Christmas baby

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Be ware Arcann has his kids near the end of the chapter so yeah...may be a little violent
To be honest Ezra didn't like Christmas for a good reason. A real good one. It was the same reason he didn't like the days all in total. It was his birthday. He had tried to lie on files in order to celebrate it in maybe if possible but, he couldn't.
So today was his 17th birthday as well as his 17th Christmas Eve. Both of which he still didn't like.
"Happy early birthday Ezra." Hera smiled sitting at the kitchen counter with his foster family. Sabine was wearing a Christmas sweater that had be tye-died. Zeb was just wearing a Christmas hat. Kanan on the other hand was just wearing his police outfit.
"Oh....thanks Hera..I hope you didn't buy me to much." Ezra joked sitting down, still looking glum. Hera smiled.
"Well we were think about having your birthday party the day after Christmas but, we are getting you a special cake this after noon. How's that sound?" Hera smiled. Ezra nodded.
"That sounds nice...are you going to go get it later today?" Ezra smirked happily. He tried to seem happy but on the inside he still hated Christmas.
"Yeah that with some other things." Hera admitted. Ezra nodded and slowly began to eat some pancakes Hera had made. The rest of breakfast was a blur for a while. He said a few things. He laughed a bit.
That's all he could remember before Kanan went to work. Sabine went to her boyfriends Christmas party. Meanwhile Zeb was texting some one while smiling happily. Hera was getting ready to go. As for Arcann he looked paled leaving his room.
Arcann plopped down on the couch with a tiny whimper. He sighed breathing heavily for five seconds before stopping for a long time. Ezra glanced over before sitting next to him.
He blushed looking at how nice Arcann looked today. He just seemed to glow. Well he was when he wasn't paling fast. Yet, when he did start to pale he realized something was wrong. Ezra wasn't gonna lie, he was panicked slightly.
  "What's wrong with you?" Ezra asked.
"I...I watched that video Hera has of her friend having the baby. And I think I wanna have my stomach carved open instead of going through that." Arcann sighed leaning into his chest. Ezra rubbed his back.
"Well I'm sure it had a happy ending right? It couldn't have been all bad." Ezra smiled.
"I don't know, I haven't finished it. I had to stop halfway through." Arcann sighs.
"Oh come on kid it couldn't have been that bad." Zeb rolled his eyes. Arcann glared at him. Oh boy this wasn't going to end well.
"Oh really? Do you wanna see it then?" Arcann snapped.
"I don't see why not." Zeb smiled. "I, sure it's no big deal."
Twenty minutes later...
Blueberry: Holy shit.
Grumpypants: What now?
Blueberry: Arcann got upset so me and Zeb agreed to watch a video of what he'd have to do while having the baby with him.
Blueberry: Zeb barfed twice now.
Blueberry: Arcann looks ill.
Blueberry: I feel very sick.
Grumpypants: oh god you guys.
Grumpypants: did you get to the end yet?
Blueberry: no we paused it after ten minutes. We keep doing this.
Grumpypants: how far did you get?
Blueberry:twenty minutes
Grumpypants: wow
Blueberry: dude we need emotions sport. Please walk over here.
Grumpypants: okay, okay.
Grumpypants: do you want meet to bring the big troop or something?
Blueberry: yes please.
Grumpypants: okay. Want me to bring some snacks from a Christmas party?
Blueberry: yes
Grumpypants: Got it. See you in ten minutes.
Blueberry: Okay
"Hey I gotta go." Galen smiled moving back towards the exit. Sayori nodded.
"Well thank you for coming." Sayori smiled hugging him before racing over and hugging her boyfriend. Really though on the inside, he was glad to go a bit. Everyone came with a date or someone else. Meanwhile he came alone.
He slowly backed away, his heart racing a bit when he ran into someone. Thank go it was just Nico who agreed to leave with him. Yet, unfortunately Ban decided he wanted to come o. So there they were twenty minutes later, watching a birth video. Barfing their guts out.
"Ta-da!" Star smiled showing the cookies she had baked. Morgana smiled cutely. Meanwhile Star's grandmother kissed her cheek.
"My Stars that looks so good." Her grandmother smiled. Meanwhile her cousins were mumbling while watching a Christmas movie. Everyone else seemed happy to be having fun. Even meliodas who hardly spoke now.
"Mel I made you some shortbread ones." Morgana smiled handing him one. Kyle just pouted before she handed him a cookie.
"Can we do karaoke next?" Pidge smiled happily up at her friends. They just hummed a response or agreed loudly. Kyle jumped to his feet, yet his baby brother was bouncing in excitement. Echo loved Christmas so much.
"Okay ladies and gentlemen let's do a little less PG Christmas." Crystal joked, unzipping her coat a bit. Everyone laughed except Morgana. She turned red.
Oh lord this was gonna be a weird Christmas eve.
"Nope. Nope that is not happening to me." Nico panicked covering his eyes
"Well I sure hope not Nico. Meanwhile I am literally days away from popping out a child." Arcann yelled throwing a pillow at him. Nico yelped ducking. It had taken three hours but, now they had ten minutes until the movie ended. Yet, the whole thing was making Arcann sickly looking while the snow fell outside.
"Look just because it's gross doesn't mean you can't handle it." Ban popped up from his seat. He was the only one who didn't get sick watching this for some reason. Arcann glared.
"Oh easy for you to say you are not having the size of a watermelon going through your privates!" Arcann screamed trying to toss another pillow. Ban dodged to before he turned his back and pulled a full blown bowl of chicken nodded soup out of the oven.
