21: It's You.

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I walk into the bedroom, from the bathroom, as Kells comes in, from the hall. He was ready to go to dinner, but I wasn't quite there.

"Wow." He breathes out. "Stop. Lemme just look at you."

I roll my eyes and then give a little twirl, showing off the back of my dress too.

"What you got there?" I ask, noticing a bag in his hand.

"This..." he takes a box out of the bag and walks over opening it. "Is for you."

"Colson, that looks expensive..." I gawk at the gorgeous necklace with a tear shaped diamond.

"No price is too high for you. Turn around. I'll put it on you." He said.

I obeyed and turned. The necklace was long and the diamond dropped down a single chain, hanging between my breasts. I twirled back around and looked at it.

"Perfect fit." He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"It's so pretty. I feel bad, because I know how much pretty costs." I sigh, not able to look away.

"Don't feel bad, baby. I make a lot of money. You're my girl. Imma spend it on you. I wanna spoil you. You deserve it." He explains.

"You're right." I sigh and look up at him, leaning in and kissing him softly. "Thank you. It's beautiful."

"You're welcome." He smiles softly, kissing me deeply, with his hands placed on my hips.

I pull out of the kiss, and look in the mirror and sigh, as I continue to get ready. I put my hair in different styles, seeing what I like best. Nothing was working for me.

"Leave it down, Princess." Kells blurts, walking over to me. "I like it that way." He whispers softly and kisses my temple.

I smile and shake my head a little, as I blush slightly. I fix my new necklace in the mirror.

"Ready?" I look at him, as he sits down, in a chair.

"Yeah." He nods, standing back up.

I grab my purse and walk out, as he holds the door open for me. I stop, in the doorway, and look at him. I fix his jacket, looking up at him.

"You look very handsome, Tonight, Mr. Baker." I compliment, causing him to smile softly and blush a little.

We show up at the dinner event. Lawson and Kim saved our seats, at their table. Waiting for our menus, I start to think of something fun to do.

"Wanna do something fun?" I whisper to Kells.

"Hm?" He hums, looking at me.

"Wanna fuck with Lawson and Kim?" I look at him, then back at them.

"What do you mean?" He looks at me, confused.

"Wanna do something to really freak these people out?" I look back at him.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Wanna scene an argument?" I smile mischievously.

"It can't ever just be dinner with you, can it?" He chuckles.

"Okay, whoever makes them leave first, wins." I look at him, intently.

"What's the prize?" He asks, as the waiter hands us the menus.

"Whoever loses has to let the other do whatever they want to them." I answer.

"I thought we were already gonna do that." He looks at me confused, as we walk over to the table.

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