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I made pictures to go with the story plot lines. Anyway here's the story. For well this is for later in the story but, it's still a good picture I couldn't wait to share.
Ezra began cooking old chicken noodle soup for himself as he sat down at the large kitchen table and began doing his homework. He smiled doing the bath in his head as he heard the micro wave beep loudly.
"$2.95+$4p= $14.95. what does P stand for?"
Ezra read in his book. He thought for a moment before working. He smiled as he got an answer. When he double checked it he discover it was right which made his day even better. Hell it made it the bets day ever.
He was finally getting this math outcome!
He was so happy he decided to see how many he could answer before is eyeing stopped him. After all the soul would be heating up for another minute.
"$60=5K What does K stand for?"
Ezra smiled writing his answer before checking again. Once again he was right.
"650=50+6N What died N stand for?"
Once again his answer was right.
"3=15s What does S stand for?"
The answer was correct.
"435= 2-"
Ezra's reading was cut off by a knock at the door. He slowly got up and walked over towards the door. He began wondering who it was.
Sabine was in her art lessons for another two hours. Zeb was at his part time job for another hour in a half. Hera was still working for two hours as well. Meanwhile Kanan was coming home in an hour. So who was this?
Was it Morgana again? Did she need him to do something else for the party?
Yet, all these thoughts were taken out of his head as he opened the door. Standing there was his old foster sister. Ariana.
"Ezra, hi....I need your help." She gulped, her voice being much more low pitched now then what it was before hand.
Ezra felt his heart stop seeing her full body. Her face had a large bruise in the shape of a hand over her eye. Her lip was busted up. Then there were her arms. He could only see the wrist and that was bruised so badly that he could see a dark outline on it again.
"Oh my god." He said before taking her by the hand and dragging her into the house. Then he began noticing what she was wearing.
Boy's clothes.
She even had her hair cut like a boy.
Heck the only way Ezra knew she was a girl was because he knew her face from when they were younger. Well that's and her hips were large curves. They were actually seemed like the largest hips he had ever seen on a women. Heck Hera's weren't that big even.
Yet, that wasn't the only thing he also noticed. He knew she had been crying. Her eyes were still a blood shot red and her nose was still running. Arianna rubbed her eyes as she sat at the table again.
"Ariana what's wrong?" He asked looking at her. He watched Arianna cringe as her blood shot red eyes filled with tears again.
"Arcann." She mumbled looking down. Her hands fell upon her lap as Ezra looked on puzzled. He walked over and began getting his soup ready after hearing the microwave go off.
"What?" He asked pulling out his snack.
"I'm Arcann now." Arianna mumbled. Ezra froze as his eyes flew over her.
"But that's a boy's name.."Ezra said aloud without thinking. The second those words left his lips he knew why sh-He meant he had said it.
"I'm trans." He mumbled looking down.
"Oh..." was all Ezra could say. Arcann looked down nervously. He began to fidget in his seat before Ezra noticed his hand hold his stomach as another hand covered his mouth.
"Are you o-" Arcann raced over to the nearest trash can and threw up. Ezra paled as he put his snack next to his homework before racing over and rubbing his friend's back. Arcann soon was done and panted a bit as he leaned back into Ezra's chest.
Ezra felt his face heat up and his heart race again. It was just like when he was younger all over again. It didn't matter what gender Ariann-he meant Arcann was. He knew he would always feel the same. He just wished the old crush didn't make him so nervous that he wants to barf at time.
"So good?" Ezra asked. Arcann nodded his head before slowly trying to get up. Ezra helped him to his feet before helping him to a chair. Arcann sighed looking at Ezra once he sat down.
"I guess I have some explain to do." Arcann sighed.
"Not unless you want to tell me. I don't wanna pressure you into talking about anything....Do you want some soup?"Ezra asked looking up at him with a tiny, cute smile in Arcann's opinion.
"Sure. And we'll I kinda gotta explain two..maybe three things in order to say why I'm here." Arcann sighed. Ezra got up and began looking through the cubers for some more bowls.
"Okay you tell me what you can." Ezra smiled before looking at Arcann better.
He was wearing a large puffy grey hoodie that was damp which was strange because it wasn't raining today here. Then there were his grey sweat pant which were also wet. Hell even his black sneakers looked wet. Ezra began looking for the blanket Zeb had hidden in here this morning for when Hera wasn't home.
"Well I was in Toronto two days ago." Arcann sighed.
"Really?" Ezra asked looking at him before looking around for the blanket some more.
"Yeah my foster parents lived there...they move four days ago while I was in school...they left me there." Arcann sighed before sneezing. Ezra walked over and put a blanket by him. Arcann reached over to grab the blanket but, touched Ezra's hand. Once their eyes meet both boys blushed.
"If you want you can stay here." Ezra blurted out blushing.
"I-OKAY!" Arcann's voice cracked blushing. Ezra stood back up and began getting Arcann some food.
"I-I also was gonna get a job tomorrow..and I'm on online school now since I can't exactly go back and be put in a worse him with me being......"Arcann stopped talking as he paled. Ezra handing him some food.
"If people hurt you for being trans you should tell someone."
"Now Ezra I can't go back. They'll take it from me!" Arcann snapped before blushing relaxing what he let slip.
"What? What will they take from you?" Ezra asked sitting down next to him. Arcann paled before sighing as he rested a hand on his stomach.
"Ezra look....some guy I know got drunk one night and he-...I umm...he..."Arcann blushed looking down as he began to fidget. Ezra slowly reached over and held his hand.
"You can tell me. I won't judge you." Ezra sighed looking into his eyes. Arcann sighed wondering what was the worst that could happen.
"I'm pregnant." Arcann admitted.

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