Mel goes to therapy +pidge comes out

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The semester ended soon. Mel knew that. It was may now. He had three weeks of school, and award ceremony and then his summer started. And with that summer his grade 11 year started. That meant one year closer to becoming an adult. One year closer to crushing student debt. So it made sense that this was what finally pushed him to go.
Meloidoas was finally taking therapy. After months of his friends begging since his last beak down, well he finally gave in. So here he was sitting here all alone listening to some bored music as he waited to be let inside the room. He didn't know why but, he knew there was a lot of people here. After all there was only one psychologist open this late in the spring. Everyone else was on vacation.
So here he sat all alone quiet as could be when he heard his name called. Slowly he headed towards a brightly coloured door. It was somehow bright and screamed the words of embarrassment in his head. His heart was racing as he watched a taller male walk out smiling a bit. This guy seemed like he was having a good time. One could only imagine what happened in there to that guy.
Slowly he walked in to see the blond older women sitting on a chair. She had a pad of paper like in the movies. Her walls were covered in picture of her and her wife. There were a few other pictures of their friends as well showing she was a people person. There was a few bookshelves with random looking books in there.
"Welcome Meloidas. I'm doctor Adora Nin. Take a seat and we'll just discuss your issues. Don't feel pressured to tell me what you don't want to, just sit and telling me what's bothering you. What you say here isn't going to be told to anyone else, so don't worry about feelings." Adora smiled at him. She then pointed at a laid back chair that Meliodas could sit in. So down he sat laying back seeming nervous as ever.
"So what do I have to tell you exactly?" He asks slowly.
"What ever you want." Adora answered honestly.
"Really?" He asks slowly.
"Yup. Just tell me what you want me to know or give suggestions on."
"Oh....I that case I might as well give it a try."
"That's the spirit. Now what do you wanna begin with?"
Pidge sat there nervously texting on her phone. She gulped looking at her feet wondering what to say. What could you say when in this situation?
"Okay Katie correct me If I'm wrong but, I think I got everything." Matt spoke up as he looked over their bags. Her father was sitting on a chair looking exhausted from putting up his stuff. He just smiled trying to stay happy for the kids but, he was always nervous as ever when it came to the yearly weekend visit to his parents. The kids however seemed to stay calm about it.
"Okay you packed your shirts right?" Matt asked her.
"Yup." Pidge replied fighting the urge to say something sh-they wanted to say.
"Did you have a few pairs of shorts? They'r getting a heat wave this week."
"I know and I did pack them."
"Your extra glasses pair?"
"Packed and with glass cleanser which is stuffed in my long pair of socks I sleep in."
"The ugly sleep pants grandma have you?"
"Hey! I happen to love those and they're packed. And I packed the so called ugly nightgown with it that I love."
"Okay, what about your toothbrush?"
"Yes and tooth paste in another pair of that I think about it everything might taste like fete to me for the next two days...I mean I even have my charger packed in another sock too."
"Oh my god why do you have so many socks packed?!"
"I like socks. They're fun and cool."
"They won't be up there."
"I know but they're staying. And yes I packed the bracelet grandpa got me and I packed everything else you told me."
"Okay good....anything else we forgot about?"
"I..I think I'm nonbinary." Pidge blurted out as the air around them seemed to get cold. In their defence, they were sooo done with hiding it. This probably wasn't the bets time to come out.
"Oh....well if that's he case we can go to the mall and pick out a binder with you." Pidge's father smiled getting on his phone to giggle where to buy one. Pidge fell silent as their brother spoke up.
"Are yo still going by Katie?" Matt asked. Pidge felt like they were in another world as they looked him in the eyes. How were they both so calm?!
"I..pidge. I wanna go by Pidge now." Pidge blurted out.
"Well Pidge do you still want me to pack nail polish so you and grandma can have matching nails?"
" are you guys so calm with this? Where's the scream and yelling I heard about?!"
"Ka-..Pidge, right?"
"Y..yeah Pidge."
"Pidge, it's 2018 and maybe you forgot but your father's company supports a safe house for LGBTQ kids. And your father has been working up there for two weeks a summer since you were born. BELIVE it or not your father is actually with the time and is more accept than you think." Pidge's father smiled happily looking at them. "No matter what I know it's still you. You're still the little kid who wears socks that go over their knees all the time. You still email memes to the wrong numbers sometimes and you just role with it...point is Pidge it's still you. I've honestly been expecting you to come out as something since half the kids you hang out with are LGBTQ....just know that it's still you and I love you...I might not be wording this Wel-"
Pidge cut him out by rushing over and hugging their father. He smiled hugging his child closer, clinging onto them for dear life. He sighed before Matt joined in whispering supportive words to Pidge. They all cling onto each other before their father spoke up again.
"You know if you want we can do one of those gender reveal parties with whatever colour balloons if you want." He thought aloud making the two teens eyes lit up. Within seconds the two were rushing ideas past each other while their father sighed.
He had just signed up for a lot more than he barraged for.

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