Two babies

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So sneaking out early in the morning is a bad idea no matter what you are doing apparently.
Snaking out to a party was bad no matter what. Sure it made your parents worry but, there was also a high likely hood of being barfed on by your drunk friends. Then if you snuck out to the movies there was also a high likely hood of eating to much pop corn and getting sick or having your friend flank on you. If you sneak out for a blind date then....well let's just say that you maybe not be heard from again.
But, sneaking out for a checkup shouldn't be this bad. Ever.
Arcann snuck out that Saturday for an ultra sound that his boss arranged for him. He never though much about it until he walked into the doctor's office. All he saw were older people...women older than him with swollen stomach looking at him as if he was trash. It was like they were judging him for everything as he sat down all alone.
He began to panic a but more as the wait to get in the doctor's got longer and longer. All of the women were in here with their husbands or wives or boyfriend or family members. The male watched them walking in together and got judgemental looked from the expecting women as well as soon to be grandmothers and even men.
It made him feel bad about his decision. Oh god. Maybe he shouldn't have kept it. The child's entire life was going to be filled with it being judged. Even if they were adopted. If people found out that the baby their neighbours adopted was from a teenager then the amount of times his child would be judged would be a lot more than if he was raising him.
Maybe he should think about getting rid of it.
The more he thought about it the more it made sense. Sure he wanted to keep it and love it more than he was loved himself but, maybe he couldn't do that. And he knew how long it takes to be adopted. He wasn't going to drop it someone's door step with a note. Not if he loved it this much.
Arcann sighed leaning back in his seat thinking as his heart pounded. He rested a hand on his tiny bump while he continued to think and stress for a while. It wasn't that bad yet. Until he heard her.
"My god. You're the size of a house!" Another teenager spoke up. Arcann looked up and standing I front of him was a blondie standing there with her boyfriend who was chewing on a toothpick.
"Well I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but this is what you're looking forward too when you're a few more months in." Arcann sighed looking at the blondie tinier baby bump. The teen girl gasped before snorting.
"Oh please I don't gain much weight and I never will. As for you, you probably gain weight all the time even before you got knocked up." She snorted. Arcann looked down nervous while he listened to her boy toy laugh.
"So where's you're baby daddy anyway? You scare him off with how you look now on date night?" She smirked standing over him in her high heels. Arcann fought back all urges he had to stand up and smack her. Then her friend, who had a fake tan on raced into the room and hugged her blond friend.
Both girls and their boyfriends sat down and Arcann couldn't help but notice they both were in the same scenario as him except, their children's dad's were there age. They didn't seem to care though as more girls around Arcann's age walked in and hugged their friends before sitting down. He began wondering what the world was coming to when three other teen girls walked in and talked to their other friends.
"Heather I swear to god I'm the size of a house! I mean look at me. I'm huge!" He heard one of the girls speak up.
"Oh please Racheal, you're so tiny for five months. You look amazing." Heather C spoke up. Arcann had noticed three of these popular girls were named Heather but, only two were having kids. The other one seemed to be there for support but, hardly spoke at all.
And if Arcann was gonna say anything else about this it was that all the girls were all extremely tiny. Like really really tiny. Even that Racheal girl. They were like super models. Which was probably why their boyfriends stayed with them the entire time. And here he was. A little bit plumper then them and all alone.
"Excuse me how many months are you in?" One of the girls asked. Arcann sighed looking at the girl wearing a bright pink dress that made her look like a movie star.
"About four I think." He admitted. A few girls gasped.
"Are you having twins?" One of the Heathers asked.
"I don't think so why?" He asked.
"Well because you're the largest person here." Heather C spoke up. His face turned red as he looked down and the other girls snicker. Well except for the non-pregnant bright blond haired Heather. She just gave him a nervous sigh.
"I mean honestly how do you and your baby daddy even manage to find shirts to fit you?" Heather C snorted. His eyes watered a bit which he quickly wiped away as the other girls laughed at him loudly. God, he wanted to punch them so badly.
"Seriously though you are aware that the shirt you're wearing is for boys though right? I mean seriously fat boys shirts are the only things that will fit you aren't they?" Heather C smirked.
"A-...Actually miss I'm a boy." Arcann snapped speaking in a matter of fact voice. That was a bad choice. A very bad choice. All the girls bust out laughing as they looked at him.
