Brady Tutton

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Requested By: Zaryswell

Zary's Pov:

“Hello, everyone,” I did my usual greeting of a simple wave as I started my new YouTube video. 

“I’m here today with my best friend Brady Tutton, come here you big goof!” I ushered him over and patted the spot right next to me.

You see, Brady and I had been best friends for about six years and I couldn’t have been any happier. I just loved hanging out with him and being around him in general. I realized that throughout our friendship, the small crush I had had upon meeting him, had only started to grow.

Recently, I couldn’t seem to help my mind wandering away towards memories we shared and how much I wished we were together. I knew how cliché it was to fall in love with my best friend, but I knew that in reality, that kind of stuff almost never happens, and knowing my luck, it will never happen to me.

“Hi, guys.” He shyly waved at the camera and sat very close to me on my bed. I almost forgot what I was going to say due to how close his proximity was, but thankfully, I regained my composure in time.

“Anyway, today we are going to do prank calls! Yay! I’m excited, are you excited?” Before he even got to reply, “-he’s excited too! So how this is going to work is that we have two hats: one with names of people we call-”

“And the other filled with what we’re going to tell them,” he finished off for me.

“Exactly! Okay, who’s first?” I turned myself towards him and shuffled back a little to be able to see his face.

He looked down at me and gave me a timid, lopsided smile that made me blush and giggle a little due to how cute he looked.

“Um, how about rock, paper, scissors?” He asked, holding his hand out in the rock shape.

“Okay, but I have to warn you, I am pretty good.” He snickered at my obvious lie.

After losing all three rounds, I pulled out a name.

“Michael Conor,” I pulled out another slip of paper from the other hat.  

“Ask them out on a date.” I looked shocked as I read it aloud. No offence to Mike, but he’s more of the best friend that you ask for advice from - it would be far too awkward to ask him on a date, but a dare’s a dare.

I looked up to see Brady's face turn a light shade of pink and he had his fists balled up by his sides. I just shrugged it off and got out my phone. I found his number and rang him, putting the phone on speaker.

I snuck a glance at Brady, noticing he was just as tense and seemed to be looking at the ground. Weird.

Michael picked up in about two rings.


“Hey Matt, it’s me Zary.”

“Yeah I know Zary, I have caller-ID,” he chuckled and I followed with my own giggle. I sneaked another glance at Brady to see he wasn’t as tense but his shoulders were slumped. I wonder what going on in that pretty little mind of his.

“Ah, yeah, forgot, but hey I was just wondering if you’d maybe wanna hang out sometime, you know as in-like a-” I couldn’t seem to say it.

“As in like a date?”

“Yeah, yeah one of those,” I smoothly (note the sarcasm) replied.

“Um, I can’t, sorry,” he replied a little too quickly.

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