"Dad we just fed the ducks" niall said. "Did you, I bet that was fun." Harry said. "Yeah and I showed Louis how to break up the bread so the ducks didn't get to big bits of bread." Niall said and Harry smiled playing gently with Niall's hair. "And I help nini with maths and he help me with my letters" Louis said from Liams lap. "Really, Well that's an excellent system then." Harry said smiling.

"Do you want to go and have a cuddle with daddy as we need to get going boys as we still need to eat dinner and lou you need a bath." Liam said but Louis shook his head staying put in Liam's lap. "I'm sure daddy would love a special Louis cuddle." Liam said and Louis reluctantly nodded and slid of Liam's lap heading over to Harry who helped the boy onto the bed. "Lou daddy just has a funny tummy he isn't sick so won't make you icky" Harry explained as the boy cuddled into him.

Louis just nodded excepting that it was okay to be near his daddy and closer his eyes hoping he would be allowed to sleep. "No mister, you need to stay awake" Harry said poking the boy. "But I'm tired" Louis moaned. "I know you are sweetie and we're going home real soon." Liam said and Louis just whined. "Haz I think we're going to have to go we're be back tomorrow." Liam promised picking the boy up off the bed and Harry nodded.

Louis hugged his daddy bye before Liam picked him up. "Sleep now" Louis asked "Nope, have something to eat then a bath and then you can go to sleep." Liam said and Louie sighed but nodded. Liam carried Louis to the car with niall following and held his papa's hand as they came out in the car park. Harry cuddled up to his mum after the boys left.

"What's for dinner?" Niall asked as he climbed into the car while Liam got Louis in his car seat. "Not sure Ni we're see what there is when we get home." Liam said and Niall nodded. Liam chatted to the boys in the car and tried to keep Louis awake was proving to be difficult. "Louis Love, stay awake for me please." Liam said seeing the boy had his eyes closed and the boy whined but opened his eyes rubbing them tiredly. "I know your tired sweetie but it won't be long." Liam promised and Louis just nodded looking out the window. "How about we count the blue cars that come past" Liam suggested.

Louis didn't reply but Liam heard him mumble out a couple of numbers which showed him he was counting and Liam was happy for now as he knew they'd be home in the next 5 minutes. They soon arrived home and Liam marked the car.

"Right out we get then." Liam said unclipping louis from his seat and the boy instantly reached for Liam. "Come here then my tired boy." Liam said lifting the boy onto his hip before locking the car and heading to the front door where Niall was waiting to get in. Liam unlocked the door and the family went in. Liam asked niall what he wanted for dinner. "Don't know." Niall said with a shrug and Liam sighed as that was not a helpful answer.

"Any suggestions lou?" Louis shook his head tiredly so in the end Liam decided to just do pasta as it was quick and easy. Liam decided to try Louis with mash as he refused the pasta once it was cooked and that didn't take long.

"Papa I'm not hungry, Want to sleep." Louis whined as Liam was trying to feed him forkfuls of mash. "The quicker you eat something the quicker you can go to bed." Liam responded and Louis sighed but opened his mouth excepting the mash Liam gave him.

Louis swallowed it and went to get up from the table. "Woah where are you going?" Liam said. "Bed." Louis said simply but Liam shook his head. "But you said once I've eaten something." Louis said. "Louis I didn't mean 1 forkful." Liam said causing the boy to huff. "But sleepy papa" Louis moaned. "I know baby but the quicker you eat this the quicker you can go to bed." Liam promised seeing Niall had finished eating. "Go and shower Ni." Liam said and the boy nodded getting down from the table causing Louis to whine even more. Liam have the boy another mouthful but Louis refused to open his mouth. "No." Louis whined pushing Liam's hand and the man just sighed giving up as he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Louis as he was over tired. "Ok come on let's go for a bath and bed" Liam said.

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