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Ezra hated school from the time he was in preK. The kids usually picked on him about his bright blue hair being so different or how he acted. Then he was thrown into the foster system and things got worse at school. Kids started to avoid him when he came with a few bruises as well as cuts on his face. They thought he was in a fight. Yet, he kept telling people that he ran into a door a lot. A door that he knew as his first foster parent. Eventually someone put two and two together. That person called CPS. Ezra was removed from that home and placed in one with other kids.
He loved it there even though the foster father was abusive as well. That is until Natsu, who was fairly young at the time, was thrown out a window. He had almost died. He would have to if Galen had run over and held the five year olds throat gash closed for an hour. Afterwards the neighbors came to helped before calling CPS. Just like that the new family he made was gone.
It happened time and time again after wards. Kids picked on him about his hair. They would avoid him due to the bruising. They would even pick on him saying he threw his little brother out a window. Then one day, it all just stopped when he moved into another foster home.
In that home he was locked in a basement like an animal. He would get whipped daily. They fed him poison more than once. Heck, they even tossed burning cigarettes at him to see if he would catch on fire. Ezra remembered how every night he would scream in pain but, no one would hear. That is until he had been in the home for two years. Someone eventually heard him screaming. Someone named Kanan Jarrus who, thankfully was a cop,
After that, well Kanan and his wife began fostering Ezra. At first Ezra was a bit jump and didn't trust the couple. Soon though he began being a little more trusting with his surroundings. He loved the home after a while but, he never really showed it much.  He sometimes would be so frustrated he would scream or throw something. Ezra knew it was wrong but, he was never taught to act any way really.
When one of these outbursts first happened he thought Kanan would ship him off to the next home but, he didn't. He just sat down on the floor with Ezra before trying to calm him down. After three more outbursts happened in a week Kanan began teaching Ezra to mediate. As for Hera, she would just sit down, let him throw things before grounding him to help teach him what he was doing wasn't right. It was something Ezra would never admit he was really great fun for.
That is until the news of Kanan's transfer came. He had to to transfer to the same area where Hera worked in a school. So, they had to all pack up and move. Ezra had to sit in the back with his foster brother Zeb, who smelt like trash, while Sabine got to sit in the middle row of seats with their dog Chopper. Then once they got to the new house people stopped dead in their tracks to look at Ezra due to his hair which he hated.
Two days later he was forced to go to school there. He hated the entire car ride up there though, he didn't have an outburst. Instead he just used breathing techniques to calm himself down.
Soon he found himself walking into the school next to Sabine and Zeb. That is until Zeb was dragged off by his friends in the football team to go say hi to a old friend. Sabine meanwhile saw a single sign up sheet for the art club and disappeared into the crowd. Ezra meanwhile just sighed standing in place thinking about his past. That is until there was a loud scream of the word,
Ezra jumped out of the way to narrowly avoid a bright orange haired male on a skateboard from hitting him. The male gave Ezra a friend smile before skate board into the school.
"MIKEY YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" A bright blue hair male, almost identical to the one he saw before race into the school after him. Then a purple hair one that looked kinda lol the other tow ran in. Soon a drake red haired one dragged his feet behind his brother's glaring at a w people before seeing Ezra.
"You new here?" The male asked Ezra. Ezra nodded gulping slightly taking in the male's outfit. He was wearing a leather jacked, black ripped jeans and a dark red t-shirt that matched his dyed hair.
"Well welcome to Pierre Elliott Memorial high school. Name's Ralph." Ralph smiled holding out his hand. Ezra reached out his hand, which was ironically shaking in fear, before shaking Ralph's hand as well.
"Nice to meet you. My names Ezra." Ezra mumbled.
"Did you just move here?" Ralph asked.
"Yeah, we just moved here on Saturday." Ezra mumbled again.
"Well i know it must seem big but, we move here last year from New York City and let me tell ya, this school gets pretty tiny and boring after a while." Ralph smiled. Then a loud crash could be heard from inside the school making both male's jump.
"Well I gotta go catch my brother Ezra. If you need anything you need anywhere to eat at lunch come find me." Ralph smiled before racing into the building yelling at his brother to stop using his god damn skate board in the hallway.
