(Chapter 10) Why you sad

Start from the beginning

And not even so ill that you couldn't get up if you wanted to.

You were getting better.

"That's because the physical contact heals the soulmate bruising," she prompts.


The room is silent as you bite down on your lip, and carefully, carefully let your arm drop, grazing your wrist to Jungkook's wrist.

The bruising on his open palm looked heavy, nothing like the small circles on your fingertips.

He must have dragged his palm across the ends of your fingertips as he had tried to touch his fans.

His bruising was so much worse than yours.

And he was so sweaty, his breathing labored.

In comparison, you were breathing just fine.

Your heart went out to him.

You lay back down, pressed your arm to his, fingertips to shoulder.

"Please get better," you whisper, without meaning to.

The woman beside you breaks into a smile as she leans back over you, offering you yet another water bottle.

"Thank you," she says.

"Drink more if you can."

And you do.

The entire thing, in fact, before you start to feel drowsy again.

"It's OK to sleep. It will help, in fact. We'll make sure your arms stay touching. You'll be better when you wake next time."

"Can you... will you... do you think you'll still be here when I wake up?"

You try not to sound scared but it seeps into your voice.

She... she is the only person here that makes you feel... safe.

The woman raises an eyebrow, then smiles almost fondly at you.

"I'll stay here, until you're awake."



The deep, husky voice of someone very close

jolts you awake.

You sit up, confused as you don't recognize anything around you.

But then after a moment you do.

The dozing form of lady propped against the wall looks familiar, and you remember her kindness.

Soulmate Bonded: Jungkook xReader (feat. Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now