Lesbian visibility

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Happy day of lesbian visibility! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 well technically day late one!
It had been almost a four days since Morgana had been kicked out of her house. A whole month and no one came looking for her in town. Her father had left town, her siblings just kinds...did their thing. It was like no one even noticed she was gone other than her friends.
Crystal had noticed though. She always did when it came to her.
She noticed when Morgana wouldn't eat. She noticed when she would wear her favourite clothes by the way she walked. Heck she even noticed little subtle keys on when she wore her favourite jeans. Yet, one thing she knew for sure she noticed. She noticed when Morgana started thinking about actually running away.
She started to notice it when she could see the subtle way Morgana looked out the window, like she was waiting for someone to come. It only happened for the first two days. Then next thing she knew, she did those looks at the windows at school looked long full whenever people would walk away past from the school. Then she began avoiding all her friends. Soon she was pulling back from school activities. It was like her whole body changed.
Maybe she should have notice before it came to this. Before Morgana was trying to open the drinks Ban had been hiding in the trunk of his car, cigarettes right next to her hips. She swore cutting her finger on the top of the bottle top.
"Hand it over before hurt yourself." Crystal sighed holding her hand out. Morgana blushed handing it over before holding the tiny cut in the top of her thumb. Crystal sighed digging out the bottle opener which usually hide in her bra. She quickly popped it open with a big fuzz. Quickly she chugged a bit of it with a smirk.
"Do you want some?" Crystal asked soon holding it down. Morgana just nodded emotionlessly. With a sigh she just handed it to the purple haired girl.
"Thanks." Was all she got.
"Can I ask why you want that so much? I mean you never seemed interested in drinking for a while." Crystal spoke slowly before she just leaned against the door. Morgana just ignored her and chugged the whole bootle. All the brunette did for a few seconds was lean back before burping. Her face turned red the second she did which made Crystal laugh.
"I..I mean I thought maybe it would taste better with umm...and make me happier than normal. I guess." Morgana asks slowly.
"How is lime pop supposed to do that?"
"Wh...this isn't alcohol?"
"Nope. Ban keeps those in his bedroom. This is the lime drink his foster parents drink all the time when he buys it." Crystal smirked while Morgana let out a groan of annoyance. Even though she was grumpy, Crystal found that she looked so cute. It was like looking at a kitten to her.
Morgana meanwhile just sighed laying in the back of the van where the sets once were. All around the van was field as the sun slowly set. Meliodas had dragged her out of the house to go sight seeing with them in the nature preserve which was an hour away. She seemed grumpy about the whole thing. It's not like she liked all the bugs here or mice either. Like there were enough to make her scream. She seemed to hate every second of this.
As for Crystal, this entire trip seemed like a drug deal to her. Still though she just wanted to come, just to be close to her. Maybe she should have stayed home though. It wasn't like she was helping much. Especially when the van broke down again in the middle of a field. Now here they were, stuck in the van, waiting just to make sure no one tried to break into the car.
"Look can we just talk?" Crystal asked.
"Bout what?" Morgana mumbled grumpily from under her arm which her face was now hidden under.
"What happened to you that you're all emotion? And why don't you go home?" Crystal asks nervously just looking at her. Morgana just shrugged laying like she had been waiting for them to come back. The van fell silent again for a while. How long, Crystal didn't know. All she knew was that Morgana just kinda spilt her guts the moment she spoke up again.
"I got kicked out by my aunt for not being straight. Which is stupid seeing as this is the same aunt who all 3 of her daughters got pregnant between the ages of 14-18. And she also never taught her kids about sex Ed. And like her oldest daughter is gay now so I have no idea what it matters that I'm bi! I mean it's not like I'm gonna bring strangers home all the time to...you get my point." Morgana sighed closing her eyes. Crystal just fell silent. Then she just laid next to her looking at the top of the van like she did too. Well at least for a minute before her eyes landed on the other girl. Soon enough Her heart was pounding as their eyes meet.
"What? You gonna tell me to get out to?" Morgana joked.
"No, no it's fine I just umm...you kn...I just didn't know how similar we are." Crystal admitted.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm gay and my own mom kicked me out for it even though she's okay with her sister being gay. Women can be hypocrites if they want to be...just, don't let that defy you." Crystal spoke looking away before looking at her with a smile. She could feel her cheeks heat up a bit.
"How am I not supposed to do that?" Morgana asked.
"Easy. Get a good relationship."
"How is that supposed to prove people like my aunt wrong for kick me out?!"
"It's not supposed to. In my option relationships with anyone, not even romantic prove them wrong. It'll distract you. You stop thinking about them. Then you prove them wrong. You take away their power from over you. And your friend, partner, best friend, whoever will gladly help you with it. I mean how could no one help a pretty girl like you?" Crystal smiled sitting up as she spoke.
"Oh please. Not like you actually think I'm that good." Morgana sighed.
"Oh please if I didn't, why on earth would I write the note on your car on Valentine's Da?" Crystal blushed speaking up. Morgana paused remembering the words written on the car in flower petals.
"You mean the world to me Morgana."
Without thinking she leaned over, kissing Crystal. Crystal froze staying still before Morgana leaned back. Both girls blushed looking at each other. Both were silent for a moment.
"I'm so sorry Crystal I-" Crystal leaned forward kissing her. Her hands wrapped around her back without thinking, lips locking as Morgana's body fell back onto the van again, yet facing towards the open van doors this time. Soon they pulled apart again for a second.
"I...wow." Was all Morgana could say with a s,Kyle on her face. Crystal grinned.
"Wanna do it again?"
"He'll yeah." Morgana smiled pulling the girl back down to kiss her again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
This continued until Ban came back with the part they needed. Upon seeing the girls making out heavily though, he just awkwardly headed to the front of the car to fix it up. Meliodas helped looking awkward. The girls just kept going though, to enthralled with each other to do anything else.

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