42: Attention Whore

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It's been a week or so. We through a Halloween party at the mansion, almost as a going away party. We've been on tour ever since.

I wasn't sure how I felt about tour, yet. I stayed in the hotel room or the bus a lot. If I wasn't there, we were at shoes and parties, where I couldn't drink or smoke like everyone else.

I haven't really been getting much attention, from Colson, either. Even when he is around, he never pays me much notice. He usually goes on his phone or talks to someone else. The most I've talk to him is when he asked what I wanted to eat.

I wasn't complaining, and thinking that he should stop work. God, I would hate myself if he stopped doing what he loved all for me. I just wished that he would choose maybe a date over a party, at least once every now and then. I am carrying his baby after all.

I talked a lot to Izzie in the mean time. Tasha was usually busy, but we still had time to catch up. Izzie and I have really come to just notice each other's rather strange habits.

She had told me that her and Rook were having a bit of a problem, with the distance. I told her I'd keep on eye on him. Of course I would.

"Yeah, her and I are a little on edge, right now." Rook admits, as we sit at a bench.

We were having lunch. It was fancy and probably expensive, but he said he was paying. I needed to talk to him anyway.

"Mhm." I nod, sipping on my straw. "Why's that?"

I already knew why. I just wanted to hear his reason.

"Gosh. I don't know." He sighs.

"Sounds like you do." I chuckle softly.

"Well, I mean..." He shakes his head, as he takes his last bite of food.

"Don't overwhelm yourself, Rookie." I reassure, as the waitress comes back with my to go box.

"Here you are." She hands me the small styrofoam box.

"Thank you, love." I smile, taking it, as she walks away.

"There's a bunch of reasons, really." Rook scratches his head, as he pays the bill.

"Just riddle some off for me. Maybe I can help." I transfer my food to the box.

"Shit. Distance. Groupies. Lack of attention." He starts.

I nod at all of them. I was less sure if I was agreeing, or feeling it myself.

"Or maybe because I haven't said I love you to her. New surroundings." He tries to continue.

"What?!" I look at him, my brows furrowed.

"What?" He looks up at me.

"You haven't said I love you, yet?" I look at him shocked, as he stands up.

"Should I have?" He inquires, as I stand up, grabbing my box.

"JP, You two live together." I blurt, as we walk towards the bus, down the street.

"Does that imply I should say it?" He asks.

"You should have already said the I love yous, before moving in together." I exclaim.

"Shit." He sighs.

"It's too late, now." I shake my head.

"Well, maybe I can still say it." Rook blurts, looking at me.

"No. Now, it seems like you're waiting for her to do it." I sigh.

"How long did it take Kells to say it?" He watched me.

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