Part 84

687 25 9

A/n: hi, suicide and self-harm coming up, skip this chapter if you don't want to read it, I'll put a summary at the end ❤️ (i'm giving pointers Bc the chapter starts normally)

Y/n L/n
It started off as a normal day, nothing unusual was happening, the weather was nice, it was hot but nice, not suffocating.

I had decided to invite Jake and my friends over to my house because it has a Pool.

Hot bitches 🥵

Group members:
Wyatt Oleff (Thing #1)
Zach Montgomery (Thing #2)
Jack Grazer (Thing #3)
Finn Wolfhard (no❤️)
Melissa Hudson (Pretty girl💖)
Emma Cox (Fav bitch🦋)
Sabrina Winters (Ice Queen ❄️)

Thing #1
I'm 100% gonna be there
The weather is so
nice to waste it

Fr also...
I'm inviting Jake
Is that okay?

Ice Queen ❄️
Be there X2
And yeah ofc it's okay
Girl, it's your house

no ❤️
I'll be there x3
And sure, invite your bf

He's not my bf lmao

Pretty Girl 💖
Be there x4

Thing #2

Thing #3

Fav bitch 🦋

Can't believe there's actually
seven ppl in our friend group

Fav bitch 🦋

Well, see u here
Byee babies

Fav bitch 🦋
Bye hot stuff

*everyone: byee*

Prince Charming

You busy?

Not rlly

The weather is rlly nice
And I have a pool
Do you want to come over?
All my friends are gonna
be here

I'd rlly like to
but my father just arrived


That means I have to
help him do some stuff

What stuff?
Maybe I can help you

No. It's fine
We can hangout tomorrow, tho
If you like

Yeah. That would be

K thanks


After locking my phone's screen and leaving it on my nightstand, I frowned. Jake wasn't being his always happy self... or Maybe Im just reading too much into it.

I'm just gonna go with that. I'm reading too much into it.

After going through my swimsuit, I opted for a simple black bikini and waited for everyone to arrive.

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