring them back so I can behead them myself." Iris hissed stomping by Bea's door.

The brit was frustrated. If she had known of the mother and daughters actual plan she would have tried to slow them down and warn her friends. The whole situation only proved that she wasn't pulling her weight. She had been playing around, babysitting Liliya and it was enough.

What to do? What to do? I can't go to Iris' room because...well she'd probably zap me to ashes on the spot if I get caught.

Bea sat on the bed. She needed to clear her head and the best place was the garden. She got dressed in black jeans and a big brown shirt. It was the most informal she had been since she dived into the supernatural world.

The brit opens up her door and made her way to the garden. As she walked down the path she heard sniffles. It was dark out; the only source of light the moon.

"Just look at how pathetic you are. At this rate you'll never prove her wrong. You'll always be a cry baby...maybe I am."

Bea walked slowly and rounded the corner to find the princess. She was crouched over her knees with her hands in her hair. The brit stayed away observing her.

The blonde looked up at the moon and stood. Her tears still flowing. Liliya blew out a shaky breath and began to chant something under her breath while looking up at the moon. A ray of moonlight began to descend. The blonde's face lit up with hope as it touched the tip of her outstretched hand but there was a spark and she withdrew her hand with a hiss as her face contorted into a mural of pain.

Then the light retreated. "No. No. No!" She said her tears falling. It broke Bea's heart to see her like that.

"She can't keep making me do this! Why can't I just stand up to her!?" She said falling to her knees; cradeling her hurt hand to her chest. She crawled to the pond staring at her reflection and the moon behind her.

"She can't turn me into something I'm not!" She said pulling at her hair.

Bea decided to make her presence known. "You know, if you keep pulling at your hair like that you'll be bald before 30." She said walking over to the blonde by the pond.

Liliya imideately wiped her eyes and adjusted her hair about to leave.

"Wait!" Bea said. "We're friends right?"

The princess stopped. Her back to the Brit. "Y-yes."

"And friends are there for each other in times of need, right?"


"And you look like you need a shoulder to cry o-oof!." She didn't finish her statement due to the impact of the blond hugging her.

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