New perspective

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"Are you sure I'm holding him right?" Morgana asks sitting down. The tiny newborn, Braxton, her god-nephew, whimpered squirming a bit. Then slowly he began to clam down and snuggle into her large chest like it was a teddy bear.
"Yeah, yeah you got it." Arcann smiled weakly. He had just had the baby less than five hours ago. Morgana had shown up with her entire family with a few stuffed toys and even gallons for Braxton. Yet, despite it he was still tired. Though through it all Ezra was sitting near him. Heck he was holding Arcann's, giving loving looks to Arcann every ten second.
"Lord he's so cute. It's kinda making me what o have a baby now." Star smiled leaning over her friend's shoulder to see the tiny boy. Braxton cooed smiling happily at the teens as Kyle looked over he other shoulder. Kyle smiled teaching over and holding the newborn's hand. The tiny boy's fingers wrapped around the larger male's finger within second, giving off a strong grip.
"Trust me Star, hurts like hell and wrecks your organs at this age." Arcann smiled trying to sit up only to let out a whimper of pain. Ezra panicked making him lay back down and even handing him his drink. Yet, all anyone watching could think was, dear lord these two are cute together.
"Ezra, can we bring him to school one day for show and tell?" Kyle asks. Yet, he already knew the answer which was actually yelled at him.
"Well, why n-"
"No! No you are not bring my newborn to a high school that has drugs in it." Arcann glared. Morgana nodded looking at the boy looking Star struck.
"Oh mi señor debes estar tan cansado, he's rather small but you know what they say about tiny babies, they're the slowest to be born." Galen's grandma, who had been quiet until now and even brought him an entire meal, spoke up with a smirk. She just smiled handing Arcann another snack which he declined again.
"He's so cute Arcann. He's so tiny and baby like." Star smiled poking the newborn's cheeks again. The baby boy whimpered and curled up.
"Stop poking him. He's gonna cry again if you do it again and if not I will biter your fingers Star." Morgana warned. Star quickly moved her hands back. Meanwhile Kyle just smiled holding the tiny newborn's tiny fingers. He was smiling cutely at him while his phone went off showing his dads had been texting him.
"Anyways Arcann what is his name cause no one will tell me." Morgana spoke up as Kyle tried to get his phone out with one hand.
"His name is Altin. Altin Lincoln." Arcann smiled leaning back and realizing some more. He smiled feeling someone holding his hand. He didn't even have to look over to know it was Ezra. He rested his head in his shoulder and dozed off. He actually slept for once, trusting Ezra's skills to protect his son.
Okay so when Zeb saw Altin again, he wasn't gonna lie, he cried. The first time he saw him was when a bloody Arcann was put on a stretcher in a ambulance. He had been on the phone with Hera, listening to her panic. He heard the baby crying before seeing the tiny newborn snuggled up close to his friend's chest. It was only five seconds but, he could tell how tiny he was.
Any who here he was now, Kallus standing nervously behind him as they walked into the hospital room. Arcann was still sweaty and holding the tiny boy close cooing at him. With a clear of his throat, Kallus was able to get his boyfriend a kind, tired smile. Within seconds Zeb was handed the baby.
And he was crying tiny tears. Just a few over. He couldn't help it. He was so small and cute.
"Aw lord Zeb noooo. I already cried for three hours over him. Don't do this to me." Arcann warned looking more tired. Ezra smiled at his foster brother while Zeb just blushed. He seemed a little embarrassed.
"I'm not crying." Zeb snapped rather quietly. Yet, the tiny newborn whimpered squirming. Zeb panicked holding the baby boy closer to him. He stayed silent as he shifted his arms a bit trying to get him more comfy. His foster brother just left.
"Hey sto-"
"Zeb hand the baby to me before you kill your brother." Kallus sighs holding, his arms out. Soon Kallus was congratulating Arcann over the baby, sitting close to him while Ezra was being chased by Zeb around the room.
