33: Rock

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The next day we were all throwing a little coming home party for Tash and Mason's welcome back home.

I had spent all day getting the mansion ready for them to show up at. Everyone pitched in and helped out. Slim and Andre went to pick up Mars and Tasha from the airport.

I was leaning against the wall, watching everyone, in the kitchen, from the living room. Mr. Baker walked up to me.

"Hey." I smile softly, trying to ease his nervous tension.

"I never got to finish what I was saying, yesterday." He sighs, leaning against the wall, that was a couple feet across from me.

"You were at 'I'm so-'." I laugh a little.

"Right." He smiles and shakes his head. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting towards you. I don't feel like you're always up my ass. You're not bitchy. I don't even know why I said those things. I love when you're around. I hate it when you're not. I enjoy your presence deeply. I'm sorry for making you feel like shit. Especially, after a long day of work. I should have just been a decent boyfriend." He bows his head.

"Do you remember that night in the get away, when I came in with this stupid tattoo." I laugh, showing off the tattoo on my thigh.

"Hard to forget." He shakes his head.

"That was me pulling a you." I take a breath. "Sometimes you have to push your limits to see how far you can go."

"Except, you broke up with me." He looks at me.

"Colson, I never broke up with you. Silent treatment is not the end of a relationship. I didn't want to talk to you because I had nothing say to you." I explain.

"I hate the silent treatment." He sighs out, heavily.

"You told me I was up your ass and a pest. The only thing I saw fit was to give you what you wanted." I nod, looking at him. "Space."

"I hate space." He looks up at me, with puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe you won't do it again then, huh?" I raise an eyebrow, as I watch him.

"Does this mean I can kiss you again?" He asked low.

"Mr. Baker, you never had to stop." I inform.

Before I could even respond, he had stepped towards me, wrapped one of his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. His other hand cupping my face, as he kisses me deeply.

"I gotta ask you something." He breathed against my lips.

"Wh-" I start, but hear Tasha, Mars, Andre, and Slim walk through the door.

"The queen is home, bitches!" Tasha hollers.

"Mommy!" Mae runs out and hugs her.

"Hey, baby. I missed you so much." Tasha showers in kisses.

I walk over and give her a half hug, with Mae on her hip.

"Have fun?" I smirk, looking at her.

"You May have had a get away, but, bitch, I had a honeymoon." She flips her hair, over her shoulder.

"We expectin' another baby?" Izzie jokes.

"No. Not from us anyway." Tasha laughs.

We all hear the doorbell and Slim answers the door, being the closest to it. It was the pizza man. He paid and we all went to the kitchen to get plate and such. Sitting at the dining table, all together.

I've been trying to see what Kells was gonna ask, but every time someone gets me away from him. It was starting to irritate me, but also wear me out.

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