Ezra smirked a bit before rolling his eyes. Then he took one look around the outside of the school before he decided to had to his locker early.
Mel was looking through his locker listening to his MP3 player when he heard a loud knock out on the outside of his locker. He glanced over the side to see Morgana standing there. She looked as nervous as ever. Mel sighed before digging the ear buds out of his ears.
"We...ahhh....I have a slight problem." Morgana gulped. Mel smiled leaning angst the lockers.
"What kind of problem?" He asks with a smirk. Morgan rolled her eyes at him.
"I'm locked out of my locker kinda problem Mel." She mumbled looking down. Mel smirked at her.
"Really? How on earth did you manage that again?" He teased. Morgana blushed a bit.
"Just give me the note I made you take of my combination." Morgana hugged looking at him. Mel smirked digging out a note from the front of his locker with a few digits on them. He held it out to her.
"You mean this little thing?" He smirked. Morgana nodded blushing brightly knowing what became next.
"Okay but, you know the agreement. You gotta do it M." He smirked. She shook her head no quickly.
"Nope. Nope, I already did it last week for you. I am not doing it again!"
"Oh come on that was the deal. If someone you know keeps the combination for you in their locker then, you have to-"
"But I don't want to do it! It makes me feel weird."
"Oh come on M. Don't you want it?" He teased go,ding the paper out and shaking it a bit in her face. She tried to grab it only to have it yank out of her reach again. She sighed before standing far away from his locker and doing a handstand. Her face began to turn red as she walked on her hands which made her arms stinging.
"Now what's the other part to it?" Mel asked. Morgana sighed looking at him before doing a bride and crawling like a spider saying you'll float too. After a minute she was back to normal while blushing. Mel handed her her combination.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He smirked. Morgana smack his arm.
"Yeah but, it was still embarrassing. It makes me fell like a creep every time I do it!" M pouted. Mel rolled his eyes.
"Everyone knows that. That's why we said you have to do it that way you're more like to remember you're combination." He smirked. Morgana huffed before turning to leave, only to jump out of Mikey's way as he skateboard down the hall, narrowly missing her and Meliodas.
"God damn it Mikey! Watch where you're going!" Morgana screamed at the oranges haired boy as he skated board down the hall to the literature club room. Then all either of those teens could hear was Natsuki yelling at Mike as she threw something at him. Leonardo came running over panting.
"D-do you t-two know where-" Leo didn't even finish his sentence before the two teens knew what he was gonna say.
"Literature club room." Morgana and Meliodas said at the same time. Leo thanked them before running towards the club room with Donnie and Ralph. Morgana signed watching them leave before going to her locker with Meliodas on her heels.
Lance was smiling as he walked passed the literature club room. That is until he dodged a spoon being thrown out the door. He glance inside to see a short pink hair girl yelling at a tall orange haired person.
Lance sighed. God Mikey just loved to see Natsuki mad at him. It was almost like they were siblings. He rolled his eyes as he continued down the hall, pointing the club room out to Leo when he asked him.
Soon he was right around the corner from them. Lance's heart speed up as an image popped into his mind of his crush. His face turned red before he hid behind the corner again hearing a loud noise.
Thankfully the noise was just his crushes locker opening.
He could hear Lotor, the richest guy in school, talking with his crush about LA class. Lance gulped before he leaned his chest against the cold brick wall by their locker. The he put his ear up to the the bricks of the wall hoping to hear his crush talk. All he heard though was a few mumbles of the words, 'cool' and 'wow' but, his crush didn't sound all they excited. Yet, he could tell they were just showing off the beautiful smirk he loved so much. A face he could hardly wait another second to see. So very slowly he leaned his head around the corner.
All he saw was their hair. Their pitch black scalps shined in the light making his heart melt. Lance's face rubbed up against the wall as he started at his crush dreaming of the future they could have together.
That is until Lotor saw him. Lotor coughed making Lance look at him. His crush went to look but, for some reason Lotor smile as he kept distracting them. Lance on the other hand took this as a sign to leave. He bolted down the hall as his mind began to think up things that him and his crush could do together.
They could get married. They could adopt or have kids. They could grow old together, loving every second of their live. They could hate things together. Yet, that would never happened. Why?
Because everyone in school knew that Keith hated Lance.

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