Michael Conor

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Requested By: bubbles0203

Leane's Pov:

Today I'm going shopping with my friends, Ally, Victoria and Becky. I'm really excited because I haven't seen them in a while.

I texted them about 15 minutes ago and the said they would be here in 30 minutes or less. So I'm just waiting for them.

If you are wondering how we became friends is we all love the boy band "In Real Life", which consists of Michael Conor, Drew Ramos, Chance Perez, Brady Tutton, and Sergio Calderon.

I've always had a crush on Michael and the rest of my friends just switch lanes one day their in Drew's lane. The next day their in Chance's lane.

So I don't really know who they like but I've always stanned Michael Conor only. I mean how could you NOT like him.

I mean he is a rapper, he can play violin what more could you need in a guy and he can play basketball. Like yes. But that is how we became friends.

Then, I hear a knock at the door. "Knock, Knock, Knock". I get up from the couch to go answer it. At the door were my friends.

"Hey guys" I said as I hugged them

"Hey Leane" They all said

"Are you ready to go?" They asked

"Yes" I said

So with that we all left my house and we got into Becky's car and drove to the mall. We were jamming out to song all the way there.

We were listening to "Havana", "Perfect" "Finesse". All of the freaking jams. I swear we would get pulled over for being too loud we were belting the lyrics out a full voice.

But after singing and dancing in the car, we finally arrive at the mall. I already know what I'm buying some shoes, and some shirts.

"What are you guys buying?" I asked

"I don't know" Ally said

"I'm going to buy a selfie stick" Becky said

"I'm going to get me some new shoes and shirts" Victoria said

"Me too" I said

So with that we all split up into our separate ways except me and Victoria we stayed together, since we were getting the same thing.

We first went to forever 21 where I got me some cute shirts and some high-waisted shorts. And Becky got some high-waisted jeans and a belt to go with it.

"I like you pants girl" I say


I've never listened or pay attention to the music that they play in the store but that was until I heard this very familiar song.

"HEY THAT'S TATTOO" I screamed

"Leane stop screaming" Victoria said

We were on the mall walk around singing the song very loudly. We didn't care who was looking at us all we wanted to  do was sing and sing and that's what we did.

Then Michael's part came on and I couldn't help but rap along to it. I hit every note perfectly. No mess ups.

"Uh cutting all my distractions

No tasks cuz baby I don't want no attachments

Maybe this is perfect and I'm overreacting

But maybe I'm just missing something I haven't had yet

How bout you?

You really think that we could work together

But if it don't last you gonna hurt forever

You say maybe we should give it a chance

Cancel our plans and really hope that you understand, it's like"

I was rudely interrupted by Victoria.

"Don't look behind you" Victoria said

"Why?" I asked

"Just don't, trust me" Victoria said

Then I turned around and saw Michael Conor and the boys and I started freaking out in my head thinking.

"Did they hear me?"

"Did they hear us?"

Honestly I don't even know I hope Michael didn't hear me because that would be really embarrassing for me.

He starts walking over towards my way and I start to get really nervous and shaky.

"Ooo Leane he is coming for you" Victoria said

"Shut up" I said

Hi um my name is Michael Conor and I hear you rapping and singing and just thought to tell you that you sounded really beautiful" Michael says

"Thanks" I say while blushing

"So can I get your number" Michael says


Then I put my number in his phone and he put his number in mines.

"What's your name?" Michael asks

"Leane" I told him

"Will see you around Leane" Michael says

Then he kisses me on the cheek

Wow did I really just get Michael Conor's number? The boy that I've been crushing on since Boy Band. Wow I'm in shock I have to tell the girls about this.

~Group Chat~

You- Guess what guys?



Ally- What

You- I met Michael Conor and he gave me his phone number!!

Victoria- Tru I was there


Ally-^^ Same

Then I left the group chat.

After that we all met up and went home to our houses. I came home with some clothes, shoes and Michael Conor's phone number

Victoria came home with jeans and shirts and Chance Perez's phone number.

Ally cam home with nothing and Becky cam home with cheese fries.

Overall it was a good night and I would not trade it for nothing else in the world.

Remember "Even with you eyes closed your beautiful".

Thanks for requesting and voting Leane. I hoped you liked you imagine it as really fun to write. Once again thanks.


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