Part 77

702 25 27

Remember the shooting? If you don't, well, there's a shooting going on 💖

3rd Person

As the teacher walked carefully through the hallways and into the boys bathroom, he thought heard someone walking behind him, but when turning around he saw no one. If someone were to be following him, there could be a chance it was the persona holding a gun, so he decided to enter an empty classroom, just in case.

He hid in some lockers that were inside the room that had the little open lines so he could see the scene before him.

He waited a couple of minutes and then decided to go back out there and go to the bathroom as quickly as possible to get his student.

"Wyatt?" He asked upon entering the bathroom.

"Mr. Hudson?" Wyatt asked, walking out of the stall and sighing in relief. Two other boys came out of the stalls next to him and returned with the teacher to the classroom.

They were quick and silent... kinda like ninjas. They were all safe. Or were they?

"I'm scared" Emma admitted to Wyatt and Jack. Matter of fact, they were scared too. They were in a situation where they had no power.

"It's gonna be okay, the teacher alerted the police when the first shot came off and everything is going to be fine" Jack said, though it sounded more as if he was trying to convince himself.

They held hands and waited.

The door handle moved but whoever was trying to enter didn't succeed. Steps were heard running away.

The air was heavy. They were suffocating in their own fear. Suddenly, the door swung open, no sound made. It was the police.

Without saying a word, they pointed the students that they had to exit the building immediately. First three students, then other three and so on, until our favorite students stuck in this had to leave.

"I told you it was gonna be okay" jack whispered to Emma, as them and Wyatt walked out of the school's building.

When they got outside they saw it was a total chaos, they wiped their tears and saw that their parents were all there waiting for them. They were all crying.

Y/n L/n

"Do you think they're okay?" I asked Melissa, we had all texted the three of them but got no reply back after a couple of minutes. It was weird since, especially Jack, they're all always on their phones.

"I don't know" Melissa replied worriedly.

"Let's go to the school" Finn suggested. We all agreed it was the best thing to do and we were on our way.

"What the fuck?" Sabrina asked when we looked at the scenery.

All the parents were there and they were all crying, there were police cars and an ambulance. In the ambulance, I noticed as I looked closer was a kid who appeared to be shot... fuck.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"There" Sabrina answered after looking around for a while. We ran towards them and I could Melissa's angry face for Jack not telling her and promising that everything was okay.

I was a little angry but it was pushed down by my relief of them being okay.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jack asked.

We just hugged them. The importance of what happened dawned on me. I could've lost my friends today. I'm thankful I didn't, but one of them could've been that kid on the ambulance.

"We need to leave" Jack's mom, Angela, said. Interrupting our hug.

"Bye, guys" he said with a sad smile. I could see it in his eyes, my thoughts were the same as his, but instead of "my friends" it was "I could've died or watch someone die"... Emma and Wyatt were thinking that, too.

I asked Emma, Wyatt, and the rest if they wanted to hang out but they all declined, Wyatt and Emma said that they just needed a little space to think and calm down. I understood and returned to my house.

Wyatt Oleff

"I'm glad you didn't die" Zach said, we were laying down in my bed. I felt kind of bad for not hanging out with Y/n, but I didn't want to be surrounded by so many people... even if they are my friends. I just wanted to lay with my boyfriend and watch Netflix.

"Yeah. Me, too" I answered "But, I don't want to talk about that"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't want to talk. Can we just watch a movie and snuggle?" I asked with a smile.

He nodded and said "Always".

Jack Dylan Grazer

After getting home, Melissa messages me asking if she could come over so I agreed. Ten minutes passed and she arrived.

We were sitting in the living room watching Netflix when she hit the pause button and looked me in the eye.

"Why did you not tell what was happening?" She asked. As if it wasn't obvious.

"I didn't want to worry you"

"I understand that, but... I mean, it was something serious, you're not supposed to hide that stuff from me, what if it was the last time we talked?"

"I know and I am sorry. But I did not lie about one thing"

"What thing?" She asked, confused.

"About the fact that I love you" I answered and softly kiss her lips.

"I love you"

Emma Cox

When I got home, after hugging my father and him telling me that he loves me and we crying and hugging, I went up to my room.

I tried to take my mind of what had just happen. That, turns out, a stupid student was threatening to kill another student and then the other responded with a "shoot me, I dare you", so he did shoot him... but he failed and shot him in the arm, then the gun came off a second time when he dropped it, realizing what he had done.

The kid that was shot, was taken to the ER and the other kid was taken elsewhere and kicked out of school, the reasons of why the kid shot the other one were unclear.

I didn't know what to do to distract myself, so I took a shower, played music and tried drifting off to sleep.

I was planning killing one of the characters, but decided against it because, well... just because.

You can try and guess who I was going to kill, if you want hahah

(The next chapter is going to be an insta one, I'm sorry I'm advance)

I love you all
Vote to save a unicorn

CiTy BoY ‣ fw Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora