Part 40

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Y/n L/n

It's the next day after the picture was taken and I'm nervous to show up at school, why? Oh, I don't know, I just need help lol

Anyway, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and dried my hair, proceeding to put on some nice and cute clothes and then having some cereal as breakfast downstairs.

After that, I grabbed my backpack and phone, and started making my way to school on my bike.

When I arrived, I parked my bike and entered school, noticing all the weird looks people were giving me, I was confused as to why until I saw Melissa running towards me, grabbing my arm, and dragged me all the way to an empty classroom.

"What the hell, Melissa?" I asked, not in a mean way but in a 'what the fuck is going on' kind of way.

"There's printed pictures of a photo of Wyatt and you kissing, the date say that it was two days ago... which, is fairly impossible, because" Melissa started explaining but I wasn't really listening.

"Well, the date is wrong, I mean, we did kiss, Finn saw us that day, but we didn't kiss after that, I think" I said "I... I didn't do anything... has Finn saw this pictures?"

"I know, I know, trust me, I believe you. Yeah, Finn saw those pictures, they're everywhere" Melissa answered.

"I mean, that's nothing new, I guess, I... Ugh! What the hell is going on?" I asked out loud but asking myself while running my hands through my hair.

"What did Finn said? How did he react?" I asked.

"He literally just saw the picture, crumbled it up, threw it in the trash can and left, I tried and stoped him so I could explain but he didn't want to listen to me nor to Wyatt" Melissa said and shrugged.

"Wyatt? What did he say?" I asked.

"He looked kind of sad and angry, and ripped most of the pictures that were visible to him and also put them in the trash, continuing by him asking 'who the fuck did this'" Melissa said, I giggled at her impression of Wyatt.

"Oh, I mean, it's a picture of us kissing, I don't really understand why people exaggerate so much" I said kind of tired and wanting to skip on people's bullshit, however, Finn being famous and everyone checking the tagged post and shit, well, people were meant to find out we were at it again and suddenly this picture... geez, I can't even explain myself what the fuck.

"It is a picture of you kissing, with a mistaken date, while everyone thinks that you and Finn have something going on... Finn included" Melissa explained.

"But why wouldn't he trust me?" I asked acting hurt, I mean, I would've reacted worse... way worse... to be true.

"It's not whether he trusts you or not, it's about a misunderstanding you have to explain, that's all" Melissa said and shrugged when she said that's all.

"I'm not good at explaining" I said with a chuckle and she just rolled her eyes.

"God! Y/n, you're so goddamn annoying sometimes" she said while pushing me out the door, and, because of the cliché of the whole situation, guess who I ran into? Finn fucking Wolfhard.

"Hey" I said smiling innocently.

"Hi" he said, not smiling whatsoever.

"Ummm Melissa told me you saw the picture" I said, Melissa was saying behind Finn, so I gave her a 'HeLp me out here' look, though that only caused for Finn to look behind him and Melissa to run away.

"Can you describe this picture? I've seen a lot today" he asked and I chuckled nervously.

"Well, you see, I didn't really see the picture, but Melissa informed me that it was a picture of Wyatt and I kissing with the date of two day ago" I said doubtfully. Suddenly, he pulled out a folded picture from his back pocket and gave it to me.

I opened it and it was a picture of me and Wyatt kissing, his arms around my waist, my arms around his neck, in the gym, it wasn't the one that Finn saw though, and the date indicated that it was taken on Friday, ten minutes before gym... geez, why did it have the time?

"Why did you save the picture?" I asked Finn.

"Because I wanted you to explained to me what's going on and when it really happened" he answered with a shrug and I nodded.

"Well, this happened the same day that you saw us kissing at the gym" I said.

"Why did you?" He asked and I looked at him confused "Why did you chose him over me? I was willing to fight for you... I always will be"

"I feel like you've asked me that before but... ugh, I don't know, Finn, if I have to be honest, I don't really know" I tried answering.

"Y/n... I... I'm sorry, for the way that I hurt you and the multiple times that I screwed everything up" he said and I rolled my eyes while smiling.

"We all make mistakes, I made mistakes, you made mistakes, you forgave mine and I forgave yours" I said while putting my arms around his neck and him putting my arms around my waist.

"I really miss you... like miss you miss you" he said and I giggle while he rested his forehead against mine.

"I really miss you miss you too" I replied and kissed him, he kissed back but we eventually pulled away.

"We need to go to class" I added.

"Babe, the bell rang when Melissa left... which was about ten minutes ago" he said and I sighed.

"Fuck, I promised my mom to have perfect attendance in all my classes" I said and he chuckled and kissed my nose.

"Don't stress about it... come on, let's go to the cafeteria" he said while grabbing my hand and leading me there.

Once we got there, we laid in the same positing we were yesterday, when Melissa took the picture, on a couch that was in the cafeteria and started talking about school stuff.

"I'm sleepy" I complained like a tittle baby while pouting.

"Sleep" Finn said while chuckling.

"Okay, but I can't skip the next class so you better wake me up" I warned him and he nodded.

"Whatever you say, babe" he replied and I made myself more comfortable, snuggling more up to him, he kissed my head and I closed my eyes.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I started drifting off to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

A/n: it's been literally forever since I last uploaded a chapter so... hahahaha sorry guys
Love you guys!
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