Foster files

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August 30th, 2018
Name: Ezra Micheal Bridger
Age: 4
Gender: male
Date of birth: December 25 2002
Parents: Mira and Ephrain Bridger
Reason in foster system: was orphaned in a car crash. Has no other living relatives and god father refuses to Keep him.
Medical problems: none
There was a picture of a tiny four year old with his eyes blood shot red showing off how he had been crying. His long blue hair was a mess and it see he had tried to cover the cuts on his face with his hair. His nose looked broken. Along with this he was wearing a old red shirt as well as tiny ripped shorts.
The women sighed turning the page looked at his foster siblings, refusing to look at any other pictures knowing what happened to him in the other houses. Yet, she looked at the house he had stayed the longest before hand.
Name: Natsu Gregory Flame
Age: 3
Date of birth: April 1st 2002
Parents: Unknown
Reason in foster system: he was left a door step with his older brother. Brother was adopted instantly but, Natsu had not been as of current date.
Medical problems: none
There was a tiny pink hair toddler smiling brightly at the camera showing off his missing front teeth. His yellow eyes just screamed adopt me. His face was so skinny though. It looked like they shield hand been feed in a while and someone was trying to hide this fact by putting him in a large, baggy white t-shirt. Even the grey jeans he was wearing were also to big for him. And was it just her or did he also have a old bruise on his left arm.
The women shook her head. She didn't wanna think about it. She really didn't wanna think about it. Ezra had mentioned the boy had gotten adopted by a loving family a few years back but, she couldn't help worrying. She was a mom and that's what mom's did.
Name: Keith Koegana
Age: 3 and a half
Gender: male
Date of birth: October 31st 2001
Parents: Unknown, Mark Koegana
Reason in foster system: father has recently died of cancer while his mother has abandoned him. Has no other relatives wanting to take him in.
Medical problems: none
The boy looked normal. He was smiling and his face was normal. His purple eyes were filled with so much hope. It was obvious he had just been put in the system. His long black hair seemed to be pulled back in a ponytail. Yet, the best part would be how his outfit looked like it actually was bought for him and not another child.
The women ran her hands through her brown hair with green tips. She could handle this next file, right? It had a warning on it that it was tough to read through. How bad could these children look in these photos? She couldn't really be asking that now, should she?
Name: Galen Milan
Age: 4
Gender: male
Date of birth: march 10th 2001
Parents: Lilian Milan, James G
Reason in foster system: Has been physical, mentally abused and neglected by parents for years. Also has been sexual abuse day by grandfather for years.
Medical problems: is a Hermaphrodite. Could possibly have kids in future biological. Appears to have dyslexia
There was brown hair boy with bruises all over his face. There was a slap mark on his face with a few cuts under his eye where rings had been. His nose looked broken as well but, more drastically than Ezra's had been. His lip had been busted open. There was tiny cuts from what had been glass embedded into his throat. There were nails scratches on his neck. His clothes were ripped and dirt and old. His long sleeves shirt was ripped. Yet, his pants were covered in dirt hand prints over a certain area.
Yet, the boy's eyes looked the worse of all. They looked so broken. There was no emotions in them at all. Not even a little bit.
She started crying seeing that picture. The worst part as she's couldn't stop. She just sobbed louder as she tried to wipe her eyes. How could someone do that to a child? How could people do this to children?! According to the rest of the file this home was fairly abusive and the foster dad was very abusive as well as drunk.
"Hera? Are you okay?" Kanan asked walking into the room where his wife was crying her eyes out. She nodded wiping her emerald green eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I just read a thing about Ezra." She sniffed rubbing her eyes. Kanan sighed hugging his wife tightly. She hugged him back and hurried her face into his chest while crying. He kissed her on the head while rubbing circles on her back.
"It's okay. It's okay baby." He sniffles. Hera sobbed louder.
"W-who would do this to children?" He sobs.
"There's a lot of cruel people in the world that take advantage of the money you get for helping to raise kids. They don't care about kids they just care about the green but, we should be lucky that we got Ezra before anyone worse got him again, okay baby?" He asks looking at his wife. Hera continued crying as she nodded her head as the rest of the file fell on the floor, pictures scattering everywhere. So many kids, so many bruises.
