Brady Tutton

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"Where the heck are we going Brady" You sighed heavily.

"You'll see." He says.

It's a Friday night. About to turn 8:00 pm. You were beyond tired with all the exams eating you alive, and you absolutely hated surprises.

As you drove, he had a blindfold around your eyes, so you didn't know where you were." Did you know that sometimes you are very creepy? What if your a serial killer, awaiting my doom." You giggle.

"You know I would find other ways to torture you." He teases as he squeezes your left thigh, making you squeal.

He knew your weakness. Tickling.

You swap at his arm." No fair! I can't see." You move your arms to try to grasp him, only to find out your hands were really near the manhood area.

The car swerves a bit, and a sudden stop, making you jerk your head." What the hell." You sputter.

"Contain your hands y/n. I know I'm so irresistible."

"Oh, please. You want my hands all over you." You put your hand in the air, feeling his cheek which warmed with embarrassment.


The car finally went to a stop." We're here." He says.

"As you take off the blindfold, you see the best store in America.

Barnes and Noble.

You're in love with this store and you can get lost in it for days. But why were you here, your always here stuck in a book.

Before you can speak, Brady opens your car door and leads you to the store.

"Why are we here Brady You know this is my kryptonite, I can get lost in here for days."

"Because you have been complaining you couldn't find that book called The Darkest Minds for weeks. So I traveled to ten Barnes and Nobles bookstores to see if I could find it. Low and behold, they have it."

You smiled ear to ear. This was the sweetest thing someone has ever done for you. Going around the state to find a specific book must have taken a lot of patience.

"You are so sweet." You squeeze your hand, forgetting that your hand and his were connecting.

He leads you to the area where he found it, and within minutes you move to the check stand.

"11.99." Says the checker.

You're about to pull out your wallet until Brady stops you." Nope. I'm paying."

You're about to protest, but he already handed her the money.

"You didn't have to do that." You say as you walk to his car.

"Well, I did."

"I have to pay you back." You start pulling out your wallet again, feeling guilty.

He stops your hand." I think I can find another way for you to pay me back." A nervous smile appears on his cheeks as they turn a light pink.

"And what is that?" You furrow your brows, confused.

"Kiss me."

Now that sure shocked you." What?"

Before you can say anymore he presses his lips to yours in a comforting molds. He pulls back fast realizing your still in shock." I'm sorry, I just-"

And then it's your turn to stop his mumbles as you kiss him once more, bringing him closer to you ever before.

Aww so cute, I hope you guys enjoyed this Imagine. Don't forget that my requests are open


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