16: No Comers

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His lips kissed down my neck, sloppily, as he guided me backwards, until we fell onto the couch. I pulled his shirt off, as he kissed along my breasts. I smiled, noticing how bad he wanted me too.

Leaning back up and aggressively kissing my lips, he took my shirt off, and started to take my pants off. I bit his lip, tasting the blood from when he was hit. It didn't taste bad.

I kissed down his neck, leaving prints of my lips from my lipstick. I kissed along his collarbone, as I un-did his pants. He started to get impatient, and rub his erection, against me, as he fixed himself between my thighs.

Rubbing himself harder against the heat between my legs, he let out a throaty groan, before grabbing my face roughly and kissing me deeper than he has ever before. I was so lost in the kiss, that I didn't hear the door bell.

He growled and got up. I followed him, almost a slave to him. He answered the door, looking real serious.

"Hey, Kells." I heard Brittany, causing me to sigh and start to walk away.

Kells grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. Almost as if he were showing me off. My hair was a mess and I had no shirt on, my pants were unbuttoned and unzipped, and my lacy black panties were visible, along with my black lacy bra.

I was facing him, with my back to her. His arm wrapped around me, tightly. I could feel how strong he was holding me, and I really liked it.

"What do you want, Brittany?" He asked coldly.

"N-Nevermind." She sounded almost hurt.

"Bye." Kells closed the door, locking it, then pinned me against it.

Kissing me roughly and then pulled back for a second. Examining my physical state, he licked his lips. His mouth was swollen from the kissing, he had lipstick prints all over his neck area, his hair was a mess, and his veins prominently stood out on his arms and hands.

He had one hand on my hip, as he lift my face up with the other. Looking into my eyes, he leaned in. I was mesmerized already. I was on edge, not expecting what was to happen next.

I closed my eyes, being completely okay with what was coming. I had full trust in him, and that was something I have never experienced before.

I felt his lips passionately kiss mine deeply, as the hand on my hip wrapped around to my lower back, pulling me to him. The hand on my chin, cupped my face.

"You're the only one I want, M." He breathed against my lips.

"Please don't be a dream." I whispered, with my eyes still closed.

"This is real." His voice deep and intimate, as he kissed me again.

He pulled back and grabbed me by my pants, pulling me up the stairs. Pushing the door open and pulling me to him. Guiding me backwards, we fell onto the bed with him on top.

I felt something on my back, causing me to stop kissing him. He looked at me to see what was wrong.

"What?" He asks.

I sat up, causing him to get up. Standing up, I saw a plate of melted ice cream, on my bed. Reaching around I touched my back, looking at my hand I saw the sweet liquid running down my fingers.

"Really?" I whined, as he chuckled. "Oh, that's funny?" I looked at him.

"Kinda." He smiled.

"Mmmm. Mhm. How bout this?" I say, picking up the plate and rubbing it against his chest.

He gasped, then took some from his chest and wiped it between my boobs. It dripped onto my bra.

"Colson!" I gasped, as I looked down at my boobs.

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