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Y/n Pov
10 years ago, oh it was the summer of when I was 11! I was in school and walking to my class until a boy turned the corner and bumped into me making me drop my books. I remember that he actually picked up my books and bowed while handing them to me. Once I looked up at him I suddenly smiled and he smiled back. His smile reminded me of a cute little bunny with round eyes and hazel brown hair, I have to admit he was very good looking and I dont think I would ever forget his face. ////

Everyday he came to my classroom and had lunch with me since I would usually eat alone. He even walked me home, ahh he was a gentlemen even though we were both only in middle school, but I guess thats because he was a year older... Maybe he had experience with other girls before me? Hahah otteoke ///. We hung out mostly everyday! He brought me to the park or we would watch movies at his house and play games. It was then out schools winter break and he even came to see me even though it was snowing outside and was cold. But we always somehow found a way to have fun, we built a snowman and also made snow angels for each other.

But sadly I had to move with my family abroad to the US since my dad found a better job there. I was devastated that I had to leave so suddenly and even without saying goodbye to him. I wish I had enough time back then to go see him, hug him one last time and tell him to wait for me... But its been 10 years since and now im already 21. I actually moved back here to Korea 2 years ago and signed a modelling contract with ESteem. Someday I hope to meet that special someone again.. And once I do to build that relationship we never got to even begin. I wonder what he looks like now... Wah~ maybe hes all grown up and mature now.. That would be great to see!

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