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Star sat there listening to her teacher drone on and on about sexual reproduction. She leaned her head into her hand. This was a boring class seeing as all they were learning was stuff they would have learned in sixth grade. She began to drift off into thought before she saw it.
Jackie met her eyes. She smiled waving at her before kissing Marco, pushing him gangs the door window. A cruel look in her eyes. Star quickly looked back at the diagram on the slide show trying not to cry.
Meanwhile her heart felt like it was shattering. It was like it was shattering into a thousand million pieces in one moment....and it hurt.
She began wondering if you could could heart cramps to.
"Fuccccckkkkkk!" Pidge groaned holding her stomach tightly as she laid on the floor in her room tearing up. She groaned in pain holding her stomach tighter fighting the urge to throw up. Her side seemed to tighten until it felt like her organs were gonna burst.
"Katie, my god you make it sound like you're dying." Matt sighed as he walked into his sisters room and plopped down on her bed. She glared at him intensely from under he large rimmed glasses.
"I am dying!" She yelled at him sitting up. Then her hips felt like they were gonna explode again. With a groan she laid back down on the ground curling up into a ball as she began tearing up again.
"You're not dying. You're just in your period." Matt sighed laying back on her bed. Pidge glared at what he could see his feet.
He didn't know how badly this hurt. He never would know how she felt! He never would! Him and his stupid dick! Why couldn't he have to go through this pain?! Why couldn't Matt go through a period?! Even for a month! Then he would know how badly this hurt!
Why couldn't he just go through one period?! Why couldn't he be going through her pain?! Why couldn't he feel her pain? Why couldn't she have been born in the right body?
"Hey bine, can I brow you-..........And why on earth are you crying?" Ezra asked nervously looking at her. Sabine sobbed looking up at him from her bed.
Okay, so Ezra didn't expect this when he was going to go ask to brow her phone for then minutes just to call Galen. Just for a minute. Just to tell him one thing that no one else needed to know. Yet, instead he found his foster sister crying her eyes out as she sat on her bed. And he looked at her legs to see a blood stain.
Oh. Oh. OhHH! That was new! That was definitely a new thing he saw her do. Both the crying and bleeding out on her bed thing.
" want something?" He asked her nervously. She sobbed nodding her head. Her face was a so red from her sobbing and she was gasping for air. Large tears rolled down her cheeks.
"What do you need?" Ezra asked.
"P-phone." Sabine sobbed loudly
"What? Why do you need a phone?" Ezra asked.
"M-my phone!" She sobbed clearly in pain as she pointed at her cellphone which was on her jewelry box. Ezra picked it up almost instantly and brought it over to her. Sabine sobbed louder as she opened her phone and began to crying louder.
" want me to get you some pants?" He asked. When he didn't get a reply he went to get her some sweat pants from her dresser.
"T-third drawer." Sabine sniffed. Ezra nodded before slowly opening the third drawer and finding two pairs of grey sweat pants. One was very tiny but, the other had larger hips.
"Umm...which ones are yours?" He asked holding up both pairs of the sweat pants. Sabine sobbed waiting for an answer before pointing at the tinier pair of sweatpants. He nodded handing her some before hearing Kanan answer the phone.
"hello?" That was the only word to leave Kanan's lips before Sabine became a sobbing mess again as she tried to explain to Kanan what was happening. Ezra sighed as he left the room to go get his sister chocolate. Yet, instead he came face to face with Zeb.
"Why on earth is Sabine crying?" Zeb asks looking at Ezra. Ezra blushed at him while his face turned a bright shade of red.
"I-Umm...I don't think you want to know." Ezra mumbled quickly before racing off to the car. He didn't mean anything personal by it. He really didn't. It was just Zeb was a big guy. Like a really big, big, muscular guy who probably got weirder out by the reproductive Talk when he was around the age of ten by the looks of things. God just looking at him made him nervous.
Soon Zeb sat down in the front seat with all his school stuff. His face was red as he turned around in his seat. He looked weirded out.
