What Kind Of Boyfriend He Is

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Drew- Best Friend; Drew will do everything to keep you happy. You two act like best friends and do almost everything together. You both know that you guys need space and you two respect that. And the fact that both of you realize that brings you closer. You two are completely comfortable acting stupid together & he kisses you randomly to remind you that you guys are still definitely more than friends.

Sergio- Sensitive; Sergio  was bullied as a kid, so that makes him very cautious about you. He doesn't want people to hurt you. He will cry when you cry because he hates when people make you feel bad about yourself. He will tell them off and kiss you just to let you know that you are the only thing in his world that makes him happy and that it shouldn't matter what other people think.

Chance- Funny; Chance loves to make you laugh/smile. He loves seeing you happy and doesn't want you to ever feel sad or the least bit down. He will do so many stupid things just for you to crack a smile.

Michael-  Smart; Michael can always tell when something is wrong or not going right. He will keep asking you what's wrong. You finally will give in and he will sit with you and thing of ways that you or him could do to make it better. He's just so smart and when he raps it makes him seem even smarter.

Brady-  Romantic; Brady will take his time planning what to do because he wants it perfect. He doesn't want to disappoint you, so he takes his time to make sure that you have everything and anything you need.

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