V is very, very, Extraordinary

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Valentine's Day sucked whenever you were single. Morgana knew that. She just didn't think it would suck this much. She hated today right now so badly.
"Could be worse. We could all be at a funeral." Meliodas spoke up as they walked down the hall. He had just gotten used to life again and returned to school like nothing happened. Yet, his friends had been a lot more overprotective of him now.
"I know...I just feel so drained if that makes any sense. Drained of everything. Drained of life, or love or...just everything....Is that normal?" Morgana asks looking at her friend. Meliodas nodded his head.
"Yeah..yeah it is. Well it is for me at least." Meliodas admits looking down. Morgana blushed walking next to him before opening her book bag and handing something to him. Meliodas held the tiny box in his hands before looking up at her again.
"What on earth is this for?" Meliodas asks.
"Just open the box fart face." Morgana teased walking closer to him. Meliodas slowly opened it to show off a hand made friendship bracelet. It was a bright green and had different charms connected to it.
"I know it doesn't mean much but, it's supposed to be the bracelet they were making at camp the day we met...except you know wearable. And you know, I'm not sliding it up a girl's arm while making out with her." Morgana whispers looking away blushing a bit at the memory. Meliodas just smiled sliding it down his wrist, which was littered with healing scars.
"Thanks Morgana. I promise I'll get you something soon." He smiled actually feeling a bit more happy for once.
"Just take your meds and I'll be happy enough. Now come on, we outta meet up with Galen and get you home before your dad had a hissy fit." Morgana smirked walking over a bit faster. Meliodas just smiled a bit looking a lot less sad getting closer to her as they walked.
Yet, soon he ran into her back right on front of the car.
"Jesus M, are you okay? Why did you stop like a t-"Meliodas stopped talking as he stood next to her and looked at Galen's front window. Meanwhile Galen was just standing theee looking odd.
"Well uhh...I see someone wants to be your Valentine." Galen blurted out at his sister before quickly taking a picture of it with his phone. Meanwhile Kyle had walked over and just burst out laughing with Pidge.
"Oh my god, you didn't tell me you were seeing anyone!" Star jumped excitedly. Meanwhile all Morgana could do was look at the windshield. All she could see were the bright pink roses petals on it spelling out the words,
"You mean the world to me Morgana."
And that alone made the day better.
Yet, it got worse again when she saw him in the car crying. She quickly pushed past her friends and opened the back seat panicking a bit.
Lanve spun around, tears still falling down his face. His face went red within minutes before spinning around again and hiding his face. Slowly Morgana climbed in trying to comfort him but, nothing worked.
Thus they rushed home, Lance crying silently in the front seat as the kids sat in the back trying to guess who put the rose petals up. All except Galen, who was wondering why the hell Lance looked more upset than ever before. Slowly he looked up and just hugged her tightly.

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