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"Hey dad, what up?" Galen smiled as he walked off stage in front of the hospital in a little town square. His friends laughed and talked with each other. Nico and Lance were talking but, Lance still hadn't caught on to the fact that Nico wasn't Keith yet...somehow. Yet, he had noticed the same think Hunk and Mikey had. Galen had paled as his eyes landed on his phone.
"Hey Galen you okay man?" Mikey asked looking at him. Galen was frozen for a minute befriend his brand new cellphone dropped to the ground and he race doff into the hospital. Crystal instantly picked up the phone before racing after him with Lance and the rest of her band causing after him.
Though somehow Galen had ran past all of them. When the band and the two other male's chased after him until they saw him yelling at a nurse and pounding on a front desk.
"Look kid you can't do go in!" The nurse yelled standing up over the male and glared at him. The muscular teen glared right back slamming his fists back down on the desk.
"It's my sister! I want to see my sister! I have a right! She's my sister!" He repeated again. The nurse scoffed.
"Look she already has enough people in her room an-"
"Morgana is my sister! My baby sister! She needs me right now! Please. Miss come on you gotta have kids. You gotta let me see her." Galen was begging now. Lance felt his blood run cold hearing his cousin's name.
"Oh god, Morgana is in here? Oh god what happened?" Lance asked the nurse giving her puppy dog eyes. The othe brand membered looked at the nurse nervously. She sighed.
"Look you two," She said pointing at Lance and Galen. "Take a seat. The rents if you, if you didn't know her leave now." She snapped. Mikey just took one look at the older nurse before plopping down in the waiting room and calling his brother's. Hunk sat down there as well and texted Keith. Crystal just sat down there waiting.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" She snapped.
"Oh we know. She's my girlfriend and their cousin as well." Crystal lie through her teeth which made Hunk look at her. Crystal looked as emotional at the nurse without thinking. Hunk knew that look. It was a look that kids of a divorce gave their parents to try and get something they wanted. He did that look.
"Okay fine! You all just sit down and talk! I'll get you in to see her in an hour." The nurse snapped.
"An hour isn't good enough! I wanna see Morgana's now!" Galen begged looking heartbroken. Meanwhile another nurse stopped in her tracks. Kara looked at the two teens.
"Wait, you all wanna see Morgana?" Kara asked. Galen looked at the nurse hopefully as he nodded his head.
"I can take you right now. She's going to be discharged in an hour after I give her the number of a few people who can help her." Kara smiled.
"Help her with what though?" Galen asked felling his heart speed up. He knew about her mother. He began praying Morgana wasn't going to be like her mother. Kara sighed giving a sad smile like she had been training too.
"It's not my place to tell you but, I can take you and....your cousin Lance I'm guessing?" Kara mentioned looking at Lance. Galen smiled racing over and following her down a hall to his baby sister. Lance walked fast behind him, almost stepping on his heels.
Soon the door opened and they saw Meliodas actually making weird noises as he held his friend's hand and let his face lay down on the bed near her hip. Kyle was sitting there with a sigh rubbing his friends back while Pidge and Star were taking notes and going over strange sounding numbers.
"Oh god! Next time I am to be called first okay!" Galen snapped looking at his sister. Everyone looked at him with a smile. Well except Meliodas. He looked up and showed his red blood coloured eyes as he reached out for a hug. Galen blushed before slowly walking over and hugging him while Kara left. Lance meanwhile sat down next to the girl's.
"Can I ask what happened and why dad called me saying he was getting you a lot of McDonald's?" Galen asked her nervously while rubbing Meliodas's back. Meliodas let out a loud sob, that sounded more like a squeak before rubbing his nose on Galen's shirt which made his body crawl.
"She hasn't eaten in five days and passed out in class." Kyle sighed before handing Meliodas a tissue. Meliodas sobbed loudly throwing the tissue on the ground and using Galen's shirt as a tissue again instead. Galen looked mortified while Lance just had a blank look on his face.
