48: Candy

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*Sexually Graphic*

I walk in from the garage, with a box full of Christmas decorations. Setting the box down, on the table, I grab out some lights.

"What are you doin', babe?" Kells asks, from a different room.

I ignore him, and pull out a couple strands of lights. I sloppily hang them up, then plug them in. I skim over all of them to make sure they all work.

I notice that there are a couple lights that don't work, and remember seeing extras in a kitchen drawer. I pat my phone on the palm of my hand, as I walk through.

"Hey, M." Ceven says, not looking up from touching up Colson's tattoos.

"Hi." I hum, as I get into the kitchen.

"What are you doin'?" Kells calls, as I rummage through the drawer.

"Don't worry about it." I shake my head, finally finding the little colorful bulbs.

"Do you need help?" Kells asks, as I walk through again.

"Nope." I get to the living room.

I change the lights. They all cooperated, except the last one, which shocked my finger and then burned out all the lights, on that strand. I try again and it burned out all the lights, on every strand.

I huff and go to the room, where Kells and Ceven are at. I kneel down, onto the white rug, then sit on my feet, and sigh. I run my belly, and look out the window.

I had my hair down. I was wearing a white thin strapped tank top, with a light beige cardigan, and some white lacy panties. I had an off white bra on too.

I slipped my glasses on my nose, as I looked down at my phone. I was reading a text from AJ, suggesting that we throw an appreciation party for Izzie. Apparently, him, her and Dub were kicking it at Dub's.

"Just doin' touch ups, or is he slavin' ya over there?" I mumble, without looking up from my phone.

"I already finished touch ups." Ceven answers.

"I'm getting a snake in my armpit." Kells blurts.

"That's lovely, hu-" I stop and furrow my brows, then look up at him. "Your armpit?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Why?" I shake my head, and stand up, walking over to him.

"Running out of places." He looks up at me, as I look at the almost done snake, in his hairless armpit.

"What about all right here?" I suggest his inner bicep, causing him to look.

"I don't know." He looks back at me.

"One hairless armpit. Mmmm.." I nod, watching Ceven work on the last bit of the snake. "Sexy, babe. Sexy."

"What about you?" Ceven looks up at me, wiping the tat, then going back to it. "Need any touch ups?"

"No. I'm all good, but there is this one that I've been thinking about getting." I watch him ink Colson's skin.

"Well..." he looks at his watch. "I'll be done with this in a minute, and I gotta be outta here soon."

"I don't think it'll take long." I shake my head.

"What is it?" Kells looks at me, curious.

"It's just Cry Baby along my boob." I brush my finger over where I want it, as Ceven looks.

"That shouldn't be too bad." He nods.

Ceven finishes Colson's tattoo, then does mine. Colson intently watching as mine was being done. We pay him and he leaves.

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