"Oh my god you're a knocked up he-she!" Racheal snorted.
"No wonder you're here alone!" The Heather in green laughed. Arcann sat there taking a deep breath trying to calm himself down while the girls laughed.
"Arcann Lincoln?" A nurse spoke up. Arcann tried to climb out of his chair by himself. The other girls laughed seeing how hard it was for him. That is until a larger arm helped him up.
"Hey baby. Sorry I'm late." Ezra smiled helped Arcann to his feet. Arcann blushed a bit feeling embarrassed that he had to be rescued from his problems. Yet, soon his face blushed even brighter as Ezra kissed his cheek like he used to do when they were kids. A few of the girls looked enviously at them while Ezra helped him walk off.
Ezra sighed. He should have known this would happen.
Arcann never liked people going with him places he could go alone. He never did when they were younger and never would. Yet, he should have known he was going to sneak out to a doctor's appointment by himself once or twice. He didn't think much of it at first. Then Sabine talked about how judged teen parents get and here he was now out of fears that came true.
"You're going to get rid of it now aren't you?" Ezra asked him. Arcann sighed trying to sit on the table the doctor told him to sit on. Ezra helped him onto it.
"I don't want to really but, it might be what's best for both the baby and me Ez." Arcann sighed. Ezra looked at him for a minute before reaching over and holding his hand.
"Arcann, if you keep it I'll help you. If you get rid of it I'll support you. So there two place I'll be with you. I hold you're hand while you're in a delivery room or I can wait for you while it's removed." Ezra sighed. Arcann gave him a tiny smile.
"Well no matter what I'm gonna assume you're gonna let me bring home snacks I'm guessing." Arcann smirked. Ezra snorted nodding his head while the doctor walked in.
"I see you two are happy already without seeing your child." The doctor smiled as she got everything ready. Ezra and Arcann blushed but, neither of them said anything about Ezra not being the father.
Soon Arcann lifted his shirt up and shivered a bit from his cold the gel on his stomach was. His heart raced a bit as Ezra held his hand lightly looking nervous while the doctor spoke. Soon though Arcann could hear a tiny little heartbeat as he looked at the screen the doctor was pointing to.
He wanted to burst out crying seeing how tiny his baby looked on the screen. Yet he didn't. Oh no. The one who cried was Ezra. He was on the verge of tears when the doctor spoke.
"Now I can see you're about five and a half months in which is very good and the fetus seems to be the correct size. So you're doing everything fine but I could have told you that just by looking at ya." The doctor smiled at him. Arcann smiled making his cheeks turned pink. Then he heard a sniffle. Then he turned his head to see Ezra full on crying.
"Oh god Ez don't you dare start crying! If you do I'm gonna start cryinG." Arcann quickly covered his mouth feeling his voice crack. Ezra sniffed looking at him as big tears rolled down his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry. It's just so cute!" Ezra sniffed rubbing his eyes. The doctor chuckled a bit before speaking up.
"So do you two wanna know what you're having?" The doctor smiled. Arcann shook his head the same time Ezra nodded.
"No, we're gonna wait until later." Arcann sighed holding Ezra's hand again as Ezra sobbed a bit louder.
"Let me guess, for a baby shower?" The doctor smiled. Arcann blushed before Ezra sobbed out something that sounded like a yes. The doctor soon left the room chuckling. The second the dork closed Arcann and Ezra just cried like a couple of babies.
Which was very ironic. Yet, still just as sweet. They must have cried for twenty minutes in the room about how cute the baby was before Arcann remembered something.
"I-I thought Sabine was grounded a-And Zeb took the car for the football game in f-Fredricton." Arcann sobbed. Ezra nodded.
"Y-yeah." Ezra let out another sob.
"So how did you get here?" Arcann sniffed rubbing his eyes. Slowly the door opened and there stood Galen.
Galen froze before closing the door and laughing a bit.
"Oh my god you two babies." Galen smirked. Ezra helped Arcann to his feet before the two of them hugged their friend. Galen sighed hugging the, back.
"Next time you go to this call me please. And next time you're in town call me before Ezra comes to my house begging and agreeing to let me copy his homework for a week." Galen smiled. Arcann nodded, thankful to have friend right now for him.

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