Chance Perez

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It's been 3 days. 3 boring days. It all started on last Friday when you guys had a moment. You were at his house studying for English...


"5. Is Nick Carraway necessary? If we got the story through a third person omniscient narrator, what would we lose? Gain?" Chance read aloud.

"I think he is necessary because you get to see in someone else's eyes, and see his opinion in it all." You state.

Chance shrugs." In all honesty, I think Nick is the most useless character. Without him what do you lose... Nothing."

"How could you say that! Without him, Gastby and Daisy would never have reunited." You say frustrated.

"I'm sure Gastby would have some balls sooner or later, Nick just sped it up, that's all."

"Uh, no. He-" you look up at Chance. His cheeks displayed a smirk. He was only arguing with you to get a you irritated. He knew that Nick was one your favorite characters.

"You jackass! You only like to piss me off. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." You say this while trying to push him off his bed.

"Oh wow such a threat Shehulk." He holds your arms so you wouldn't push him off.

You try to hold in your laugh but you couldn't hold it anymore, so your limbs went limp. Making you laughing so hard you fall back on the bed.

"What's so funny?" He laughs along with you. He hovers over you slightly.

You finally settle down and look up at him." I'm just happy that's all." You make me happy.

You loved hanging out with Chance . Especially since you've liked him for over a year now.

"Happy? Happy that I was getting you angry."

You shake your head, closing your eyes. "Why do you like pissing me off?"

"Your adorable when your mad."

Your cheeks redden. You cover your face to conceal the pick cheeks and groan.

"Let's finish this assignment before it gets to late and we end up bingeing on The Walking Dead and pushing it off till Sunday night at midnight over Skype." He grabs your arms and pulls you up.

Suddenly his phone rings. He looks at his phone and clicks it off.

"Who was that?"

"Just (crush's girlfriend's name/ c/g/n)." He says casually.

"She's going to be pissed if you don't answer, especially if she knows I'm here."

"She doesn't..."

"Chance!" You slap his arm." You do like to piss me off, don't you. You remember last time that happened. She was livid."

"Can we not right not."

You groan in response.

"6. Do you think Daisy really loved Gastby?" Chance read

"Nope." You say easily.


"If she truly loved him she would have left her husband and went with Gastby."

"Daisy was in a hard situation. Her old love, over her new one. She just chose the most logical choice. She loved both."

"Instead of choosing "logically" she should have used her heart. You shouldn't just think 'oh since I've been married for so long that I should stay with my husband.'" You put your hands up for quotes.

"And that's where your wrong y/n." He says softly, he moves his body towards you. "I'm sure that Daisy thought about Gastby everyday. Every hour. And I'm sure her husband would be livid if he found out that Daisy and Gastby were sneaking around as well. But that didn't stop Daisy, she wanted to be with Gastby, but things just got in the way." By this time his face was mere meters away from you.

You now understood that he wasn't talking about Gastby and Daisy, more like you and him. You couldn't believe he liked you.

"What things got in the way?" You whisper back. You were shocked and couldn't move a muscle.

"Things." His lips are the closes they can be before pressing to yours.

"I don't want us to be Gastby and Daisy." You whisper. And you also weren't a homewreker.

He breaks out of the trance and moved back. He shakes his head back and fourth slowly.

"I think I should go." You say hastily, as you get off the bed.

He stays silent, breathing heavily.

As you grab your books, you head to the door, right before you shut it, you here him call out to your name and then rustling from getting off his bed. Once you step on the first step of his stairs you bolt outside and run to your car so you won't be tempted to hear what he has to say.


You thought the weekend was enough time to clear the air, but then here came 3 days.
You thought everything was going to blow over. Yes, you liked him, but your friendship meant more since you knew that there was know possibility of him choosing you.

You didn't want to be Gastby.

You saw him by his locker. This was it, he can either take it or leave your friendship.

"Hey." You say cheerily as you walk next to him.

"Hey." He mumbles not even giving you a second glance. He walks away towards the other direction.

"Chance! Why is my best friend avoiding me?" You scream at him.

He doesn't say anything, but he stops walking.

"I thought this whole thing would blow over by now."

"It has." His voice says chillingly.

"Then stop avoiding me."

He turns to you and walks right in front of you, making you get pushed into his locker. His minty breath fans over your face, making your breathing lose control. For a spilt second, you would let his lips touch yours. For a spilt second, you would thread your fingers through his hair.

Instead he stops right before his lips touch yours." This is why I've been avoiding you. Every time I'm near you, all I want to do is touch your lips against mine, but it wouldn't be fair to c/g/n or you."

"Then break up with her." You say simply.

"It's not that easy." He groans.

"What's not easy. You like me, I like you."

"You like me?" His vulnerability showed through his eyes.

You nod.
You see slight happiness within his eyes. He moves closer to and you close your eyes, expecting a kiss, but instead you receive a kiss on the cheek.

"I need time." He says.

"Then I need space." You push him away and walk away from him.

"Wait!" He pulls your arm.

"You're just like Daisy!" You scream at him trying to pull your arm away.

"I'll prove it too. I promise you that I'm nothing like Daisy. If anything I'm Nick."

"I thought you hated him."

"I only said that to only see your bright pink cheeks." He says trying to make you smile.

"Don't try to swoon me." You look away from his face so you won't crack a smile.

"Please, I need my time to think."

You wait a second trying to collect your thought.

You sigh with defeat." Fine, I'll give you a week. After that, if you choose y/g/c, we pretend all this never happened."

"But you don't know if I-"

"Don't get my hopes up." You grit out.



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