Alexander Hamilition
Arcann had been napping. He knew he had been when he woke up to a tiny whimper. He slowly opened his eyes to see Ezra signing to a fussy little boy who's stomach suddenly rumbled out loud.
"Hand him over.."Arcann yawned sitting up thankful he didn't have to stand up yet. Slowly he began to feed the tiny boy while Ezra looked away. Well he trie to when he heard a knock on the door. He said to come in, thinking it was Zeb again or Sabine. Instead it was his friend's art teacher.
Alexander made eye constant and began blushing seeing how close Ezra's hand was to.....
He was brought out of his train of thought by his husband smacking his back. Slowly he entered and sat nervously near them. Laurence smiled congratulating them. He gave them a teddy bear along with a huge blue ballon. One that even though Altin couldn't see, since his eyes were closed so often, he would often have his face looking at.
Shortly after Laurence smiled holding the newborn. He sat down talking about how tiny he was while his husband listened. Alexander was fine until he was handed the baby. The second the baby was handed to him, Altin began to cry.
"Shhhhh....hey buddy you gotta calm down." Alexander sighs before grabbing a teddy bear and handing it to him. Altin whimpered reaching his tiny arm up before grabbing Alexander's hand. He began suckling on his finger which just made the older male laugh.
"Yup, this is a baby just like Philip. You two are gonna have your hands full." Alexander smiled kindly at them. Arcann blushed, wishing that maybe he could have kept that thought in his mind for a moment.
"Relax I can get him to sleep now can't I baby rocker?" Crystal asks the tiny newborn. Altin whimpered again like always curling up.
"Well whatever you're gonna sing keep it down so you don't wake Arcann up. He hasn't slept for mor than an's close to three hours now." Ezra shushed her. Crystal rolled her eyes before kissing the baby boy's tiny nose making him smile.
"I feel the salty waves come in, I feel them crash against my skin. And I smile as I respire because I know they'll never win.. There's a haze above my TV, That changes everything I see, And maybe if I continue watching I'll lose the traits that worry me.
Can we fast-forward till you go down on me?" Crystal smirked kissing his cheeks while Ezra just sat there blushing. Was she really singing about sex to a newborn? For real?...Braxton just smiled yawning which actually surprises Ezra a lot.
"Stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live a life from a new perspective, You come along because I love your face, And I'll admire your expensive taste. And who cares divine intervention, I wanna be praised from a new perspective, But leaving now would be a good idea. So catch me up on getting out of here." Crystal sang rocking her arms a bit. To her surprise the tiny boy yawned more and curled up slowly dozing off.
"Taking everything for granted but we still respect the time, We move along with some new passion knowing everything is fine. And I would wait and watch the hours fall in a hundred separate lines, But I regain repose and wonder how I ended up inside
Can we fast-forward till you go down on me?" She whispered the last part. She found herself laughing when little Altin smiled brighter hearing that last part.
"You dirty little monkey you." She joked.
"Maybe you should stop singing." Ezra spoke up trying to stay quiet. Yet, like always Crystal never listened.
"Stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live a life from a new perspective, You come along because I love your face, and I'll admire your expensive taste. And who cares divine intervention, I wanna be praised from a new perspective, But leaving now would be a good idea.. So catch me up on getting out of here." Ezra rolled his eyes listening to her sing.
"More to the point, I need to show, How much I can come and go. Other plans fell through, And put a heavy load on you. I know, there's no more that need be said, When I'm inching through your bed. Take a look around instead and watch me go."
"Stop there and let me correct it. I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face, and I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention. I wanna be praised from a new perspective, But leaving now would be a good idea, So catch me up on getting out of here. It's not fair, just let me perfect it." She sang a bit more rocking her arms slower. To her surprise Altin dozed off.
"Don't wanna live a life that was comprehensive
'Cause seeing clear would be a bad idea
Now catch me up on getting out of here
So catch me up I'm getting out of here
Can we fast-forward till you go down on m-"
"Have you been singing filth to this chick the entire time you've been in here?" Hera joked. Crystal blushed before shushing he while Latin dozed off.

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