Then Lance held her hand Making Morgana look at him.
He always knew. Lance always knew Morgana had problems. He saw how she looked at girls at the mall sometimes. Not sexually or anything. He would be okay with that and he knew his entire family would be too.
The look of envy. She then would look down at her own stomach and look disappointed. Then she sometimes would try to ed the door but, Lance would try and sit at the table until she says even one full vegetable.
Yet, he didn't know it was this bad. He knew it hit worse since he sighed up for a lot more clubs this year. He had less time to make sure she ate. And he regretted it all now just look at her.
She looked so tired and was so tiny. She was all skin and bones from her neck down probably. God, he failed her. He failed everyone.
"Morgana Polaris Estrella Merck, you look at me." Lance said holding her hand. She looked nervously at him. Lance let out a sigh before holding her hand a bit tighter and showing a kind smile.
"I want you to know this. You're one of the brightest girls I know. You're much more smarter than me and you have been since you learned to do multiplication at the age of four. You even love more than normal people. You always have an you always will. And I know a lot more great things about you that if I tell you now I know you'll cry." Lance smiled seeing his cousin smile at him while Mel let out a ugly sobbed as he clung to Galen's shirt for dear life.
"I want you to know that you don't deserve to be treated how you've been treating yourself. You deserve the sun the stars and the entire night sky, you don't drove to think so little of yourself when you are so beautiful and tiny." Lance smiled trying to make his cousin feel better. Morgana smiled holding back tears.
"So I want you to listen to me now and listen to me Eat all you want. If you wanna lose weight I'll help you with it but, we do it the normal healthy way. That's way you can feel more successful and proud of yourself. What you're doing now would have makes you feel proud before it made you feel sick twenty four seven. And you don't derive to die due to a dumb though in you head either so what ever dumb thought made you do this..I what you to forget it because to my you're skinny sending to be a model in Victoria secret." Lance smiled which made Morgana cry a bit. She quickly rubbed her eyes while Meliodas let out a loud cry.
"That was so beautiful!" Mel sniffed before rubbing his nose on Galen's shirt a finale time.
"Would you stop that?!" Galen snapped trying to move back.
"So princesa, do you promise me that you'll stop this if I agree to help you?" Lance asks holding her hand again. Morgana nodded with a sniffle.
"Sí. Sí." She nodded with a huge smile, regretting nothing.
"What? Galen, Galen stop crying. I can't understand you wen you cry. Just take deep breaths." Ezra sighed into the phone. Arcann sat up on the couch looking at him while Sabine stuffed her mouth with more popcorn focusing the movie on the TV.
"What do you mean she hasn't been eating? I watched her eat today at lunch." Ezra piped up. Sabine stopped eating. She put the popcorn close to Arcann and paused the movie before looking at Ezra nervously.
"Okay, okay I promise I'll meet you there. And I'll bring Sabine if I can. Okay?....Oaky see ya then." Ezra smiled before hanging up the phone and feeling sick.
"Ezra, is everything okay?" Sabine asked.
"No you know who Morgana fainted today?" Ezra asked him. Sabine nodded the same time Arcann did as he stuffed his mouth full of popcorn.
"She's been starving herself. That's what she fainted." Ezra sighed. Sabine held back a gasp and Arcann almost chocked on his popcorn. Yet, soon he gasped down yeh popcorn after Ezra gave him a drink. Then he spoke up again.
"Okay you two go. Go, so her, support her. I'll stay here and do my school work." Arcann smiled helping Sabine off of the couch as he dug out the computer Ezra let him use for school.
"What about you?" Ezra asked. Arcann sighed.
"I can't go. If I go he might get me back." Arcann sighed. Ezra nodded before he laid a blanket over the male to keep him warm.
"Just stay safe is all I ask." Ezra smiled. Arcann snorted before messing up Ezra's hair.
"You know I always will be." Arcann giggled before Ezra and Sabine left and he began doing his school work. Yet, the second Ezra sta in the car he heard Sabine ask a single question.
