School Musical (well with an added song)

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"What the actually heck am I wearing?" Morgana asked trudging out in her costume for the school play. Meliodas held back a laugh seeing the outfit. Kyle on the other hand snorted.
"Hey at least it's not as bad as mine." Pidge spoke up trudging out in her puffy uncomfortable being yellow dress. Meliodas burst out laugh which did cause Morgana to hit him.
"Oh come on Mel. At least we're trying. This okay is hard and the outfits are awful." Morgana pouted. Meliodas sighed smiling at her. Yet, his smile didn't seem as bright as it always did.
"Well they look amazing. At least you guys are on stage." Meliodas sighed. He was a stage crew hand. All he did was take away set pieces like cups and bowls. It was kinda fun though. Well to erroneous else except Mel. He felt odd doing it.
Then again he had felt numb for a while now. Ever since his mother fell into a coma.
"What are you guys doing standing back here?" Keith asked racing over.
"Well you guys are in in five seconds just get out there." He panicked pushing the out onto the stage.
This was dumb. It really was. Yet, he promised Mel he would come to a early preview of the school play. He had dragged Jyugo and Uno to this. That way he wouldn't have to watch it alone.
"Oh god this is sooooo boorrriiiiinnngggg." Uno whined sliding down in his chair. Ban just rolled his eyes. Jyugo meanwhile was on his phone unable to hear this.
Neither the less to say none of them likes plays. Or musicals. Yet, Ban was a good friend. He wanted to be a good friend to Mel. It was hell sure but, at least he was trying for once.
"Why don't we just leave again?" Jyugo whispered.
"Because what are we going to do if we leave? Smoke pot in the van?" Ban sighed.
"Oh my god we do that every other day. At least try it to watch the rest guys. This means so much to Mel and plus it's almost done." Ban grumbled. Jyugo just rolled his eyes texting a bit more.
"Well I'm okay with that. I love this." Nico, another boy who came here from jail smiled. Everyone that Ban went with sighed. Nico liked everything so, this was never surprising. They all stayed quiet though as the stage was reset.
Then a light lowered on one male on the stage.
"Oh god no. Not another solo." Jyugo grumbled.
"Oh yay! I love solos." Nico smiled.
"What do you mean they aren't here?" Zuko asked looking at the male on stage. Keith just gulped.
"I mean the main characters that do the song aren't here. And we don't know where they are." Keith gulped.
"Well where are their understudies?" He whispered loudly.
"Leonardo is at his hockey game. As for Mikasa....she's sick. Like really sick." He gulped.
"Oh god. Oh god this is awful." He blurted out looking mortified.
"Hey hey it's not big deal." Lance spoke up.
"Oh really? Our main characters are missing. And everyone is out there waiting for the song to dance." Zuko looked ready to vomit. Lance smirked.
"Well everyone knows how to do another song." He piped up walking towards the sound. Keith paled.
"Oh god no, Lance anything but that. Please for the love of god our LA teacher is tot there. She doesn't need to hear it." Zuko begged.
"Well it's either this or nothing." He spoke up plugging in his phone. He waited before the speakers began to blare an ungodly tune as Zuko called it.
"Oh god no I can't watch this." Zuko gulped.
"Is that from something rotten?" A women leaned over and whispered in the front row. Pidge sat there for a moment. Then she smiled wickedly.
Oh boy was she bringing the house down tonight.

