Until someone gets hurt

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"You sure your okay to do this? I mean I can understand if you're not." Hunk spoke up. Crystal rolled her eyes. Just because her mother had called her daughter scamming moments ago about being a fag this was fine. She was fine. She could handle this.
She had been for years.
"Let's just get out there." Crystal replied cold walking on stage looking down. Hunk but his lip before walking behind her.
"Ladies and gentle men I would like to introduce the deadly blades." Miley smiled. He heard a few snickers and mumbled of nice name.
"We're still working on it. Anyways now here a song the drama production has beefed us to do..or at least the ones I know in it." Mikes smiled going to his spot. Crystal took her spot in the front of the stage.
Screw her mom! It didn't matter she didn't what to come! It didn't matter that her dad was to busy! She was gonna show them that she was serious! She wanted to sing for a living and this was the prefect way to start! Damn them both for young on and on about how it would be hard to do this!
She would show them!
As the music began she began to sing
"Yes, I look perfect, Ice Queen, that's what you see.....It's what they all expect from me
But it's all show!" Crystal smiled into the micro phone glaring a bit. She stepped her high heel towards. She glared pointing forwards into the crowd randomly.
"Face it, you used me...You saw the sexy clothes. My supermodel pose, What did you know?" She snapped the extra hand players they had made the music mor dramatic. Yet, all she could see was her mother's face. That ugly face.
"Was I a game to you? Was I a way to be cool? I truly cared...Was I the fool?" Her eyes glared at the image of her mother. She was nothing to her. Just a game. Just a doll she wanted to throw away.
"It's fine for you. It's fine to flirt. It's fine 'Till someone gets hurt!" She snapped before taking a deep breath before going all out on a high note. Her heart shattered think of her family.
'"Till someone gets hurt!"
There was a single pose. For a second. During that moment Morgana saw that look. A look of betrayal in Crystal's eyes.
"Feel my heart beating. I'm just like her or you, People forget I'm human too.
Yes, they do that!" She snapped as if informing someone. God she wanted to let it all out so badly. Just lo someone about that women. About her mother who honestly didn't even earn or deserve that title.
"This is performance, This is all self defense. I thought you had the sense, To see through that!" She seemed to be glaring daggers at her own hand now.
"Was I too proud with you? Was I too cold and forbidding? And you chose her over me
Are you kidding?" That stupid step sister was now I her mind.
"Are you kidding?" Two of the male's chirped up behind her. Yet, it just another her right now no matter how good they sounded.
"Poor little me....All trapped in this fabulous show. You could set me free
But if you're going, go!" Her grip tightened around the microphone. It was so tight that her knuckles turned white. Why couldn't she just go?!
"Go! Oh! Oh!" The boy's sang afterward. She almost glared at them. She bit her own tongue to keep from doing it.
"It's fine for you. It's fine to flirt.... And God, you're hot,Why do you even wear a shirt?" Crystal added a few words in he remind think of that night again. The night when she came home to early from band rehearsal.
"It's fine!" Crystals' voice melt with the Cuban boy standing in the back while Keith's shirked from the light section making him blush.
"Damn, you're fine!" Lance chimed in when he was supposed to.
"Damn, you're fine!" Crystal began tearing up rembering that night. That night her parents decided to get divorced. The night heard her mother moan this same sentence to her lover from her bedroom.
"And it's fine!" Crawl lied to herself as she sang with Lance.
" 'Till someone gets..." he voice snag loudly before she covered her mouth feeling a tiny sob fighting to escape her throat.
"Hurt! Hurt!" A lot of people sang while her heart began to feel like it was shattering.
" 'Till someone gets hurt! 'Till someone gets hurt!" Crystal knew her eyes were watering. She smiled hearing everyone cheer but, it was fake. She began to rub her eyes as the curtain feel. The band members cheered.
"Crystal that was amazing!" Galen cheered. Crystal stood there before she let it put.
She began to sob.
The room fell silent before she raced off down the hall tears falling free from her eyes. She began sobbing uncontrollably listening to her band members call her name.
Here's the song I used!