"How long have you been in love with him?"
Ezra's face went red. Then he sighed looking at Arcann through the front window as they drove off. He frowned looking down.
"To long to remember ever liking someone else." Ezra admitted.
Later that day everyone took Morgana out to eat.
No joke.
The minute Morgana was discharged Meliodas picked her up and fucking carried her into Leo's car with Galen and began yelling at him to drive to a family restaurant in town that Morgana loved. And so here they all were sitting at a table, waiting for Keith. Except for Lance. He was giving him weird looks while they waited in a hallway.
"I can't hold it back anymore, I need to tell you something." Lance whispered holding Nico's hand. Nico felt his face heat up as he began eating with weirded out.
"Okay, so um......what is it?" Nico asked. Lance blushed. Oh god, how was he gonna tel, him this.
"Keith, Keith.......I ummm..."
"Wait a second, look dude I'm not Ke-"
"Keith te amo!" Lance said a bit loudly which made Galen gasp and stop in his spot. Nico meanwhile blush his and back looking so nervously. Oh god. This wasn't gonna end well.
"Oh god I'm so sorry to weird you out Keith..look can we just-"
"I'm Nico! My name is Nico!" Nico panicked. Lance's face went red.
"Oh......shit." Lance blurted out blushing as he hurried his face in his hands. Nico looked down while blushing and Galen began talking to Lance in Spanish.
"Espera, espera ¿eres gay?" Galen asked as they began walking down the hall to both Lance and Nico's embarrassment.
"No Galen...look I'm bi but, you can't tell anyone, okay?" Lance asked. Galen nodded before e kept talking.
"Dios mío, ¿cómo no sabía que te gustaban los chicos y chicas? Quiero decir, te vi besar a ese chico cuando eras como esperar, ¿seis? ¡Oh Dios! ¿Cómo no lo sé?" Galen panicked as he sat down at a table. Nico and Lance sighed before laying their head on the table and wishing they were dead.
"Guess who's gonna be an uncle!!!" Keith yelled running into the restaurant and slamming his hands down on the table. Everyone gasped looking at him.
"Oh my god is it Katy Perry?" Morgana asked.
"Is it Hatsuna Miku?" Crystal added with a smirk which made Morgana blush even more than she had today which made Mel smile.
"Oh no wait, is it Lance?" Kyle asked while Galen smacked him on the back of his head.
"Oh no wait it's Lady gaga!" Ezra chimed in with a smirk.
"Oh my god no! It's me! I'm gonna be an uncle!" Keith snapped not getting the joke before grumpily dropping into his seat again. The he shot back up seeing Shiro and helping his trans brother into his seat. Then he helped Allura sit in a chair to before sitting in his own chair.
"I'm gonna assume you didn't tell Keith who's carrying the baby." Morgana smiled. Allura sighed nodding her head.
Allura had been trying to have a baby for three years with her boyfriend when she found out that she couldn't have kids physically. And they couldn't adopt with the news making trans people look like trash. Plus they couldn't afford adoption. Yet, according to her math she could afford IVF and to raise a child for six years without problems. Then she realized they could save more money if Shiro carried their child and used a sperm donee like she was going to.
Yet, they both agree that they would tell Keith when they knew for sure they were having a child but, both agreed not to tell Keith who was carrying the child just for fun. And let Allura say it was very entertaining himself.
"Morgana, if you want you, me, Pidge, Star and a few of the other girls can go on a girl's day and get everyone ice cream. I know how much you love Ice cream!" Allura smiled holding her hand. Morgana sighed before smiling.
"Thanks Allura. I'll think about it." Morgana's admitted before Crystal spoke up.
"But everyone remember I'm paying for dinner." Crystal smirked looking at them all and holding Morgana's free hand making the teen want to panic.
This is by far the longest chapter I've written by far for this story. It is about 2430 words right now. Let me just say my god. I can't stop writing this and I love it because of it.

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