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"Oh my god! Oh my god what do I say? What am I supposed to say? I mean she's our teacher and our neighbour! I can't just waltz over there with a box of cookies and welcome her to the neighbourhood! What if I mess up my words?!?! My grades could slip because of it!" Morgana yelled dropping down on the bed face first. She buried her face into the pillow.
"Jesus M. You make it sound like this is gonna be the end of the world." Galen sighed as he looked up from his keyboard. The game he was currently playing on steam was on pause so he couldn't die in the game. Mainly cause when he died in this game again he would either scream loudly or throw his computer against a wall.
"That's because it is! If we fuck up outside of this house on the street! Just one word from her and we could fail. Then we could be held back a few years! Then I won't graduate with my friends! Then no one will talk to me in that year which will cause me to get depressed again! Which means my grade will slip. Which means that I won't pass until I'm 20 and gone threw the high school grades all three times by now! Then I'll be a friendless loser who couldn't pass high school!" Morgana yelled looking at her brother laying on his bed. Galen sighed looking back at his computer screen. Sometimes he wished his younger sister wasn't a total dweeb worried about everything.
"She's can't do that. You'll have to be failing more than one thing to fail a year at school. Which means some how you're grades will all have to drop from 95's to 49's in a like six months. That's impossible for you." Galen sighed as he continued playing the game. He heard his sister's voice fade into static as she talked mor and more about her worried. How? Well, he focused on the one thing he was doing right now, which would be his game.
He began smiling as he got another item. He then walked back into his character's game. Then he began to see that he had to deal with hacking in the game again. He began dealing with that by typing rapidly on his keyboard. That is until he heard a noise. The boy made his character stand to see another person in the game, an assassin, holding a gun to his character's head. Galen's heart raced before the gun went off making him scream and fall backwards on his bed.
His heart raced as he began gasping for air. The male's computer screen kept displaying the message game over again and again while he continued to panic. Then memory's began to flash before his eyes again. Well one. One of his last foster sister with that gun. The one who had shot herself in the head. It had sounded just like that.
"¡Oh Dios mío! ¡Azulejo!" A older women screamed running into the room. The elder cupped the teen's face in her hands while Morgana soaked the laptop closed. Morgana put the laptop on the dresser. Their adopted father raced in hearing his mother scream.
"¿Mamá? ¿Qué pasa?" Their father asked knowing his grandmother loved speaking in Spanish. She looked up at him nervously while Galen began to calm down before seeing his adopted father. Galen quickly bloated up catching his breath.
"Galen are you okay?" His adopted father asked. Galen nodded his head looking down as his face turned red feeling embarrassed.
"Sí. Sí. I'm fine." Galen sighed looking at his bedroom window. His dad sighed looking at them. The boy's abuela sighed before leaving the room. She left her son in the room though, to talk with his son. Marlin sighed as he walked over to the bed and sat down awkwardly.
Marlin had never really know what to do after his wife had died. She had been his whole world a few years back. Then just like that a bus hit their car on the way to work, then both her and their unborn son had died leaving him alone to raise their other children. Four of which were biological and three were adopted. All of which were all grown. Afterward a bit of time, he had picked up Galen to help with loss. The boy was something different though entirely. He was his whole world soon. Then he convinced him to adopt another child. Yet, his world aged slowly. It aged and they grew further apart. Further apart as well as awkward.
"Galen, I know that face. Something scared you didn't it?" Marlin asked. Galen looked away bashfully like he had always done when he was embarrassed around his dad. Then he slowly nodded his head. Marlin looked around to see Morgan leave the room looking awkward.
"What was it?" Marlin asked. Galen bit his lip before speaking.
"The game I was playing had a gun in it. It-it fired was all. It was like it was really here. Like I was being shot." Galen mumbled looking pale. Marlin sighed before moving a bit closer to his son.
"I wouldn't allow that. If you got shot then I don't know what I would do with myself." Marlin smiled at him. Galen looked as far away from him as he could.
"You'd manage. You always do when something bad happens." Galen sighed. Marlin's eyes widened as his heart slowed down. Then he smiled kindly and softly at him like he had down when Galen was a child.
"You honestly wanna know what I would do if you died?" Marlin asked. Galen nodded.
"I would go on a robbing spree like that book character you loved. What was his name? Darwin? Darmin? Derick? Devin?"
"You mean Dallus?"
"Yeah. And then I would dance the dance of death while stealing a bike and riding it all through town. Then I would proceed to blow up that school you hate so much regardless of the moths that I would be killing!" Marlin smiled. Galen sighed, smirking a bit as he rolled his eyes.
"And do you know why I would do that?" Marlin asks.
"Cause you're my son." He smiled. Galen hugged his adopted father before he could stop himself. He just couldn't help it. Marlin smiled hugging his son back.
Lance watched his youngest cousin pace as he sat on the couch. He listened to Morgan drone on and on about her worried liked she always did. He nodded and added his own thoughts on it like always. That is until his phone ring in his back pocket. Then he slowly slipped out of the room with a smile on his face.
The second he was in the bathroom he picked up as his smile faded away.
"What do you want?" Lance snapped into the phone. Keith sighed sounding annoyed. They had a 'rivalry' since grade five when Keith had spit gum out into Lance's hair and May of may not have pushed him into a lake.
"I just wanted to know what lights you guys are doing from scene one act two. I need to know if they can see Belle's dress sparkle from the back seat." Keith sighed into the phone. Lance scoffed before picking up his note book. He flips threw a few scribbles he had of giant robot lions, an idea he had for a comic book, until he found the light notes.
"Bright blue ones." Lance sighed. Keith thanked him before hang up. Lance hung up as well before slowly slipping his phone into his back pocket. Then he looked at what he had scribbled onto the back of the page feeling hopeless for a moment.
"Mr.Lance Koegana." He read before sighing and leaving the room. Like that was ever gonna happen.
Mel sighed reading threw his script again and again. His eyes slowly tried to drift closed but, the small blond teen wouldn't let him.
"Maybe you should rest." His older brother said sittings own and trying to take the script from him.
"Nope! Not happening!" Meliodas said jumping a few inches to his left, away from his brother.
"Alright buy, dinner's on the table when you're ready for it." His brother sighed before leaving the room. Meliodas shook his head before reading threw the whole play again.
When his brother went to check on him again, he found Mel fast asleep drooling on the coffee table. On his lap was the play's script with his hands laid over it,  which couldn't be taken off of him no matter how hard his brother tried to remove it from his tiny hand. Eventually his brother gave up and carried him to bed.
Ezra sighed going threw his homework on his laptop. He had glance at the bag of his stuff near the door every few seconds question weather or not to run again. Yet, soon all his thoughts were drowned out by one wish. A wish to sleep.
So with a tired sigh he put his, now off, laptop on his bed side. Then he pulled his sheets up over his body and tried to sleep.
He did succeed. Yet, once again it was another dreamless sleep.
They began packing around the New York City's tiny restaurant bathroom. Then very slowly they picked their test out of the sink while their hands shook. Very slowly they looked at the results.
"Shit." Was the one within that they could say reading the plus sign. Then they looked at their bag of stuff and picked it up.
"Guess this means I need a place to stay before they find me again." They sighed before leaving, only leaving back their echo as they left New York for good looking for somewhere nice and safe to stay.

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