"Oh, God, I hate Shakespeare! That's right, I said it!" Pidge sang standing up. Everyone held back laughter on stage. They could all remember seeing a sunken teen locked back stage singing this while he stripped.
"No!" Morgana held back a laughing singing along,
"I do, I hate Shakespeare!
"Why?" Kyle asked trying to pretend this was completely normal. Just pretending this song was in the musical instead of Gaston.
"I just don't get it. How a mediocre actor.From a measly little town.Is suddenly the brightest jewel..In England's royal crown!" Pidge snapped her sighing getting a bit more dramatic. Kyle meanwhile began trying to pretend this was normal. And hoping the principal didn't cancel this. Why?
Cause the song had swearing in it.
"Oh, God, I hate Shakespeare. His plays are wordy, butOh, no, the great Shakespeare.
That little turd, he has no Sense about the audience. He makes them feel so dumb. The bastard doesn't care that my Poor ass is getting numb!"
"How can you say that? How can you say that?" Katara asked pretending this was normal.
"It's easy, I can say it cause it's absolutely true."
"Don't be a penis, the man is a genius." Elizabeth smile smiled trying her hardest not to snort.
"His genius is he's fooling all of you!" Pidge smiled happily. Oh lord this was fun. They should do this more often.
"But he's brilliant, what majesty flows from his pen, His poetry soars like a sweet violin. God's own inspiration, like lightning doth strike him. And he captures my soul." Jasper smiled.
"Aw, jeez, you sound just like him!" Pidge rolled her eyes trying to make this look normal.
"Really? Thanks!" Jasper giggled which was quiet odd, seeing as she was the buffets lesbians anyone had ever met.
"You should hate Shakespeare!" Pidge sang back.
"Well, I don't, I try to Emulate Shakespeare." Jasper smirked towering fver the younger girl.
"Well, there's your problem, you're So blinded by The Bard, who's. Such a pompous little man."
"Why is it a problem to Admit that I'm a fan?" Percy asked hip bumping with Jasper which usually never would happen between either of them.
"Cause he's a hack with a knack For stealing anything he can!" Pidge spoke up walking back singing some more.
"How can you say that? How can you say that? The man really knows how to write a bitchin' play. You wish you could pen one,.....we wish we were in one." Everyone sang together, one kid did end up laughing though while trying to sing it. Yet within seconds he held away laughs.
"I just wish that he would go away!" Pidge sang hitting the high note.
"Well, that's not gonna happen because everybody I know says that he is the greatest writer that England has ever known." Kyle spoke up actually getting attention for once.
"And that's another thing I hate about Shakespeare! Is all that twits who Bloviate about Shakespeare! And how they prattle on About his great accomplishments
Well la-di-da-di-da. And once they start the gushing There's no stopping them and then it's.." Pidge got ready taking a deep breath. Meanwhile in the crowd she caught her family's eyes. Matt looked so proud that he might cry. As for her father, Pidge's father was laughing. Yet, for some reason her mother wasn't there
"Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah Shakespeare.. And he walks in it's. Dum-de-dum-ta-da Shakespeare, He's holding court and they say
"Will, you're such a genius and Your writing is divine
'A rose by any other name Is such a clever line". And they're all "ooh" and he's all "stop" And they're all "yay" and I'm all "*retch*!" And I'm really getting sick of it
And oh, oh, oh!"
"Oh, I hate Shakespeare
"I think by now, we sort of Know you hate Shakespeare!" Everyone sang back,
"Shmakespeare! The way he feigns humility When all he does is gloat
The way he wears that silly, frilly, Collar 'round his throat. The poster child for why
No one should ever procreate Let me make a shorter list
And I will give it to you straight! Every little thing about Shakespeare
Is what I hate~!" Pidge hit the high note and held it for as long as she could, and for once she sounded like a mix of both genders. She had a high sounding voice that slowly began to mix into a lower one. And just like that something clicked in her head.
"Hates, he hates). He clearly surely, really, truly Hates Shakespeare." Everyone sang.
"Don't hate!" Morgana spoke up standing on a table.
The the room erupted in applause and cheers. Everyone smiled brightly while the curtains closed slowly. It was the best day ever for everyone even pidge.
We st least for now.
When she returned him only to find out her mother had left while they were gone, it would definitely be one that she......they wouldn't forget.

"No. Nope I am not naming my baby that." He joked with Hera. They had just watched a whole show which was hilarious. He loved the last song the most though. Pidge made a good main character.
"Oh come on Shakespeare would be cute." Hera smiled.
"And nerdy Hera." He joked
"Well what do you think you should name him them?" She asked him. He smiled nervously resting a hand on his stomach.
"Syrus, Asriel or Alexander." He smiled.
"Well don't worry about it you still got time." She smiled.
"I know I do."
"...,Hey Arcann how would you like to go to a wedding with me?" She asked.
"Sure. With who?"
"The art teacher and music teacher at school. Their names are Alexandre Hamlition and John Laurence. I think you'd like it."
"Sure, why not." He shrugged.
"Perfect. So the wedding is in two days."
"Wait what?"
Okay guys if u wanna vote, vote on which name you want Arcann's son to have or suggest one if you want to.
Also sorry I haven't done this often I'm in my school's okay and the show night is next week. So yeah.
I'm busy little plate.

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