17: Chance 2

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The next morning, I avoid talking to Colson. I had a dream that he cheated on me with Brittany again, and every time I went to talk to him about it, I got too angry to say anything. I don't care how stubborn or over the top I was being.

I aggressively pull my jean short skirt up, huffing as Kells walks in. I slip on my thin strapped tank top/ crop top, over my push-up bra that really raised my tits, as he laid down on the bed. I slipped my shoes on, then grabbed my denim jacket, as he kept looking at me from his phone occasionally.

Walking over to the mirror, I lean over the dresser, and brush my eyelashes, with my finger. Rubbing my lips together, after putting on some chapstick, I see Kells watching me. I scoff and roll my eyes, seeing his reflection in the mirror.

"Uhm.." he chuckled a little. "Is something wrong, Princess?"

I spin around, looking at him. Resting my hand on my hip, and roll my eyes at him, as I take a deep breath.

"Damn. What'd I do?" He watches.

"So, you just don't love me anymore, huh? Is that it?" I blurt.

"Wh-Wha-Where is that coming from?" He looks at me confused.

"You didn't answer me, Colson." I huff.

I realize I had built up this dream and it was really getting at me. So, much that I couldn't contain myself. I almost wanted to hit him.

"Baby, I love you. I just wanna know what I did so I can fix it and not do it again." He sat up.

"You had sex with Brittany." I crossed my arms, and glared at him.

"What?" He looked at me in shock.

"In my dream, last night, you cheated on me with Brittany." I inform.

"You're mad at me because of a dream you had? You really are a little brat." He raised both eyebrows, clarifying.

"You know what? Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything. Clearly you don't give a shit." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone and walking out of the room.

"Baby, I care. Babe..." he got up, following me.

Walking through the living room, I see Ace, Rook and Slim sitting there. I take a breath, walking towards the office.

"Wassup, M?" Rook nodded.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I think it was Rook who found Brittany in the first place. I walk into the office.

"Shit." Ace chuckled.

"What's with M?" Rook asks.

"What did you do to her?" Slim asks, as Kells walks in.

"I had sex with Brittany..." He informs, as I walk out, not able to find what I was looking for.

"And you can't stop boasting about it, can you?" I almost shout, as I make an almost growling noise, walking towards the kitchen.

"IT WAS YOUR DREAM!!" He shouted, as I walked into the kitchen.

"So?" I walked into view. "You still haven't apologized."

"Why don't you go back to sleep and dream me can apologize?" Kells takes a deep breath.

"Because I'm awake. So, now, you have to." I crossed my arms, as Tasha and Mars walk in.

"I'm not gonna apologize, for something that you dreamt." He claims.

"What's goin' on, B?" Tasha asks.

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