Part 42

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Y/n L/n

Today is the day I'm going to get dragged to the mall by Melissa to see what the fuck is up with this bitch Sabrina.

Okay, I'm going to calm down because I don't know who Sabrina is and she may not be a bitch. She might not even know that he and I kind of have something, you know?

But you know who does know? Him! And he literally asked another girl on a date, or at least that's what it sounded like. Then again, I am not going to make this any worse by brining it up or causing a scene because that would kinda be petty and I kinda did the same to him. Even though, I did talk to him about matters first.

"Is everything okay, Y/n?" Finn asked, interrupting my thoughts. Melissa, Jack, Wyatt, Finn and I were plopped down in the school's cafeteria's couches.

"Yeah, why?" I answered simply.

I was sitting on a couch between Wyatt and Jack, with my legs on top of Jack's and my head resting in Wyatt's shoulder, on the other couch, there was Melissa and Finn, Jack's legs were on top of Melissa's and Melissa's legs were on top of a small stool, Finn was leaning on the armchair with his legs on top of Melissa's as well.

"You just seem a little bit off" Finn replied and I shrugged.

"I'm just thinking how I have nothing to do today after school... it's going to be really boring" I complained.

"I would ask you out but I have a compromise" he said with a pout.

"What kind of compromise?" Melissa asked and I mentally face palmed myself.

"Just going out with a friend I haven't seen in a while" Finn answered carelessly.

"Is that what we're calling Sabrina now, huh? Just a friend?" Jack remarked, which made Finn's face turn so red, he looked like a tomato.

"Y/n, look" Wyatt said showing me the time in his phone "We have to go" he added and grabbed my hand, making me follow him all the way out of the cafeteria.

"What happened, Wy?" I asked cOnFuSeD.

"I didn't  want you to get hurt by whatever Finn was going to say to defend himself in front of you after what Jack said" he answered.

"That's really nice but I really do want to know what he's going to say" I replied, going back but he grabbed my arm and stopped me, I turned around to face him with my "let me go or I'll murder you" face.

"Even if you do go back, if he wants to date the girl or something, he would never say it in front of you, Melissa nor me... so, if you really want to know, you'll have to get the truth out of Jack" he replied.

"True, but Jack would never betray Finn by telling me" I said.

"But he would tell Melissa"


"Thing is, we'll go back, act as if we had to meet up with a teacher real quick about a project and act normal, we'll start looking for the truth after, Okay?"

"I don't know if I really want to know... I mean, a part of me wants to know, but another part of me doesn't want to get hurt"

"Hey, better know now than after things get serious with Finn and you, alright?" He asked and I nodded. I hugged him and he hugged back, after a while we pulled away.

"Why are you such a perfect Friend with me after I was such a fucking mess towards you?" I asked him.

"Even if whatever happened between us happened, we never stopped being best friends; I mean, at first it hurt, but then I realized that we are better being best friends, we understand each other so well, give each other good advices, help each other, and care for each other so much... but just as best friends, we confused our feelings, which is perfectly understandable due to the fact we're always together. Also, you and Finn make a really cute couple, despite Finn sometimes being a complete asshole" he answered. I smiled at him.

"I love you" I said while hugging him.

"I love you too" he said while hugging me tighter and then pulling away from the hug, as did I.

We went back to the cafeteria and returned to our previous positions, my legs on Top Of Jack's legs and my head leaning on Wyatt's shoulder.

"Why'd you two left?" Melissa asked.

"You're so nosey sometimes" I said while giggling.

"We had to quickly meet up with a teacher to talk about a project" Wyatt answered. He's really good at lying ... well, he's a good actor.

"What project?" Finn asked suspiciously.

"One you don't have to do, therefore one you do not care about" I answered, it wasn't meant to be rude but my tone came out a little bit rude and Finn seemed taken back.

"Jeez, sorry for asking" he said and I rolled my eyes. It suddenly got kind of silently awkward but the bell rang, announcing everyone had to go to class.

"Which class do y'all have?" Jack asked us.

"Melissa, Y/n and I have Philosophy" Wyatt answered.

"I have Advanced Chemistry" Finn answered.

"Which one do you have?" Melissa asked Jack.

"Advanced Math" Jack answered.

"What does one have to do to be put in the advanced classes?" Melissa asked to particularly nobody "I mean, Y/n's in advanced writing, Jack in advanced math, Finn in advanced chemistry, and Wyatt in advanced Spanish... what do I have?"

"You're in advanced history, shut your mouth... everyone of us is good at something different and there is nothing wrong with that, now get your ass up and let's go to class" I told Melissa.

"Fine, but stand up first so that you can help me up" Melissa replied. I took my legs off Jack's and Jack took his legs off Melissa's as did Finn.

I stood up and helped Melissa up, Wyatt stood up as well and I smiled mischievous at him.

"Piggyback ride to class?" I asked Wyatt in a pleading way.

"Okay" Wyatt answered while chuckling, I got in his back and he started walking.

After a few seconds, Finn and Jack stood up as well, and started walking with Melissa, Wyatt and me, there was a point, though, in which Finn and us parted ways, Jack following and then us finally arriving to out destination.

"Does this Uber take me all the way to my seat?" I asked Wyatt, we were seconds away from the classroom's door.

"Oh, my God, you're such a" Wyatt started.

"Wonderful, beautiful and thoughtful friend" I finished for him.

"Yeah, that too" he replied while chuckling.

"I'm feeling like a third wheel" Melissa said.

"Oh, don't, I love you" I replied.

"Aww, i love you too" she said back.

Wyatt let me down in front of my seat and and I sat down, him and Melissa sitting down next to me.

"Do you think we'll see something interesting in this class?" Melissa asked.

"It's philosophy, every class is entertaining" I replied.

"Last class was a bit boring" Wyatt said and I giggled.

"Hello guys, today is going to be a different class than the ones we've had before, because, you're going to get to control this class via voting the activities we do and such" the teacher started explaining.

"This might be fun" Melissa whispered and I nodded, agreeing with her. This class might be fun.

A/n: hello
I'll try updating more often, I hope there's people still reading this crappy book lol
Love you guys!
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