4: Testing

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That morning I had woken up, by myself, on the couch, in the sunroom, covered up with a light blanket. I had thought that maybe what happened between Ryder, last night, might have faded or whatever. I also thought that me falling asleep on Kells, and quite literally snuggling with him, would make him realize that I still care. Neither of those thoughts were accurate.

I was sitting on the small, brick wall, out front. I was talking to Slim and Dub.

"Where did you find the lollipop?" Slim asks, as I pull the lollipop out of my mouth and look at it.

"Uhmmm..." I sigh. "I don't really remember."

I feel my phone buzz, and pull it out of my pocket. It was Tasha, sending random angry emojis. She started doing that once she was pregnant with Mill. Just sending me random emojis of her moods. I made a face and nodded.

"What happened after I went to bed?" Dub asked.

"Pfft." I laughed a little. "I don't know what you're talking about. You took all the fun with you." I jumped off the wall.

I kissed Dub's cheek, and patted Slim's shoulder, as I walked away. I rubbed my head, as I closed the door behind me. I saw Mill in his little walk around, cart thing. He looked up at me, with his gorgeous eyes, causing me to squat down next to him.

"I hope you don't turn out to treat woman the way I've been treated. I'd have to kick your ass, kid." I sighed. "Why we gotta raise you right, babe." I leaned over and kissed his forehead.

I sighed, standing up, and walking down the hall, to the bathroom. As I went to walk into the bathroom, Kells walked out Brit's room, as if he just got out of a shower.

"Marilyn..." he almost sighed, but I felt his tension rise.

"You and Brit again, huh?" I ask, as we literally stood an inch away from one another.

"Oh, it's not what it lo-" he started.

"Hey." I took a breath, and raised my hand for him to shake. "Friends?"

He took a moment of contemplation. He seemed confused at first, almost hurt, but I didn't feel like fighting with Brittany over him again. If this is what he wanted, this is what he should have.

He sighed and grabbed my hand shaking it. His thumb rubbing the back of my hand. His hand was warm, callused, rough, and big. I wanted to keep holding his hand, but I knew I had to let go, eventually.

"Friends." He manages to fake smile, as he shook my hand.

As he let go and walked away, I walked out into the living room, and sat on the couch, next to Rook. I sighed, not really focusing my eyes on anything specific. I was just lost in thought, until Tasha stormed into the living room arguing with Mars.

"You don't even wake up at night to take care of Mill. If it's not me, it's Marilyn." She yelled.

"I'm a heavy sleeper. I can't help it, Tash." He defended himself.

"I don't want to hear your sorry ass excuses, Mason. Marilyn and I have decided to go back home anyways." Tasha shouts.

"W-We have?" I looked at her, as everyone else walked in.

"Yeah. We have that work we need to get done." She raised an eyebrow at me, with attitude.

"Right. I totally forgot." I fake half laughed.

"Oh, so you're in Marilyn's line of work again?" Mars shouts. "No offense."

"I-" before I could finish, Tash started again.

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