"Okay you gotta eat if you guys wanna finish it. Especially Arcann." Ban smiled walking over and handing Arcann a huge bowl. Arcann ate slowly watching everyone else leave. Yet, Nico noticed of how Arcann would whimper slot holding his stomach. It happened every few minutes.
"You okay Arcann?"
"You. Just braxton hicks again." Arcann whimpered leaning forward. Almost within an instant Ezra rubbed his back and refused to move for a while. Arcann smiled tiredly at Ezra before Ezra helped feed him.
"Lord you two should just get married and get it over with." Nico teased. Arcann rolled his eyes, unaware he was in labor.
Everything was fine later that day. They had watched a few other movies to get their minds off of things. They ate snacks. Yet, when Arcann stood up he whimpered. He gripped his shirt for a moment.
"Kid you okay?" Zeb asked. Arcann panted a bit nodding waddling to the bathroom.
"Yeah yeah, I just..."He stopped walking as he leaned against a wall. He let out scream of pain, as his water broke.
The room fell silent for a moment. A single moment. Then everyone was screaming. Even Arcann.
Zeb jumped up first and began callings everyone on his phone. Ezra ran around getting the baby stuff. Galen was screaming as he looked for his keys. Nico fainted. As for Arcann, he just dropped to his knees panting and tearing up. All he could think about was how soon this happened. It was to soon.
"Hey, hey calm down just breathe." Ban smiled nervously at him rubbing his back. Arcann nodded panting before moaning in pain. He could hear more panicking before Ban spun his head around.
Everyone stopped and looked at Ban. Ban glared before letting lose a shaky breath. He seemed calm for once.
"Okay here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to drive him up. Ezra Galen you two can sit in the back with him. We can lay Nico in the very back. Zeb you'll sit with me and call anyone you know. And if one more person screams other than Arcann I will make yo all walk." He snapped helping Arcann to his feet. Everyone nodded getting ready.
A few minutes pasted and Ezra was wiping away sweat while Ban drives. He let Arcann kill his hand for what felt like hours. Zeb stayed calm on the phone with a person from 911 and Hera. Galen was panicked but, stayed relatively calm. Nico was a good corpse. As for Ban, he kept everything together.
That is until the car broke down.
"Oh come on!" Galen yelled kicking the car as it began to snow. He was pacing around while Arcann whimpered in the back seat. Zeb was swearing on the phone and trying to describe where they were to the 911 operator.
"Oh we are fucked. We are so fucking fucked!" Ezra yelled panicking. Nico had woken up and was pacing with his friends.
"We are fine. Honestly. It's just a bit of snow. No big deal." Ban smiled. That was the moment the snow chose to pick up. Everyone groaned.
"The weather hates us so much. God why does it hate us this much?, we are gonna die out here on the side of the road. No one is gonna find us an-"
"Guys I...he's coming." Arcann panted opening the van door. His lower half was covered with a jacket as Ezra noticed his pants laying by his hips. Zeb paled.
"You mean Santa right?" Nico asked hopefully. Arcann shook his head no, eyes tearing up. He looked absolutely terrified.
"No he wants out now..the baby is coming now like it or not. S-"He covered his mouth hearing his voice crack. Arcann held in a scared sob. He looked up soon nervous.
"So can someone come in here and try to help...please." He begged practically. Nico looked at him again before fainting. Zeb just froze paling. It was obvious Arcann was on his own. He sighed closing the door and leaning back whimpering.
Just for a moment though before the door opened on its own.
Ban sighed reaching back, moving the row of seats far, far back. The he pulled a neck pillow out, resting it against his hips. He looked emotionlessly down at the pants before speaking up.
"Don't you dare laugh but I'm doing this like it or not. I'm the only one who's taking any human anatomy classes and has seen birth videos six times inorder to pass a grade.."Ban admitted. Arcann nodded whimpered. Meanwhile his kind was getting ready for the pain he was going to feel.
  Soon squeezed the seats behind him gasping for air trying to do what he was told. He was crying, his hands shaking. Lord everything hurt and he was so scared. The baby was an entire week early. Plus it was being born in a snow storm on the side of the rode in a van full of random things.
Lord this was the most terrifying thing he had ever done alone.
Arcann scared in pain even though he tried not to leaning back. He sweated heavily closing his eyes paling. God was this what death felt like?! Befor he could ask again he felt someone sit behind him, rubbing his back before wiping his sweat away.
Arcann's eyes shot open to see Ezra.
"You better not be giving up yet. Not when I'm letting you kill my hand for this kid." Ezra teased. Arcann laughed tiredly before Ban spoke up.
"You know I can see a-"
"I don't wanna know what you see yet Ban."
"But it actually looks pretty co-"
"Right, right sorry." Ban spoke up before giving orders again. This time though Ezra sat there and helped Arcann through it all. He nuzzled his head promising it would get better soon. That could be heard along with sirens.
Yet, it all melted away when he heard crying. A lot of crying from a newborn.
"Hey, hey shh. Come on you gotta stop that." Ban scored the little boy before wrapping him in a towel he had hidden in the backseat. Arcann just took one looked at him and began crying and begging to hold him. Soon enough he had a tiny baby laying against his almost naked chest.
"Hi baby, it's me." Arcann smiled kissing his tiny head. Altin calmed down cooing. This just made Arcann cry harder kissing him on the still messy head. Ezra smiled, tearing up before doing the same.
Now Ezra finally had a reason to like Christmas.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone.

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