Drew Ramos

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Being positive was your motto. You really didn't see the point in spreading negativity, to you it was just not beneficial to anyone, so you didn't participate in spreading negativity. You were probably most likely to brighten someone's day, it was your personality. You thought that most people liked that, but sometimes they don't.

 Drew always seemed like he was either overly sarcastic, exceedingly bored with everything (and everyone), or annoyed with the world. You weren't too sure if he was your number one fan or even liked you for that matter. You try to cheer him up every now and again, even though you two aren't close, but you just want to see your crush be happy for once. It's not like he was sad, he was just always crabby. You usually say hi to him or something when you see him in class or when you see him in the hall, but more times than not, he doesn't seem like he wants to continue with a conversation with you. Grumpy as always.

"Hey," you say to him with a smile as you take your seat next to him.

"Hi," he says with an uninterested tone to his voice, and he continues to keep scrolling through his phone.

People usually respond with the same amount of energy as you give them when you greet them, so him responding this way sort of un-nerved you. You swallowed hard and smiled nervously again. Trying to light up the mood you jokingly say, "Turn that frown upside down, you don't want people to think you've never smiled before. It's like a rarity for you." You chuckle.

He turns and looks at you and says, "Well not everyone can be Ms. Sunshine like you," he turns back around, sighs, and continues to once again scroll on his phone. Apparently, you weren't as funny as you thought. You fidget with your hair knowing that encounter didn't go well at all.

The next day, you stopped saying hi to him in the hall and in class. When the two of you made eye contact, you would turn away quickly because your hopes of him liking you back diminished since yesterday. The whole day, he seemed like he noticed you not acknowledging him because he would turn and look at you with a confused expression on his face.

The bell rang and you were on your way out of class. When you exit the classroom door and enter the hallway, Drew grabs your wrist and pulls you aside.

"(Y/N)?" Drew says while pulling you aside.

"Yeah?" You say, looking as nervous as ever.

"Are you avoiding me, or ignoring me or something?" He asks with a concerned voice.

"No, I just–" You shrug.

"You usually talk to me and say hi or whatever." He says.

"Well, I just thought that you didn't really like when I did that, so I stopped. I didn't want to make you annoyed or anything." You say with a nervous chuckle while pulling a strand of hair behind your ear.

"What?" He asks furrowing his eyebrow.

"You just, you know don't seem in the mood to talk I figured. It's okay though I understand, everyone needs their space I guess." You answer.

"I hate how you do this," he says.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset again," you say turning to leave.

"No," he pulls you back. "I hate how you're so nice to me and I don't deserve it."

"It's okay, you're fine," you say to comfort him.

"No," he says still holding your wrists. "I'm just not good with my feelings and stuff. What I said yesterday, that sarcastic remark, I was like trying to flirt with you but it came out weird."

"Flirt?" You say with a chuckle.

"I'm so stupid." He says.

"You're fine!" You tell him.

"You're so happy all the time, and I'm just me y'know? I don't want you to be unhappy with me. I think I know a way I could make you happy though..." he says.

"And that is?" You say looking intently into his eyes.

"By going on a date with me. Look, I'm turning my frown upside down just for you. I'm making myself sound so lame right now just for you." He says laughing. Wow. That's the first. Now you get to see how cute he looks smiling.

"I'd love that."

He kisses your forehead, pulls you in and puts his arm around your shoulders.

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