"You should have warned me she was bleeding!" Zeb mumbled blushing so brightly. Ezra blushed back as he sat up straight, feeling awkward.
"Well I tHOughT you didn't waNNa hear about it!" Ezra snapped, his voice cracking. Zeb was a very bright shade of red.
"Well I didn't buy, I went in and she threw these at me while crying and cursing me for having a dick!" Zeb said tossing the larger pair of grey sweat pants at him. Ezra screamed girlishly as he fell backwards onto the floor. Then he realized those weren't the blood pair of pants as he glared at Zeb. Zeb laughed looking at him.
"Not Funny!" Ezra pouted as he sat back up in his seat in the car. He put his seat belt one while glaring at Zeb. Zeb laughed as put on his seat belt before driving off.
"You have no idea how funny that it was." Zeb laughed driving off while Ezra stuffed the pants in his book bag, intending on giving them to a certain someone when he got home tonight.
Ezra stopped walking outside the hallways as he heard gagging. He froze as he listened to someone gag so loudly. Everyone in the hallway turned pale and raced off trying to give the person privacy.
Yet, Ezra slowly made his way to the bathroom before seeing the sign that said girl's bathroom. He sighed putting a hand over his eyes and heading into the girl's washroom.
The second he was inside the bathroom he heard the gagging turn into barfing and groaning. The girl who was being sick was crying to by the sounds of it. He felt around as he tried to take a few steps around the room. Instead all that happened was that he walked face first into a bathroom stall door that was locked.
He cursed loudly as he moved his hand from over his eyes. He only heard the barfing from in front of him. Then he heard a thud as someone turned around and sat down on the floor with a loud groan.
" okay in there?" Ezra asked. A loud squeak was his response. And he knew that squeak. He had meet the girl twice but, he knew he squeaks from anywhere. It was Morgana.
"Ummm....M?" He asked. Morgana panted looking at the shoes under the door frame again. Her pale face looked as him as her blood soaked through her pants onto the white tiled floor.
"Hey." Morgana panted closing her eyes.
"Are you sick?" Ezra asked nervously. Morgana sighed wishing she could tell him what was wrong but, he was a boy and boys hated to listen to these things. It made her own brother's nervous to listen to it. Like really really nervous. And pale.
"Yeah..." She sighed.
"Okay I'll call Galen to get you home. All you gotta do is leave the stal-"
"No! No not right now!"Morgana panicked before hissing in pain and laying back down praying for death or to pass out again. Ezra looked down to see a tiny girl curled up in a ball as her shorts began to bleed red from a certain area.
"Oh my god girls get sick on their period?" Ezra asked feeling nervous as he held his cellphone in his hand. Morgana groaned.
"If they're me yeah. And they also pass out from the pain once a month." Morgana panted.
"Holy shit are you joking?" Ezra asked as he held his now ringing cellphone up to his ear. His heart began to race as he hoped that wasn't gonna happen right now.
"My god, yes! Why would I be joking about this?" She snapped before hissing in pain as she laid down more and held back tears.
"Do you want some clean pants?" Ezra asked. Morgana sniffed before mumbling a yes. Ezra held the pair of sweat pants over the side of the door as he waited for Galen to answer the phone. Very slowly Morgana stood up and took the pants from him. Then she began changing when he spoke up again.
"Galen isn't answering so I'm gonna drive you home while I call your dad...if you can do it." Ezra sighed looking at the door. Morgana made a single noise as she held her old blood pants in her hand. She slowly opened the stall doors only to collapse into his arms.
Ezra yelled loudly before screaming for help in a panic seeing as Morgana was out cold now. He began trying to pick her up so they could get to the nurse while yelling for help when of all people, Sayuri from the fucking literature. She froze looking at the screen.
There was a blood fifteen year old in an older male's arms. And she was unconscious. I would have been more suspicious if she knew that this was Morgana and she knew what Morgana did every month.
"Okay, were going to the nurse then were getting a rape kit on her Gregory you get any more ideas." Sayori snapped picking up her legs before carrying her to the nurse's office with Ezra.

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