Chapter 24-Lightning

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"How did this happen?" Innana asked

"I really don't know. I was told yesterday." Bea said from the passenger seat.

Innana was at the back with Savvina. The human was shaking.

"They should have taken him to an asylum outside the state." Savvina said.

Innana elbowed her in the rib. His sister was still in the car.

"My apologies. I just can't see how both of you could be related." Savvina said.

"No problem. You're right tho. I just wanted to take him somewhere close so I could visit once in a while."

Innana rubbed the British girls shoulder.
"Don't worry. We'll find him and get him the help he needs."

Bea gave a sad smile. "Yeah. It's just so confusing. He was never like this. Sure he was a a brute but not...crazy? If that's the word I should use."

"We're here." The British girls driver said parking the car in the lot.

"Thank you Sawyer. We won't be long." Bea said.

"No problem M'lady." The old man said with a nod of his hat.

The three girl walked into the building and were met with a bunch of patients in white stray jackets. Some in wheelchairs others staring blankly at the TV that was off.

"I need to go look for the officer that called me. Just wait here I'll be back." Bea said and went to a front desk.

The whole scene made Innana uneasy whereas Savvina looked so at peace.

"Why do you look like that?" The human asked the demon.

"There's so much confusion, hate and agony there. Its so liberating." The demon said with a smile. "I need to take a wizz...and maybe get a little more of this. Just stay here. I'll be back."

Innana rolled her eyes and jumped when she felt something touch her leg. It was an old mans wheelchair.

"Is that you Trinity?" The old man asked.

", that's not my name."

"It is you! He, guys! I found Trinity! Now that old hag can stop blamin' me." He said and gave a laugh.

A care taker came to wheeled the man away. "I'm so sorry. He was a babysitting when his granddaughter went missing. Now everyone looks like Trinity." She said with a chuckle.

"It's not a problem." Innana said rubbing her arms.

"The names Saneya by the way." She said putting her hand out.

Innana took it in hers. "Ana."

"Nice to meet you."

"Same here."

"You're quite young. What brings you here?"

"I came with a friend."

"Oh the British girl?"

"Yeah... " Innana said and looked around. "How do you stay here."

"It's not that bad. Although it gets quite scary at night. A lot of groaning and screaming but I need the money and most of the people here are victims of one type of trauma or another."

Innana was about to speak when someone called out.


"I'm coming! It was nice talking to you."

"You too." Innana said.

The human stood there swinging back and forward on her feet. Then her eyes caught a young boy playing chess all by himself. She went over to him.

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