Music star

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"You're joking." Morgana smiled looking at the tanned skinned girl. Crystals laughed as she sat back down on the amp behind her. Her eyes shined a bit as she looked at the other cute girl again.
"Nope. My dream is to play in Japan and be a famous star." Crystal smiled brightly at her. Morgana blushed a bit before leaning against the brick hallway. Her heart began pounding hearing that Crystal even had a beautiful laugh.
"Really? Then who's your role model...other than Brandon Urie." Morgana smirked leaning back. Crystal leaned back thinking for a minute. Her mind wondered from singer to singer until a singer Hunk loved popped into her mind.
"I guess Hatsune Miku." Crystal shrugged. Morgana tilited her head.
"You mean that K-pop star Hunk likes?" Morgana asked looking at her strangely.
"Well yeah....How did you know he likes K-pop?" Crystal asked. Morgana smiled a bit making her chubbier cheeks puff up. Here bright purple eyes shined a bit brighter meeting her eyes.
"He's one of my brother's best friends. I had to listen to him play the songs over and over again even though they were in Japanese and no one knows what the hell they're saying.....well I mean everyone though Keith could be Korea has its own language though that's completely different then that language." Morgana nodded looking at her. Her smiled got a bit brighter. Crystal smiled a bit.
"You don't say?" She smirked humouring her.
"Yes! And we asked him what it was saying once and he just looked at us like we were stupid. Then he said he spoke Korean. And I felt racists and I just panicked twenty hours for that day all day." Morgana panicked loudly. Crystal laughed a bit again before looking at Morgana.
"So anyways what about you? Who's your favourite music artists?" Crystal spoke up again. It didn't even take Morgana a minute to decide.
"Lin-Manuel Miranda." Morgana spoke up.
"What? That guy? Doesn't he write broadway musicals?"
"He wrote Hamilton, and twenty one chump street. He even wrote songs for the movie Moana and even wrote a song for Puerto Rico after a storm destroyed the island to raise money to help repair the island's tiny towns. And plus he's gonna be in Mary Popins remake!" Morgana smiled so brightly as she continued going on and on about the broadway star. It was quite entertaining for Crystal to listen to be honest. And she lived it.
The tall turquoise haired teenager sighed watching everyone cheer from the crowd from all over the world. She would love to give this all up just to be back at a school and back at a house. She sighed walking on stage before faking a smile standing in her princess outfit in front of the crowd.
"Minasan, kon'nichiwa! Anata wa junbi ga dekite imasu ka?" Hatsune spoke up as she stood on stage. Her heart beamed a bit hearing the louder cheers.
"Hai! Ikou!" Hatsuna cheered before the music started. Her heart beamed as she closed her eyes and started singing. She slowly took a deep breath and sang.

(If you think I'm gonna write the Japanese song in English I can't. It doesn't translate correctly. And I can't write it in Japanese sooo.....I got the real song and an English cover on this chapter for you to listen to soon if you want.)
Soon after seeing so many songs Hatsune walked off of the stage with a fake smiled on her face until she got to her dressing room. She plopped down in her seat in front of her makeup mirror before she broke down crying.
This wasn't fun anymore.
It was a burning pit in hell.
She couldn't say things she wanted to. If she did her record company judged her. Other people judged her if she tried to sell things or stored in a commercial. She couldn't do anything right. Her phone buzzed with her record label asking about her next song and when it was coming out. Then a though popped into her head.
Why didn't ask to go to School? Not just any school. The school she helped raise money to build five years ago.
Pierre Elliott Memorial high school.

 Pierre Elliott Memorial high school

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(Miku's first concert.)
Anyway what chapters do you guys want first.
1) Mikey and Sayori trying to go on a date
2) Nico trying to flirt with his crush
3)Lance and Keith being locked in a broom closet by accident in drama practice at the end of the day.
4) Morgana coming out of the closet
5) Meliodas opening up to one of his friend, I was think Kyle or Ban, about why he's been acting different
6) Galen talking about being a survivor of rape in front of a classmate when they are paired together for a seminar
7) Arcann sneaking out for his first ultra sound and Ezra finds out and shows up and pretends to be the dad when a few women begin picking on him.
Leave a comment on what you want as soon as you can and I'll try to go in order.

All teens play video game (complete ✔️)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora