Unfortunately for Liam Louis did wake up and Liam could hear his cries from the shower. Luckily Karen woke up and cuddled the boy and called him down till Liam was out the shower. When Liam appeared Louis instantly reached for the man who happily took him into his arms. "Shh Baby, Papa was just having a shower." Liam said and Louis sniffled resting his head on Liam's shoulder Louis soon calmed down. "Shall we have a story" liam said. Louis shook his head snuggling more into liam.

"How's your head?" Liam asked. "Doesn't hurt as much." Louis mumbled. "Do you want to watch a film then?" Liam suggested and Louis slowly nodded. "Lion king." He asked and Liam nodded taking the boy downstairs along with pillows and blankets while Karen carried down Louis' lion and sheep cuddly toys as Louis already had his comfort blanket in his hand. Louis cuddled to Liam as they sat down and Karen set the film up before giving Louis his comfort items as the sucked his thumb. "Do you want anything to eat Li?" Karen asked her son as he cuddled with Louis. "Please, Get lou Some juice as well please." Liam asked and Karen nodded heading into the kitchen.

Harry slept most the night. Harry had been up once in the night coughing but it wasn't too bad and was still fast asleep. When Niall woke up he snuck into the room his dad was sleeping in and climbed in next to Harry cuddling into his side and waiting for him to wake up. Harry stirred and tried to move his hand to cough but couldn't He was confused at first before looking down and seeing Niall had curled himself into his side. Harry smiled at Niall who had fallen back to sleep in his arms.

He then used his arm to cough. Harry's coughing made Niall wake up who looked up at his dad worried not really sure what to do. Niall went to wake his grandma up as she would know what to do. Anne woke up to the sound of her bedroom door opening and smiled seeing Niall thinking he just wanted breakfast. "Grandma dads coughing loads and I don't know what to do." Niall said looking quite panicky and Anne was out of bed straight away telling Niall to just cuddle with Robin. Robin was still asleep so niall woke his grandad up almost In tears. It took robin a few minutes. "Hey Ni bud, what's wrong" robin asked. "Dad coughing and scary" niall said.

Anne rushed into Harrys bedroom and rubbed her son's back as he coughed and it sounded much worse than yesterday and very chesty Robin sighed and wrapped Niall in a tight hug kissing his hair and telling him everything would be fine. "It's worse Haz." Anne said as she eased Harry out the coughing. "It's fine Mum." Harry said. "No It's not, and Niall's terrified himself." Anne said and Harry looked up then. "What why?" Harry said. "Why do you think, it's not the nicest sounding cough." Anne replied.Harry just snuggles into his mum. "Lets get some more cough medicine" Anne said as Harry moved slightly.Niall gripped his grandad so tight. Robin gently rocked Niall as the boy had climbed onto his lap. Harry let his mum up who headed off to get The medicine checking on Robin and Niall quickly before heading back to Harry. Robin gave his wife a look that he had niall.

As Anne got back to the room Harry had started coughing again. "Haz I think you should get this cough checked out Love." Anne said but Harry shook his head. "It's just a cough." Harry said sitting up but Anne wasn't as convinced. "Let's see how it goes over the weekend and if it's still like this Monday we will get you an appointment" Anne says hopeful they could avoid a&e over the weekend. Harry just nodded before taking the medicine and telling his mum he was going back to sleep. Anne then went downstairs to ring Liam hoping he was awake to get his advice about harry.

Karen answered the phone and Anne explained what was going on. "I would pass the phone over but Lou won't leave his side so don't want to worry him, May be text him for advice." Karen suggested Anne agreed and texted Liam as soon as she was off the phone with Karen. "Hey Li, hope lou is feeling better. Harry's come down with some kind of bad cough and I'm a bit stuck what to do and was hoping for some advice." Karen typed out before sending it.

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