L is for the way you look at me

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"Hi baby boy." He smiled picking up the baby who was only a few months old. Okay a month two days and three hours according to Ezra's count which he was not taking for advantage. He kissed the baby's head when the boy whimpered.
"Shhh. It's okay Altin. I got ya." Arcann smiled rocking him. The boy just whimpered before calming down and smiling sweetly up at his dad. Arcann smiled before going to change him.
Now while he was doing that he heard the door open to another room. He sighed finishing up before heading out to the living room assuming it was Hera home for her lunch break. He sighs walking in there holding his baby before freezing.
"What the actual fuck Ezra?" Arcann blurted out seeing the bear. Ezra was dragging in a teddy bear that was so large that it's head was being smushed against the ceiling which was defiantly nine feet tall. Zeb who was stuck under the bears arms froze too. He just stayed silent hoping not to be seen.
"We uh...kinda went crazy for his first Valentine's Day." Ezra admitted looking at the newborn. Altin smiled sweetly rubbing his eyes with his tiny fist, curling closer to his dad's chest. Arcann sighed before hearinga nother clink.
"Kallus who bought the roses your putting in the kitchen." Arcann sighs.
"What...what roses?" Kallus spoke up holding something behind his back. Arcann sighs looking at him tiredly while Zeb finished setting up the huge baby bear. The silence lasted for two minutes before Kallu sighed.
"Ezra did..they're for you though." Kallus admitted showing him the roses which were a mix of white and pink. Arcann smiled tiredly while Ezra blushed.
"Look we can get rid of them we just...-"
"No, no they're wonderful..thank you. For everything." Arcann smiled. Ezra blushed looking bashful.
"Oh lord look don't mention it. We...we should get going...I...Schools not over yet and lunch is almost over so we should-"Before Ezra could even finish he felt Arcann kiss his cheek. Ezra stopped talking and just blushed looking at him. He fell silent blushing more the same time Arcann did.
"Okay we gotta go before these two get into trouble. See ya later Arcann." Kallus smiled looking amused, dragging the boy behind him all the way to the car. Arcann smiled slowly waving his son's fist at them saying bye. The second they were gone Arcann was as red as a tomato and panicking.
"Oh what did I just do?" He asks himself looking embarrassed.
"So now who on earth knows what this is a s-"Hera was cut off by her door opening. She looked at the classroom entrance. Then she saw her husband standing there, with a huge bouquet in his hands. He blushed smiling at her.
"Oh god Kanan no." She laughed a bit walking over. Kanan smiled cutely handing them to her, than kissing her cheek. She smiled kissing his nose.
"You're to sweet." She laughed. He blushed.
"No...no I mean I could be sweeter. You're the sweetest person out there." Kanan smiled making his wife blushed. This time it just made her seem more happy. Her heart pounded and kissed his cheeks again thankful to have him here.
Alex smiled watching his husband draw on the board. He was doing showing the kids how shading worked. He just blushed watching him move. He couldn't stop looking at his hips. Lord, he looked so happy. God that man was his.
How on earth did he get so lucky?
"Now any questions?" John asks smiling at his student. Each one just looked down and began doodling. That is until Alexander spoke up.
"Can you draw a teddy bear?" He joked walking in with stuffed polar bear. John blushed seeing his husband who promptly kissed his cheek. John Laurence smiled snuggling into his chest hugging him.
"Lord I missed you."
"Missed you more."
"That's impossible Alex. You walk by all the time."
"But we don't talk then. I miss talking with you and kissing you and-"
"Oh my god get a room!" Star laughed making her teacher turn red again. Alex rolled his eyes kissing his cheek again. Then seconds later they were sitting at John's desk when Alex kissing him on the lips and began telling him about his day.
They were so sickeningly sweet that it made a kids wanna barf. Except Star. She recorded it for...future purposes.
Keith sighed walking to his locker. Lord he hated today. Watching Everyone get flowers. Listening to Lotor drone on and one about his crush. Listening to Galen talk about being lonely was depressing enough. Now he had Leonardo, fresh off a break up talking about it too.
So things couldn't get any worse.
Infact it just got better.
Lotor stopped babbling and froze with Keith. They both stood there staring at his locker. Taped to his locker was an envelope with a stuffed hippo. Keith slowly reached for it and opened it. At first he thought it was a joke. But the whole thing was so romantic that he just knew it couldn't be fake.
Or at least he hoped it wouldn't be fake. He didn't what it to be fake. To be honest he needs this. He needs this to be real so badly
"Who's it from?" Lotor asks trying to get a good look at it.
"No clue." Keith's sighs. Yet, within seconds Lotor knew that hand writing. He knew it well. After all they were lab partners twice. It's as Lance Mclaines. Yet, he dare not say it out loud.
"Why...why don't we head to our next class."Lotor blurted out. Keith looked at him oddly. Before he could ask Lotor dragged him to the class. Keith complained the entire time before they entered the class room.
Standing in front of Keith's seat was Lance all alone. He was putting gifts all or it. Keith froze blushing his heart pounding a thousand beats per minute. Lance liked him back, o-oh god this was amazing! It was so-
So unreal.
It couldn't be real.
This all must be a prank.
He's not like this.
It's all a prank. That's all this is.
A silly heartless prank,
That's all love confessions have ever had.
"You have some sick joke!" Keith yelled running over. He threw the envelope at him.
"Keith!" Lance blushed spinning around blushing.
"How dare you get my hopes up?! How dare you get me excited thinking it's for me! That's someone loves me! Then again I should have know better-"
"I wan you know nothing about love do you?! You wanna know what Lance, you're sick. You're a sick boy who needs help. I never mess with you like this so what kind of awful person are you? Do you really think you deserve love after messing with me like this?! I..I hate you so much!! I hope you die alone!" Keith yelled letting all his anger he had pent up out on someone for once. He expected Lance to punch him. To do anything.
Yet, all he heard was a muffled sob.
He looked up to see Lance crying. He opened his mouth to speak and Lance rushed by leaving Keith alone to think about what he had done.
(As you can guess this is a multipart thing with parts based off a song. Now if yo have any couples you want to see get together leave a comment here an I'll try to make it happen in the next part on Saturday after a few tests!)

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