Be warned this video is not Pg.
"What do you mean she's gone?" Galen asked loudly. Morgana shrugged nervously to him. She bit her lip looking at him.
"I can't find her. I looked everywhere. I'm being serious." Morgana spoke up looking nervous.
"Okay okay you know what fine. Okay let's...go check the gym." Galen admitted nervously. He bit his lip.
"Pidge did. She couldn't find her there." Keith sighed.
"What about the library?" Galen asked.
"I checked there with my brothers and Sayori. No one could find her there either." Nico looked ever so nervously at Galen. Galen sighs thinking for a while. He bit his lip nervously thinking.
"Okay what about the...umm...music room?" He asks ever so nervously.
"Checked there. No one was there." Ezra mumbled looking down while Sabine was calling looking for the runways Crystal in the back.
"Oh my god we lost the richest family in schools daughter and our leader singer." Galen whispered thinking. Everyone paled. If crystal wasn't found what was gonna happen next? Oh gosh what if she was dead? What if she was passed out drunk? Or kidnapped by a sex trafficker?
"Oh god we're so dead!" Star yelled running her hands through her long blond hair. Morgana began nervous pacing with Ezra. Galen began swearing as he thought. Kyle was chewing his nailed. As for Meliodas he just sat tee thinking as he checked his text waiting for a reply.
His mom had finally come home. His dad called crying and he could hardly hear a word he was saying but, he hadn't called back or texted since. He looked at the phone screen waiting for a reply when he got a text.
"Immortal god:Yo you guys still looking for the girl black rocker chick?"
Meld froze upon reading the text from Ban. His face scrunched up. Where wa ethics going.
Captain: Yeah Ban.
Captain: Do you know where she is?
Immortal god: well yeah.
Immortal god: Little shit broke into my van and downed a mouth of my vodka. I pulled her out and she was crying.
Mel felt his jaw tighten. Did Ban really bring Vodka for himself to these things? Cause know Ban he was probably lying to keep Meliodas out of trouble. To be ones the was probably selling booze and weed.
Immortal god: Currently she's sitting in the back of my van kicking he feet, crying her eyes out while hiccuping and spilling her secrets to me which I will be duelling to the highest bidder.
Captain: okay I'll get Galen to drive her home
Immortal god: okay just know she might be wasted
Captain: what do you mean might?
Immortal god: that was her first drink. She's drunk as f man.
Captain: shit okay..give me a sound and then we'll get her home together. You touch her I will gut you like a fish.
Immortal god: aye aye captain!
Ban chuckled pulling up to the giant White House in town while listening to Crystal drunkly ramble from the backseat while leaning on a sleep Galen's shoulders. Meliodsa was dozing off in the front seat too.
"Well I think that sounds like a heart idea for a song. You know we're at your place right?" He smiled turning around. Crystal groaned.
"Noooooooo....don't make me go home! Dad's at work for the entire night and mom's at the man whores place all the way in Washington DC." Crystal groaned dropping onto Galen's lap. She looked at her own feet.
"Is that why you were crying today?" Ban sighed getting out of the Van and slowly helping her inside. She groaned glaring at her legs.
"Yeaaahhhh. She thinks I'm gross."
"I can't tell you it's a secret." She giggled covering her mouth. Ban rolled his eyes checking under the mat and pulling out a spare key. He slowly opened the door and began helping Crystal to the living room.
"But I'll tell you if you promise to give me more booze." Crystal giggled. Ban sighed rolling his eyes.
"I don't think so little miss. This is as drunk as you're ever gonna get." He sighed. She groaned.
"Okay then I want weed..."
"Okay that I can make happen. Now why don't you rest right now?" Ban asked laying a blanket over her. She giggled nodding her head.
"Okay okay let me tell ya first."
"Okay okay, what's the big secret?"
"I like girls!....Sexually!" She giggled loudly to someone for once making Ban freeze.
"You what now?"
"I don't know man." Arcann mumbled rubbing his stomach. Ezra helped him sit down.
"He still likes you. Come one just talks to him for a minute." He begged him. Arcann sighed resting a hand on his stomach thinking when his baby kicked making him smile. It also always gave him confidence.
"Okay okay, I'll do it." Arcann smiled happily. Ezra smiled walking out before returning with a tall pink haired teen. The pink haired teen froze upon seeing the heavily pregnant person.
"Arian-I mean Arcann." The pink haired boy smiled.
"Hi Natsu. We have a lot to discuss." Arcann smiled. Natsu nodded in agreement before he asked something no one else asked in a while.
"Where's your brother?" He asked. Arcann felt his smile fall. He paled looking down only thinking about what happened.
"Arcann, where's Thexan? Where's your twin brother?"
Till someone gets hurt is from mean girls the musical by the way if you wanted to know.

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