List of things done on march break

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1. Stayed up for 27 hours. He only kinda crashed once and fell into Morgan's chest for only five seconds before getting a nap.
2. Watched three musicals back to back with his brother's.
3. Learned to waltz, thanks to Kyle's dad's. Which by the way his dad laughed over and still had photos of it.
4. Snuck out and smoked weed for the first time when his dad worked up all night. Ban almost killed him for doing it while he came back. Crystal just glared at him for the ride but, he noticed her eyes softened when Crystal saw the bruises on Ban. If that was the case, maybe he wasn't just the only one seeing them too.
5. Have Morgana accidentally come out not to her whole family, but his. Like they were talking on the phone and Mel put her on speaker just as she was asking how to just causally date a girl before the musical began. So, that was awkward.
6. Got call from a hung over Ban while babysitting Braxton. So he handed the baby the phone and holy shit Ban actually thought it was a drunk Meliodas. Oh god it was funny.
As of now he say in the bathroom voices screaming in his head for him to do it. That he was dumb. That he was the reason his mother was dead. She was brain dead for sure as of two hours ago, and he should go with her. He needs to go with her. What good is he here? At least that is until he got a single text.
MemeBi: Sup butch. Headed to the corner store by ur place. U want anything dude?
Meliodas sniffled shaking a big. He quickly covered his mouth while his brother's slept on the couch behind him. He gulped for a bit before doing something dumb. He called Morgana.
"Heeeeeyyy. How you doing blondie?" Morgans voice piped up as the crickets piled up around her.
"I-I...Pretty good." He lied covering his mouth when he was gonna sob. He heard her freeze. He just stood there rubbing his eyes watching his brother's sleep happily, unaware of what he was likely to do again. Not like they would care.
"No, no that's a lie...look I'm heard over and we're gonna spend the night together okay? We are gonna spend the night together do nothing but talk until you feel better and I'll walk home in the morning okay?" She sounded calm but, a sigh just hinted at something more. He sniffled mumbling an okay before sitting on the floor. He just sat there all alone before she lightly knocked on the door.
Oh lord he didn't think he should have answered it. Not with the way his mind worked. He just wanted to go lay down and die. Yet, she liked him. And he needed her. They we the best of friends after all.
So he opened the door feeling dumb.
Within a second Morgana was hugging him tightly. She just refused to let go even after he closed the door. In fact she refused to let go for twenty minutes.
The first five minutes was Meliodas whispering to her to let go. Begging her to just let go. She just held him and rubbed his back even when he struggled a bit and pushed her an inch away. Yet, her grip never let go. That is until she whispered to him that it wasn't his thought.
The next ten minuets was Meliodas sobbing sinking into her chubby shoulder. She just rubbed his back and whispered a calming words to him. Heck, to be honest though he can't remember what she said. Just whispers and back rubs that he needed.
The next five minutes, she just lead him to his room. She just hummed like his mom always did and hugged him sitting on the bed. It probably looked so odd to everyone else, yet they were usually this close. Always had been, always would be. Heck they had been since he was the first one to know she was bisexual...which kinda happened on his first day of the new school in grade 8, when they moved here. It kinda forced them to be close. Especially when Morgana got on her hand and knees outside of his home and actually begged him to not say a word.
Yet, her eating problems just made them so much more close.
"She's gone....she's gone and I wanna be with her. I...I wanna be with her so bad." Meliodas sobbed into her shoulder, bags under his eyes being shown, makeup washed away by his tears.
"Meliodas that's okay. When my grandfather died I wanted to be with him too. It took me a while but, I finally git over it. And what helped me was talking it over with people I knew and loved. My dad understood, he listened to me cry. He listened to my problems. Just try talking about it okay?" She asks moving his hair back. He jus sobbed nodding his head
"I still miss her."
"I've been taking your meds right?"
"Good..those are supposed to make you feel so much more tired., you've been sleeping right Mel?"
"...No..everything I sleep I just picture dad taking her off life support two days ago after her body shut down....he's up there all by himself with my grandparents. And they hate him! I-I wish I went with him."
"No, no you don't. Look Mel, she had tubes and wires everywhere. You don't wanna see her like that. And your dad said your grandparents let him stay there and they seem pretty nice to him right now..he's fine. Your mom's in a better place now, okay?" She asks holding him by the shoulders. He nodded rubbing his eyes. She smiled hugging him while he cried for a while longer.
Mel didn't realize how long he cried for. He had no idea for how long he had told her everything for. All he knew was that he saw from over her should her book bag which was full of all her clothes and homework...well that as well as money. It looked like everything she owned was in the bag.
He had never seen her book bag so full.
"Why is my book bag like that?" He sniffled. Morgana stopped being normal and happy. She just built up a wall within seconds. He could see it on her face.
"Like what?" She asks trying to block his view.
"Morgana everything you own is in your book bag. Why on earth is it all in there?" He asks trying to get up.
"Look let's not look at it." She begs holding his hand suddenly looking desperate. Yet, her eyes had saddened look in them. The same look she had when she came out to him...That was when it hit him. Like literally. It was like a ball hit his head.
"Oh god Organa don't tell me they-"
"My aunt found my diary...she kicked me out today while dad was at work, Galen was at Ezra's and she...she deleted his contact from my phone. Your one of the only ones that still on it cause I had you under a fake meme name...and Kyle is on vacation so....anyways, I got enough money for a bus in the morning...I think if I found my birth mom, she may be only what 35? I can live with her or whoever the Heck my bio dad  is." She smiled nervously.
"What if they don't want you there?" Meliodas blurted out. Within seconds Morgana was just looking down, on the verge of tears. She looked so scared.
"Well I mean boxes don't look that bad in New York now do they?" She joked mouth shaking. Meliodas just hugged her.
"You're staying with us from now on." Meliodas whispered. Within minutes Morgana was crying.
Needless to say the rest of the March break included a tired Morgana laying on top of Meliodas as she slept, just to ask sure he didn't hurt himself. Yet, he loved it. After all it was almost like he had a sister.
Guess who's turning 16 in two days?!

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