Michael Conor

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It was quite a gloomy day and you woke up to your phone buzzing next to you. You looked at your phone only to realize it was your boyfriend Michael. 

'Hey babe' 1 hour ago 

'Babe lets hang out today' 40 minutes ago

'Wake up' 20 minutes ago

'I'm coming over' 1 minute ago

You widened your eyes at the thought because you just woke up.

You had a few minutes before he got there so you quickly brushed your teeth because hey who wants bad breath. You then put your hair in a messy bun and when you walked back into your room there was a shirtless figure in your bed. 

It was Michael. You smirked as he was shirtless and just wearing his pajama pants. You look down to realize you were wearing one of his shirts and some underwear. 

His back was facing you and you slowly snuck up to him and before you could attack he turned around and grabbed you by the waste and pulled you on top of him. 

"Michael!!", you giggled as he kissed you all around your face. "You think you can be sneaky with me". He turned you guys over and he was on top of you and you grabbed his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. 

"Good morning (Y/N)". He gave you that smirk that gives you butterfly's.
"Good morning" you smiled back. 
"Why didn't you answer my texts", he asked you. 
"Hey a girl needs her beauty sleep. and we texted until 1 am last night remember", you said back.
"Yeah I remember", he said smirking.
"Can we have a lazy day?"
"Only if you give me a kiss"
You give him a peck on the cheek and giggle.

"That's not what I meant", he says with a pout. 
You roll your eyes playfully and give him a hard kiss on the lips and pull away after a few seconds. You look at him to a see a wide smile and his cheeks slightly tinted with blush. As your both laying beside each other you look at him and see him smiling and trying not to giggle. 

You lean over and kiss his neck and jawline. You see him gulp and he suddenly turns over on top of you and kisses you all over his face. You can't help but giggle at his childish actions. He goes back beside you.

You looked over at your clock and realized it was 11am.

Your stomach gave a growl all of a sudden.
You both giggled.
"It's feeding time" you said.
His stomach grumbled then. "To the kitchen we go".
He got up and pulled you up and he bent his knees motioning to get on his back and you happily accepted. He carried you down the stairs to the kitchen and you jumped off and grabbed two bowls and two spoons while he grabbed cereal and milk.

You noticed a note on the fridge and read it out loud, "Emergency business trip, won't be back until tomorrow. Xoxo, Mom and Dad"
You turned around and he was smiling just as you were
You both happily ate your cereal in silence. It was a peaceful silence though, not an awkward one. You secretly admired his abs and biceps.

"Like what you see", he says as you guys put your cereal bowls in the sink.
"No", you say jokingly and blushing. "You have something on your chest", you say pointing at his chest. He looks down only for you to flick his chin back up. 

You giggle as you start to run back up the stairs as he is following closely behind you.
"Oh you are so going to get it now" he barely grabs you by the waste and spins you around and then throws you onto your bed and straddles you and starts to tickle you. 

"No-o pl-l-ease s-stop Michael." You say as you squirm from under him.
"Only if you say that Michael is the hottest guy in the world", as he says this he flexes his arm muscles only giving you a chance to escape and start tickling him. You turn him around so your straddling him and then lean down to kiss him again

You kiss down his jaw and say, "Michaelyou are the hottest guy in the world".
He grabs your butt and pulls you back up to his lips. In between kisses he says, "(Y/N) you are the hottest girl in the world". You giggle at this and kiss him one last time before laying down next to him. 

He starts to play with your hair and you outline his ribs as light as a feather with your finger. He gets goosebumps and you smile. He grabs you by the waist and puts his head in the crook of your neck.
"Can we stay like this all day?", he asks.
"Of course".
You stay there for a while admiring his messy brown hair and his blue eyes staring back at you.
You kiss his jawline a few times before pecking his nose. He kisses both sides of your cheeks and your forehead before he kisses you right on the lips. 

As you cuddle into his chest he whispers, "Sweet dreams baby", and you both doze off.
2 Hours Later
You wake up to his baby snores and you giggle causing him to stir. You look at the clock only to see its 1:00. You guys are in the spooning position and you manage to check your phone as you wait for him to wake up. It's been 10 minutes before his eyes open and he sees you scrolling through your phone and he kisses your neck, causing you to turn around and kiss him back. You both stretch out and you climb over him to go to the restroom and as you walk he grabs your hand and pulls you back

"Where do you think you're going?", He asks. 
"I have to pee" you reply. 
"But I'll miss you", he says pouting. 
"It will only take 1 minute", you say smiling and getting up again and as you walk he taps your butt causing you to shoot him a glare as you walk to the bathroom.

When you walk out he isn't there so you walk downstairs but can't find him so you look through the house until he grabs you by the waist and kisses you harshly against the wall. You kiss back and you fight for dominance and he wins but after many minutes although it seems like seconds you pull away.

"What was that about?", You smile while looking down at your feet.
He lifts your chin and says, "because you're a cutie" he smiles back.
You grab some snacks and your favorite movies and head to the couch to watch a movie. Three movies later your about to fall asleep and 
Michael carries you up to your bed and sets you down and he slides next to you and then as you both whisper sweet nothings into each other's ear you are both about to fall asleep wishing this would never end. 

Right before you doze off. you hear him say "I love you" and before your eyes shut you say, "I love you more". Causing him to smile and you both tighten each other's grip on one another before falling asleep happily.

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