31: O.G. Fo Sho

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A couple days pass. I ignored all of Colson's calls and texts, and when he knocked at my door, I hid and acted as if I wasn't home. I just wanted to be mad for a while.

Tasha was on her honeymoon still, and I needed to get to know Izzie more, so her and I decided to go birthday shopping for Slim. His birthday is today, but they were out of town, at a show, celebrating it. I still wanted to get him a gift.

Her and I were window shopping and just spending the day getting to know one another. So far she was pretty fun. Bubbly, out going, smartass, and wasn't easily offended. She was kinda like a white high Tasha, but not.

"Well.." Izzie sips her drink, as we walk down the street. "What did he say anyway?"

"Some stupid shit. Just 'you're always up my ass and your bitchy' and shit like that. Then he told me to 'take a hint' and leave him alone." I sigh.

"Oh, wow. You went over there the other day, though. Did he apologize?" She looks at me.

"See. That's what I thought was gonna happen too, but no. He proceeded to tell me 'it's not that big of a deal.' Basically telling me to get over it." I scoff, shaking my head.

"He what?" She looks shocked.

"Right." I nodded, agreeing.

"What did you do about it?" She questions.

"I told him okay. I'm not gonna sit around and be treated like shit. I'm too fucken old for that shit. I'm the one who is usually putting the effort into trying with this emotional roller coaster of a relationship, with him. I shouldn't have to beg. He should know to apologize." I explain.

"I can side with that, but I might have fist fought him first." She chuckles.

"Girl, you wild." I smile, as she stops, looking in a window.

"Oooo! We should go in here and get our fortunes told." I see her getting giddy.

"Okay." I half laugh as we walk in.

"I'll be with you in a moment." A lady told us.

"Okay." We nodded and took a seat.

"So today's Slim's Birthday, huh?" She asks.

"Yeah. It sucks that I can't spend it with him. At least I got him a present for when he gets home." I smile.

"It's so close to Rook's." She blurts.

"I-I guess it is..." I tilt my head. "Huh... I never realized that."

"Their celebrating Slim's birthday, right now. Right?" She inquires.

"As far as I know. Yeah." I nod.

"How can I help?" The hostess approaches.

"Oh, we want our fortunes told, please." Izzie answers.

"Right this way." She guides us to a room in the back.

"Hello, my name is Martia. I will be your fortune teller, today." She shakes our hands.

"I'm Izzie." Iz shakes her hand, and Martia holds it in both her hands, as she looks up at Izzie's face.

"Izzie, your future is so warm." She smiles, at Iz.

"Marilyn." I shake her hands and she holds my hand the same way.

"Times are hard now, but greater things are coming. Don't let the darkness consume you." She rubs my hand.

I laugh nervously, pulling my hand away, as I take my seat. I look at Izzie and we both knew exactly what the other was thinking. That was kinda morbid for the start of my fortune.

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