10: Bail

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I walk into Mr. Baker's room to see him sitting at the foot of his bed. The collar of his white dress shirt was loose, and half way unbuttoned. His tie hanging off the dresser. His hair was a mess and he had his EST19XX bandana laying neatly on his knee.

As I went to walk over to him, he raised his hand, signaling me to stop. I obeyed, stopping in my tracks. Almost as if I was awaiting further orders. I watched as he looked up at me.

His eyes were soft, but with a certain dominance within them. His jawline was a work of art that was sharper than any knives I've ever used. He gave me another hand signal, this time wanting me to get on my knees.

Without a second thought, I felt my knees give away, as I obeyed almost instantly. Watching him rise as I dropped. His strong figure towered over me, as he stood in front of me.

Bandana in one hand, slowly bringing the opposite hand to my face. Resting his big, rough hand on my soft, pale jaw, he stroked his thumb softly against my peach lips.

I watch as he draws in and out a deep breath. I feel goosebumps shower my body, at his touch. His eyes intently staring at my mouth, causing me to softly kiss his fingertip.

Drawing his hand back, as his breath hitches, he grabs either side of the bandana. I look up at him as he brings the warm cloth to my face, and wraps it around my head. Blinding me, as he ties it behind my head.

I feel his breath fan over my face gently causing my hair to tickle my cheek. Feeling the warmth radiate off his unknown expression, my breath becomes shaky.

"Good girl." He spoke low and deep. His breath brushing my lips, as he spoke.

I feel his lips brush against mine. Lingering there for a moment longer, teasing me, before crashing his lips into mine. It wasn't something you could describe.

The kiss gave me butterflies, but was also stomach wrenching in all the best ways. If I weren't already at my knees, my legs would have given out from under me.

I imagined myself much like those anime's where the girl is all drooly and blushy. There was no other man in the world that could have this affect on me.

"You need to get up, baby." I heard him whisper softly, in my ear.

Obeying, I raised to my feet, as he guided me to the bed. Laying me down, I felt him kiss my collarbone gently, causing me to smile softly.

"You're so beautiful." His voice soft and deep.

I smiled and opened my eyes to find my fantasy disappear, as I see Mr. Baker in a light pink shirt and black pants. I sigh, looking at him. It wasn't a sigh of annoyance, more of longing.

Yes, everything was enough for me. Hand holding, kissing, snuggling, compliments, yada yada yada. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of it, but what does a girl gotta do to get dicked down once in a while.

I look at his lips, and then remember what he said back on our date. He was right, we should be going slower this time. I just wish he wasn't so sexy. Most of the time I was hotter than hell over him. Like a constant moistness. Maybe I'm about to start my period, or maybe he's just really fuckable.

I'll just talk to Tasha about this, maybe she can help. I could also look for signs to see if I should make a move to escalate things between him and I.

I realize that I had zoned out, blankly staring at him. I shook my head, laughing a little. Good thing he didn't see. He was looking down, at his phone.

I took a deep breath, realizing I still had to get up. I took an even deeper breath realizing that I had today planned. Today is Ace's birthday. We all had a lunch planned with him, since he wanted to spend dinner at his house.

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