Part 20

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Y/n L/n

It was the night after the day I had dinner with Finn's parents, I was laying in bed next to Finn, we were both looking up at the ceiling of my bedroom with our hands intertwined with one another.

I let out a sigh, let go of his hand and sat down looking at the floor, I used my arms as support, my whole body was shaking.

"Are you okay?" I heard Finn asked gently.

"Yes" I answered with my voice shaking slightly.

"No, you're not. Baby, you don't have to lie to me" he replied and hugged me, I turned around returning the hug. It felt safe, my whole body relaxed and just as I felt okay again, he said something that made me cry.

"I want you to know that no matter what I'm going to be here for you, ok? I don't want you to feel that there are things you need to hide from me because you don't. You can tell me anything, if you're feeling down, I'll help you get up, if you have a problem, we'll solve it... together. Please, understand that whatever you're going through, you don't have to go through it alone... I'm here for you" his voice while talking was gently, meaningful, full of love. I looked up at him, he gently wiped away my tears and I smiled slightly at him.

"I love you so much" I said and kissed him.

"I love you even more" he replied and kissed me. I pulled away from the hug and sat down in front of him, as he did the same "Tell me" he added.

"It's stupid" I replied.

"Y/n... please, tell me" he insisted and I nodded.

"The comments... on my instagram post" I said while looking down.

"Show me" he said, I took out my phone and gave it to him.

Ususjdjs Plz do us all a favor and kys, we don't need your ugly ass ruining our lives
Olalsis ^agree 100%, she ruins everyone's life and she's a slut

Kslaj You're such a little bitch, first Jack and now Finn?

Posiajd Plz pack ur bags and leave ma boi alone, you're ugly, fat, you're a slut and no one loves you

When he finished reading, he looked at me, I watched how a tear slipped from his eye.

"Don't cry" I said.

"How could I not when my princess is receiving this type of comments?" he asked.

"That's why I didn't tell you" I replied looking down, he cupped my face and made me face him.

"You're beautiful, ok? This comments... they're not true... I love you... I love you. I love you. I love you" he said, I smiled.

"I love you, I love you, I love you so fucking much too" I replied, smiling, he was smiling too. We kissed again... it was perfect.

"By the way, can I post something on Instagram?" he asked and I laughed.

"Post anything you want, darling" I answered.


finnwolfhardofficial i love this and i love you, you're fucking perfect2,737,638 people liked this

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finnwolfhardofficial i love this and i love you, you're fucking perfect
2,737,638 people liked this.
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b00bear i love all my fans @finnwolfhardofficial
-view 27 replies-
finnwolfhardofficial i swear-
melisass you're so sweet omfg
b00bear thank u <3 @melisass

jackdgrazer Finn's right, she is perfect
^finnwolfhardofficial deleted this comment^

melisass I already know she's perfect... she's my fucking best friend
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finnwolfhardofficial 🤫
Y/n&Mel_are_goals Am I the only one who ships Melissa and Y/n together?
melisass @Y/n&Mel_are_goals I ship us too, darling
b00bear I invented the ship
melisass i love youuuuu
b00bear I love you, too
finnwolfhardofficial Suddenly, i am the third wheel
Y/n&Mel_are_goals MY HEART

I laughed at the comments.

"I feel jealous" Finn said and I laughed.

"I love you" I said while laughing.

"I love you too" he replied and hugged me, I hugged him back and kissed his cheek, he kissed my nose and I giggled.

I love you guys sm!
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