Meanwhile in the next room over Ezra was fast asleep. He laid on top of the blankets refusing to move or go under them. He also stayed in his own clothes, knowing he would be shipped off again. His eyes remains close while he was fast asleep as he slept lightly, waiting for his foster parents to break into his room and beat him like all the old ones used too.
"Ow, ow. Owowowowowow. Stop it Galen! That hurts!" Ezra snapped looking down at his arms. Galen shushed him as he continued trying to bandage the eight years olds' burned arm. Next to them, Ariana was holding his hand tightly wearing the dress their foster mom had made her put on.
"Shhh. Ezy it's okay. It's okay Ezy." Again cooed. Ezra pouted before whimpering in pain. Keith sighed walking back in the room with more bandages. His own bruise and burns had already been wrapped by Galen. Behind him Nastu followed who was currently looking down at his bandaged hand.
"Does it still hurt?" Natsu asks sitting down next to Ezra. Ezra shook his head while whimpering.
"Those two actions contradict each other." Galen smirked. Ezra rolled his eyes while Keith handed his oldest foster brother more wet bandages.
"Okay, so next time Brent gets mad at me near a stove, nobody say a fucking word." The six year old sighed. Natsu gasped as his orange eyes filled with wonder.
"Galen said a bad word!" The five year old looked awestruck as his bright pink hair seemed to revalue how much of a mess the boy truly was.
"We know buddy. We know." Keith sighed sitting next to him.
"But that's bad!" Natsu stated.
"We know and you should repeat it. I-I just snapped. I'm sorry." Galen sighed.
"He hit you Galen. He threw you into the fridge. You're eye is still messed up and the cut on your forehead is still bloody. What were we supposed to do? Sit in the kictchen, watch from a distance and stay silent?" Ezra asked sitting up. Galen sighed before looking at his own forehead in a shattered mirror. Then he glanced at their other foster siblings who were all pretending to sleep yet, he knew they were all awake and wanting to see if they were fine.
"Next time he's that drunk, yes." Galen sighed. Ezra sighed while Nastu yawned.
"I guess that means it's bed time for you guys." Galen smiled getting off of the bed. There were tiny wines as Ezra climbed off of the bed with the brunette.
They both sighed climbing into their bright blue sleeping bags while Natsu climbed into his bed. Natsu yawned rubbing his eyes. Thexan was fast asleep next to them, having trying to get over a fever all week. Keith meanwhile climbed into his bed bunk which had their foster brother, Eren was laying in on the bottom bunk. Their other foster sister was asleep in her tiny bed, meant for a toddler. She was looking over but, kept keeping her eyes shut every time someone's else would look at her.
"Tell me a story Galen! Tell me a story!" Natsu begged. Galen giggled sitting at the foot of Natsu's bed.
"Which story for you wanna hear tonight?" Galen laughed.
"What ever you can come up, without using a book!" It was the same thing Natsu said daily. He knew Galen had trouble reading. He also knew Galen came up with the best stories ever when no one else was listening.
"Okay, lay. Calm down and I'll start." Galen smiled. There was a few second of silence. In these second, Ariana laid reaching over and gripping Ezra's hand. He blue eyes shined like the night sky as her face softened. That was one thing Ezra loved about her despite her looks. She always knew what to do to help someone and she always had the best expressions.
"You're a hero Ezra. If you didn't run in when you did we both know what Brent would have done to him. I just thought you should know Ezy that you're my hero." She smiled before yawning and closing her eyes. Her hand let go of Ezra's before it wrapped around her stuffed cat, Mittens. Ezra blushed a deep shade of crimson looking at her. His heart speed up looking at the young girl.
Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum
He could hear the noise of his heart as if it belongs to a drum beating out it's tune right now.
Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum
Ezra smiled as he closed his eyes, hugging his teddy bear tightly to his chest. That was when he heard the story start.
"Once upon a time there lived eight young kids. They lived in a horrid place and were unsure of how the world would treat them." Galen smiled as he continued the story.    

        "Little did they know, a whole new adventure was just about to begin......."

                                         ~all teens play video games~

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