Part 67

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Is is too late to change the whole story, yes or no??

Melissa Hudson

Fuck. I'm gonna die.

I was with Wyatt, the guy that was connected to the wireless speaker was waiting for my cue, I already had the microphone in hand but my nerves were driving me insane.

"What if I puke?" I asked Wyatt and he chuckled.

"Try not aiming at Jack" he answered.

"This is serious, Wy"

"You're not gonna vomit"

"What if I faint?"

"Hit it" Wyatt yelled to the guy and pushed me.

The melody started and I cleared my throat, getting the microphone closer to my face so people could hear when I sing. I waited for my cue in the song and started singing.

*Playing: Bloom - The Paper Kites*

"In the morning when I wake..." I began "and the sun is coming through"

My hands are literally shaking. Everyone turned around and stared at me expectantly, as a normal person would if a crazy ass girl just decided to burst out singing in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness" I started walking closer to Jack, slowly, it was going to take a while getting to him, since he was all the way across the room "and you fill my head with you"

Jack and I locked eyes.

"Shall I write it in a letter? Shall I try to get it down? Oh, you feel my head with pieces of a song I can't get out"

*time skip: song ends*

"Can I be close to you? Ooh-ooh" I sang the last verse.

I was in front of jack, whom had stood up.

"Jack" I said, one hand holding the microphone and the other hand holding his.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.

I waited for a response but he didn't say anything, he took the microphone out of my hand and gave it to some random guy, then turned to look at me and proceeded to engulf me in a hug, we pulled away after he spun me around.

"Of course I want to be your boyfriend" he answered and I smiled.

After a while, I finally felt happiness again, not that my happiness depends on him, but I just really missed him.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you, too" he replied and kissed me. I returned the kiss, it was simple and everyone else cheered for us.

Y/n L/n

"Omg, Look at this" I told Finn and showed him the video of Melissa singing to Jack.

"Woah, she really outdid herself" he replied and I nodded.

"I miss them. Sometimes I feel that we should be going through all of that drama with them, Y'know? Like Wyatt did, and Zach, and Emma"

"I don't think that would've been healthy" he said and I shrugged.

I just want to be with my friends, honestly. Don't get me wrong, life here is treating me so well, I just miss my comfort zone.

"I'm so fucking bored. I just want something exciting to happen" I said.

"Be careful with what you wish for, you might catch yourself in a very bad situation" Finn said and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop Being a smart ass" I replied and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm just telling you to be careful"

"And I hate when people tell me what to do"

"Don't start"

"Don't start with what?"

"Creating drama just because you're bored"

"Jerk" I replied and huffed. Proceeding to unlock my phone and watch some tiktoks.

Emma Cox

My date with Sabrina is this Friday at 3 PM, we're going to go to a cute restaurant and then go to the movies.

I was really excited for the date, but I have little to no time to be nervous since the date is tomorrow (yes, today is Thursday).

I picked up my phone and called Y/n and Melissa via videocall, since I was too lazy to go to Mel's house and definitely not paying a ticket just to tell Y/n that I have a date with the cutest girl I've ever met.

"Hello girls" Y/n said with a smile.

"Hiii" Melissa said excitedly.

"Hi girls, so... I have some tea" I exclaimed.

"Do spill" Y/n replied.

"So... there's this girl with whom I've ever felt like a weird but nice vibe between us, I thought I'd never get back out there after my last relationship but now I feel ready" I started explaining.

"I'm happy for you, Ems" Melissa said and I smiled.

"Thanks. So, I asked her out on a date and, guess what she said?" I said excitedly.

"She'd be an idiot to say no" Y/n said.

"She said yes and the date's tomorrow at 3" I replied.

"What are you gonna do on the date?" Melissa asked.

"Well, we decided to go to a restaurant and later, if we're feeling it, maybe go to the movies" I answered, the smile never leaving my face.

"What are you gonna wear?" Y/n asked.

"I'll send you guys pictures tomorrow. Anyway, I have to go because my dad just got home and sent me a message to go help him with the groceries" I informed.

"Okay, girl, byee" Y/n said.

"Bye, baby" Melissa said and they both hung up.

I quickly locked my phone and went downstairs to help my dad with the groceries.

i would commit the undead if someone did to me what melissa did tbh i'm sorry
Love you guys!
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