Part 16

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Y/n L/n

I woke up sweating, my heart was pounding, and I was crying, I just had the worst nightmare ever. I grabbed my phone without looking at the hour and called the only person that would calm me down... Finn, also the person starring this nightmare. The phone rang one time and he picked up.

Finn: italics Me: bold

Baby? Are you okay?

*crying* No, I'm so sorry for waking you up... I... I just

*cuts her off* I'm coming over, hang in there. *hangs up*

Great! How am I supposed to sneak him in my bedroom, I was still crying, I was desperate. I heard a tap on my window and looked out to see who it was, Finn, I opened the window and let him in.

He hugged me, I felt safe in his arms, I cried against his shirt, when my crying stopped we cuddled in my bed. We weren't speaking, he was playing with my hair and I was figuring out how to breath properly.

He stopped and sat down in front of me, I sat down too, he grabbed my hands in his.

"What happened?" he asked. I took a deep breath.

"I had a nightmare" I answered.

"What was it about?" he asked. I looked down, he grabbed my face in his hand gently and made me look at him "You can tell me anything" he said and I nodded.

"We were at this type of dance or party... and I, told you some things but you walked away so, I left home... at the next day, we were at school and I told you the same things that I told you at that party and you did the same and walked away... I told you those things three times... and... and you just kept walking away" I answered while tears were streaming down my face, he cleaned some of them.

"What did you tell me?" he asked.

"I told that I loved you and... and you said you didn't feel the same way" I answered quickly while crying. He hugged me again.

Once my crying stopped, he pulled away and cupped my face with his hands.

"I do... I love you" he said and I smiled.

"I love you too" I replied.

He started leaning in and I leaned it too, he pressed his lips against mine and I returned the kiss. After a while we pulled away, suddenly I heard a knock in the door and I panicked, luckily I lock my bedroom door at night.

"Y/n, princess, are you okay?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, mom, I was sleeping" I answered, my voice slightly shaking.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Wait a minute" I answered, I opened the window again and let Finn out, but before he left I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, after he got to the floor safe, I waved him goodbye and closed the window.

I opened my door to see my mom smiling.

"I heard you crying, is everything alright?" she asked and I nodded.

"Just a bad dream" I answered.

"You know, a bad dream expresses your deepest fear, like a dream expresses your most wanted wish" she said and I smiled.

"It was pretty awful" I answered and we laughed while cleaning away my tears.

"Go to sleep darling, I know tomorrow is Sunday but we have to have breakfast at a restaurant with your uncle and his family" she said and I nodded.

"Goodnight mom" I said.

"Goodnight princess" she replied and left.

I closed the door without locking it and went back to sleep. They say the most important things in a person's life is what they wake up thinking and what they think last when going to sleep... and all I could think of, all I can ever think of is how thankful I am to have Finn and how much I love him.

Hope you liked this!
Anyway, I love you guys!
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