46: Erectile Malfunction

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A couple days later, we were back in Cleveland for the show at the club. Izzie and Rook have been bickering, and Colson hasn't really made up for the other day.

I huffed, as I laid there trying to get comfortable. I tossed pillows and the blanket around. I was growing more and more frustrated. I took a deep breath and just laid there, giving up. I stopped to see what was bothering me.

"Hey, baby..." Colson coos as he sits down next to me, my back facing him.

I felt my body relax and I could feel the stress drain from my body as I felt his presence. I took a sigh of relief.

"Oh, God, yes." I nearly moaned out, quietly.

"Babe..." he whispers, after a few seconds of silence.

I let out a sleepy sigh.

"Hm?" I hum tiredly.

It took him a moment. He took a breath, and I heard his phone lock, before he sat it down. It was almost as if he was contemplating.

"H-How would you..." he took a moment to clear his throat, before continuing. "I mean... only if you feel like it. I won't even think about it, if you don't even-What I mean is..." he lets out a long sigh. "Another person?"

"What about them?" I mumble.

"Having sex.... with us..." I could feel him watching me.

"What?" I finally open my eyes.

For his sake, I hope I was dreaming. I really hope he didn't say what I thought he said. For the sake of my child having a father, I better have heard him wrong.

"What if we had a three some?" He explains, bluntly.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes again. This dumbass motherfucker better be playing, of may god have mercy on his soul.

"I'm not in the mood for games, Colson." I mumble, furrowing my brows, as I try to get comfortable again.

"I'm serious, Babe." I hear his deep tones echo.

I open my eyes once again, registering that he might actually be serious, right now. Is he? Is he really serious? Am I 23? Maybe I should be flattered by the compliment. Should I, though? I am his fiancé, the mother of his child, the one carrying his child. I'm not too sure this really is a compliment.

I throw the blanket off of me, getting up. I shake my head walking out of the room. I was wearing some baggy dark grey sweat pants, hanging lower on one of my hips, exposing a glimpse of my panty line. I had on a black tank top, one of his actually. Although, this one wasn't see through. My socks weren't matching, and my hair was up in a very messy bun.

I went to walk into the kitchen, but saw Rook sitting there. I didn't want to yell at him for not saying I love you, yet, so I walked to the living room. Izzie was sitting there, on a laptop. Dub was sitting on the couch, looking at the blank TV. Dub was high as a kite.

I took a seat opposite of Dub, and let out a very heavy breath, as I laid my head against the couch.

"Rough morning?" Iz broke the silence.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, sarcastically.

"It looks like it may have started out comfortable. Sweats, tank, messy hair, no bra. Hell... You even have one pant leg up and the sleep is still in your eyes." Dub went on.

"Aren't you observant?" I look at him.

"I can't stop my mouth." He looks at me.

"What's Up, Babe?" Iz asks, looking up from her laptop.

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