Michael Conor

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You sat down at your usual table full of friends in your after-school hangout.

You, Michael, Ben, Samantha, Casey, Jonathan, Jenny and more all sat around the big table.

"Hey, how'd you get that." You hover over Michael's math paper.

"Oh, well you cross subtract the two variable and then multiply them." He writes it down on your paper while explaining it.

"Well damn, I'm dumb."

"It's not like your not smart." He smirks at you.

You lean back in your chair and cross your arms." Really?"

"Uh, yes." He playfully pushes your arm." Remember that English project, you helped me all day before the period." He rubs your shoulder softly.

Your cheeks brighten.

"Aw, look at Michael and y/n having a moment." Sighed Jenny.

Your attention went right to her with a glare." Shut up." You grit out.

Almost everyone in the entire table knew you had a major crush on Michael. They made it worse each time since he joined your group of friends.

"I second it." Chimed in Jonathan with his knowing smirk of his." #(ship name)." He puts up the hashtag with his two hands.

The whole table starts to erupt with laughter, y/c cheeks were beyond red, but he found it amusing as well. "This is awkward. I'm going to get something from my locker." Y/c says and walks away.

You glare at your fellow friends." Why do guys hate me!"

"We don't! We know he likes you." Casey says.

"Yeah sure." You cross your arms. "Well fucking stop. And I mean it. All of you, I'm serious." You grit your teeth.

"Fine." They all say.

When Michael comes back, everyone is quiet as a mouse, but you can see there grin forming when he leaves and only gives you a hug.

Your cheeks brighten." Don't." You say to your friends, warning them.


You walked around school with your friends Samantha and Ben, you started ranting on how everyone else was being annoying by saying they ship you with Michael. You guys suddenly stopped at a wall side.

"We are sure that he likes you," Samantha says.

"Why would Michael like me anyways? I see no signs."

As you go around the corner  Michael is right there. His cheeks are bright as a pink cloud. Oops. He must have heard almost everything and anything. To the fact that you really like him and that everyone is fucking rude for making it awkward as it is because you know for sure he wouldn't like you. That's exactly what you said then some.

"H-hi." You say stuttering.

"That's our cue." Samantha grabs Ben's arm and pulls him away.

"Hey! I want to watch." Ben says as his voice gets lower and lower.

You're about to turn around and run away, but Michael spins you around." You like me?" He asks while furrowing his brows.

You nod. Might as well confess.

You couldn't handle rejection. You just couldn't. The bell ranged for the first period and as soon as it did you started walking to the first period." I gotta get to class." You mumble and you start running down the hall. You couldn't breathe in any air.

"Wait." You hear him and he tries to run after you, but the crowded kids storming into the building, you lose him.

Throughout the periods you had with, you avoided by any means.

"Y/n." You hear him whisper in your sitting in your 2nd period." Please talk to me."

You shake your head and repel with tears falling.

3rd and 4th were easier to ignore him, but as soon as you get out of 4th period to get to lunch you see him waiting for you from outside.

You walk down the hallway, ignoring him.

"Y/n." He runs to you meeting your speed.

"What do you want Michael ." You say swallowing your tears.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He challenges you as he grabs your shoulder making you stop walking.

"Because I like you and you don't like me. There's not much to talk about." You say. You take his hand away from your shoulder and start walking again. He doesn't follow you this time. Which breaks your heart and mends it at the same time.

"Well, Man. I do like you." He says after you took a couple steps.

That stopped your steps." What?" You whisper.

"I do." He says and walks behind you.

He spins you around and puts his hands on your cheeks making you look at him.

"When did you start?"

"Shut up and kiss me." He says.

You smile and right when your lips touch, you hear whistles.

"I knew it! Girl give me your money." Casey says to Ben.

"Crap," Ben says and gives her five dollars.

You giggle at there little bet, you would have been pissed if it weren't for Michael. He turns your face and connects his lips with his.

Tingles went to your lips. Your arm goes around his torso as you drop your binder and kiss him right back. As you break apart from that sweet kiss he brings his hand to your hips, and yours to his neck.

"So will you go out with me next Friday to the movies?"

"Yes." You nod, your cheeks hurt so much from smiling, he was smiling as big as yours.

He kisses you again, but more passionately and longer as he squeezes your waist.

You couldn't believe you were dating Michael. Not one bit.

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