Soldier!Italy x Soldier!M!Reader: Golden Rings

Start from the beginning

“I want to cuddle.” He says, now clinging to your arm. You nod in agreement, seeing a clearing up ahead in the bushes. The territory line should be less than a mile away, and home base being five miles. It would take about an hour to get back.

“Me too. But you know Germany will make us do laps. We disappeared without telling him.” You comment, being partially cut off when Feli whined. You shake your head, unable to hide your grin. “You should have thought about that before running away. Especially in enemy territory. You could have been hurt.” You say a bit more sternly before giving a harsh squeeze of fear.

Feli looked up at you, pouting with years bubbling in his eyes. He opened his mouth to retort. But before he could utter a word, the bushes around you sprung to life. You nearly jumping out of your skin.

“La balle!” One of the men shouted in a thick and angry French accent. Seconds later you felt the scorching, ripping pain of bullets tearing into your flesh. Without second thought you dove yourself on top of Feli who cried out in feared surprise before the wind was snatched out of him as he hit the ground. Your body on top of him, acting like a shield.

You grunted in pain as the barrage of bullets didn't stop. You could could practically feel each one being embedded into your body but slowly halted deep in your guts and muscle. You were thankful that none of them were exiting you. Your body burned and trembled in agony before giving out, your consciousness going with it.


“_____?! Italy!! Where are you?! Answer me, verdammt!!” Ludwig yelled as he practically stomped through the mud, looking for the two missing Generals. He knew he should have went looking for them immediately when he noticed them missing. Not two hours later!! Now it was raining!! The two would surely be sick!

Kiku and Gil trailed behind them, neither wanting to be close to the rather pissed German. Ludwig grumbled to himself as he marched through the bushes, thinking of ways to punish the two once they go back. That's when he noticed the top of Feli’s head, his eyes narrowing as he sped towards it. He brown through the bushes, lungs already filled with air to yell.

“Italy what are you-!!” He started before he stopped dead in his tracks, eyes going wide. In front of him of Feli, his uniform utterly soaked, the Italian shaking from how cold he was. Around him was a pool of blood. But it wasn't his. And in his arms was a dead ____. Feli was holding him, trying his best to cradle the large male that was two times his size.  _____’s head was in Feli’s chest, his eyes half lidded, facing towards Ludwig. His once bright (e/c) now dull and dry, his (h/c) hair matted by blood, mud and rain, the back of his uniform revealing how he died. Feli was rocking him, holding back his sobs. Not seeming to notice his friends.

Ludwig slowly walked towards Feli, slowly placing a hand on his shoulder. This set Feli off who hugged _____, sobbing and screaming near violently. “No!! _____!! You can't be dead!! Svegliati!! You can't leave me!!” He  screams, shaking the body in his arms like that would help. But it did nothing.

It took nearly an hour for the three to pull Feli away from _____, only managing to succeed when Feli passed out from exhaustion and the cold. Ludwig carried Feli back to the camp. Knowing Feli would never be the same.


Feli sat at the table, bouncing his leg impatiently as a nation went on with a speech that was taking three times longer than needed. It was another world meeting, surprisingly much, much calmer than normal. But taking twice as long. Feli tapped his fingers, trying to occupy himself. Not noticing some of the nations watching him. But he didn't care. He had something important he needed to do today. He glanced at the clock. It was 2 pm.

Feli notices movement in the corner of his eye, jolting eagerly when Arthur finally finished, watching him sit down. A collective sigh of relieved boredom overcomings the room. Arthur huffs. “Global warming is important, you wankers…” He grumbles, crossing his arms.

Ludwig clears his throat, standing up. Before Ludwig could ask for a nation to adjourn the meeting Feliciano flew from his seat, bottling out the door. The room utterly quiet, watching the doors swing shut with a loud bang.

“Dude, what was that about?” Alfred asks, looking around the table at some of the nations who seemed just as puzzled as you were. The nations once known as the Axis powers shifted in their places.

“It's been 75 years…” Francis says, a grave look on his face. “I ruined his life.” He whispers, covering his face. He was the reason _____ was dead. The reason why Feli no longer calls him Big Brother.


Feli was panting by the time he made it to the neatly kept field, a few beads of sweat falling down his face. The ends of his suits pants legs were soaked from him running through the rain. He was smart enough to remember to bright an umbrella this time, keeping his upper half and the picnic basket under his arm dry.

It took him only half an hour to get to his destination which was a large willow tree. The rain having thankfully become nothing more than a light mist. He was was soon on top of a hill which overlooked a vast valley of (f/flowers). He softly smiles and stops, slowly sitting down under the large willow tree. The spot completely dry, which he was thankful for.

He unpacked the picnic basket, pulling out a large covered bowl of spaghetti and wine. He smiles softly, leaning back. His warm back slowly pressing against the headstone. He rested his head on it much like he would a person's shoulder.

He lets out a soft sob, biting his lip. He clutched the engagement ring on his finger tightly, not caring that it was becoming white. “I love you, _____… I miss you so much…” He whimpers, sniffling into the cold stone while shaking his head. “I wish we would have died together… At least we would have been together forever...“ He whispers before he lets out a loud sob. Completely lost and heartbroken. The same feeling he has had for nearly 75 years.

That's where he stayed for the rest of the day until Ludwig, Kiku and Gil came and got him. Dragging him home as he clutched onto the golden ring you were going to give him that fateful night.

None of the nations noticed as they left the misty figure that floated above the tombstone. You stood there, watching as your lover was dragged away from you once again. It made your chest hurt.

"I love you too... I miss you more..." You say, knowing that no one could hear you. You ran your hand over your ring finger, feeling the missing mate to Feli's ring on your freezing hand. You look down. "I can't wait to see you next year." You say, forcing a smile as you silently cried to hours. Feeling just as lost and heartbroken once more.

Just like Feli you hoped that one day, you will see each other again. And live happily together in the afterlife, holding each other in your arms. Hands twinned together. The golden rings finally together.

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